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15 years ago

hmmm seems like it might me ok

15 years ago

a bit vague, but I expected that

15 years ago

i like this BSG2

15 years ago

One of the reasons I will like this show is because of its “What do we do next?” situations that it will put the characters through. SG-1 and SGA were based on pre-planning and preparation to start their various adventures. The people of SGU aren’t prepared. Every step they take can lessen or grow their chance of survival. This will create a palpable tension. Even this short trailer makes it feel more “real world” to me than the other Stargate shows.

15 years ago

I really hate to say it, but at a first glance this looks like a cheap, typical SciFi thriller. Maybe it was how it was edited or something. I’ll still give the pilot eps a chance.

Sister Sue
Sister Sue
15 years ago

Can’t wait!

15 years ago

Is it me or is their gate smaller than average gates? It feels like there’s 8 chevrons instead of 9. Does anyone have a better image of the new gate?

15 years ago

it looks like 9 to me, with 3 on each side + 1 on the top and 2 on the {B}

As for the trailer.. all i can say is O.M.F.G can’t wait for Stargate Universe :)

15 years ago

Thanks Gateworld your the best

15 years ago

This will be EPIC. Can’t wait for the return of Stargate!

I don’t think anything can top the BSG finale though. The best anything I’ve ever seen. Period.

15 years ago

Can’t wait for the series, I was expecting the preview to be vague and it definately was

15 years ago

It looks pretty good :) I’m eager to see how this connects with the established mythos and story of SG1 and SGA. They haven’t seeded any indicators, foreshadowing, hints, anything in SG1 or SGA to suggest anything about this Ancient ship, Destiny, or any sort of new expedition or undertaking. At least none that I’m aware of. The only thing that comes to mind is the top secret mission the Odyssey is on that was mentioned in “Enemy at the Gate,” but I was under the impression that that was likely a hint for the next SGA or SG1 movie.

15 years ago

Maybe it just looks smaller to me because the chevrons look bigger than before. IDK, it would make sense for why it would have 8 chevrons though, since it doesn’t need to dial itself.

15 years ago

Wow that was great you can’t really see the gate that well
i am really excited

15 years ago

Um…. WOW!!! :D

I’m glad that we got to see the gate.

15 years ago

Well… it’s errr… different

15 years ago

All the naysayers are just afraid of change. Universe is about the only way to keep Stargate going and keep it in the spotlight (a place where it has not been for several years now). And so what it looks like BSG – BSG was a brilliant show and has those extra ingredients needed to bring Stargate up to the next level. It’s not change it’s progression. People thought cancelling SG1 was a bad move but the movies turned out pretty damn good. If people can’t trust in what the show runners are doing, bearing in mind they’ve provided us… Read more »

15 years ago

My fears have been confirmed, looks good and high quality, but not a family show. Sham there are already too many scifi thrillers on TV I’m still searching for a show our whole family can enjoy. I will watch it though. Nobody say that you can’t tell anything from this trailer because I can’t say anyway this show will be a PG. I know some people may think I’m just a hater who is afraid of change, and yes I am afraid of change there was nothing wrong with the show how it was, they are just changing to fit… Read more »

15 years ago

By the way I HATED bsg with a passion that is one of the reasons I liked the family friendly aspect of SG1 soo much.
I honestly don’t care how many season this show does as long as they still make SG1 moves.
I may watch it but not care for it as much as there are alot of dark TV shows out there and I only have a limited time to watch them (after the kids have gone to bed)

15 years ago

mmmm, white chevrons…. i don’t like that

15 years ago

coooool looking stargate design!!!!

15 years ago

Go on.

Call it 90210 now…

Looks great!

15 years ago

This is what i was hoping for! looks incredible!! The franchise needs a new jumpstart. The thing i liked best about stargate is the world and “universe” it takes place in. Its a deep and fascinating enviroment for endless storytelling. Now you add a deep desperate tone to that story telling and i think you have something special. Yet, it is all up the the cast to pull it off. In order for this to work they will have to get us invested in these characters quickly and emotionally. I understand being woirried about loosing our SG wit and humor… Read more »

Michael Sacal
Michael Sacal
15 years ago

I wonder if whoever attacked the base they escaped from followed them to the ship, which begs the question, while they can’t dial home from the ship, can’t someone dial the ship from the base they came from?

15 years ago

Oui… I can see why they premiered that teaser during BSG…

The gate definitely looks smaller, maybe because it’s on a ship?

Yeah, I’ll watch the premire to see what it’s all about, but *nothing* I’ve seen has made me the least bit excited about it. Just curious, in a sort of a “watch the train wreck” sort of way. Hey, I could be wrong, it could be greatly popular, but that doesn’t mean that I’m going to like it. Definitely have reservations, even with the teaser….

15 years ago

This is very, very concerning. It does look like a carbon copy of BSG. The first three seasons of BSG were ok but, the 4th i stopped watching because it was so fracking stupid. I mean these people are fighting for their lives and let’s bicker and fight over petty crap. — I don’t think so. I loved the series finale though — that was good writing. My fear is that this is going to be just like it with all the petty crap about who’s in charge, the petty BS of romantic entanglements and love triangles, etc… I was… Read more »

15 years ago

Fantastically awesome!!!! I cannot wait for “Stargate: Universe”!!!! :) :) :)

15 years ago

Looks Great!
Darker and more edgy than the other 2.. Defiantly going in the right direction.
Looking forward to seeing his.

15 years ago

I can only count 7 chevrons….why can i only count 7 chevrons….wait are there only 7 chevrons some one needs to have a sit down with me

15 years ago

I think the other chevrons are just being blocked by the other people.

15 years ago

Tell ya’ll what, I have nothing but interest for SGU, comparatively, i have a lot of interest for Caprica,so we’ll see.

15 years ago

The Gate looks like a cross between the Milky Way and Pegasus system, with blue lights and what looks like a inner ring that moves. Hopefully after the first 6 episodes now that the characters have settled down we get to see gate travel and gate related problems, all episodes in a ship will bore eventually.

Hopefully this series will bring a new twist to the series but not pull away from the established mytgology.

15 years ago

Looks very BSG like to me but could be interesting

15 years ago

Jayb44 has a great point – no other SG team has ever been in such a tight spot which does not leave too much room for humour!

15 years ago

it looks like Rising except someone forgot to switch on the lights and everyone tripped on the first step. Seems to me Atlantis started out like Voyager and then morphed into a DS9. Universe shaping up to be Voyager. I’m not liking the pattern. I hope I’m wrong and they give us something unique.

15 years ago

I am pissed to see the color of the gate is not the original red. The Ancients put gates in Milky Way, Ida(Asgard galaxy) and the Ori/Ancients home galaxy the gates in universe should match because of the same time frame. Millions of year later when the Ancients left for Pegasus they changed the gate. Why would they put red gates at home, change to the ones shown on the promo then back to the red for milky way and Ida? The only other thing I can think is maybe their home galaxy, Milky Way and Ida were the first… Read more »

15 years ago

I think the new gate has a lighter color than the Pegasus gate. It looks like it could be the gates in the Ori galaxy.

15 years ago

im not hating it yet, but so far im not liking it at all. So many random people together and if i want survival drama ill watch BSG, but thats why I hated BSG. o lets cry for a whole episode because my shoe is untied.

15 years ago

Man If all you guys think stargate universe is turning into 90210, you must be ancient. Like 70 years old or something. These actors are not that young at all. All of people need to stop whining and give the show a chance. And there’s nothing wrong with having attractive actors at all. It gets more people to watch. Personally, I’d rather the main characters be attractive so that I can fully enjoy watching them, not be thinking “damn is he ugly!” at the same time.

15 years ago

Wow, the gate is modeled after the atlantis gate more than the Milky Way gates, or so it appears. Also what color are the chevron, is it blue or purple, I can’t really tell from the one pic they give. And the gate kind of seems smaller, I don’t know, not a lot of info yet

But I agree this looks incredible.

15 years ago

Look, no personal jibes eh!, people are intitled to their opinion.

Let’s not count our chickens before they hatch either.

We’ve only seen a clip. Yes, it definitely has the colour and dark mood of BSG. Do I like it , No!. I don’t think this departure bodes well for what was a brilliant franchise.

We’ll see, we’ll see, we’ll see.

15 years ago

Does anyone know if there is a high quality image of the new Stargate available?

15 years ago

Ok . . the teaser is better than most of the Stargate Franchise combined!! It has a sort of Battlestar Galactica feel to it and appears to take Stargate into that dark, gripping place where BSG lies.
Mixing up my two top shows was an awesome move . . i am SO freaking excited!! This year is going to be a blast!!
Thank you STARGATE!!

15 years ago

In the link below.. you can see there are 9 chevrons on the Universe Gate…

15 years ago

well i am looking forward to it. I think it will all work out just fine. Im also sure there will be some humor in it also. You wouldnt be able to call it stargate without just a little… right??? I cant wait until it airs. Hope everyone is looking forward to it at least a little bit

15 years ago

So what if it’s darker? Think about it, it’s a ship sent far away, with a gate on board for people to come on board. The ship itself is unpopulated. Why wouldn’t it be dark. Do you guys really expect that there would be bright lights for no one on board? Remember when Atlantis was first boarded by humans, it was completely dark, and it became brighter once it rose from the surface. This is just a promo, don’t judge the entire series by it.

15 years ago

(post script) Alteran 1, There’s nothing wrong with being 70. Some of the cast are young and very good looking, which makes us think that a younger audience is being catered for. Nothing wrong with that but, does that mean what gets more people to watch is not the calibre of the work?. Perhap the other people who posted come from a loyal Stargate fan base who resent the axing of the shows. I identify with them. And on some level they identified with the shows. Look eye candy is fine, I get that, but we are an intellient species,… Read more »

15 years ago

Idk, hopefully we’ll see the return of the Nox and the Asguard. There’s nothing that says the Asguard had other lost tribes, and the Nox we saw in the Milky Way was a colony of Nox from another galaxy.

15 years ago

Haha, I am vaguely surprised by the audacity of the SG producers in thinking they can make BSG 2. Putting aside the questionability of whether they can pull it off or not, the balls it takes to do that just when BSG has ended must be enormous.

15 years ago

It’s occured to me that the people who can’t see the cast photo may have an older graphics card or pc.

Just a thought!.

Wingsabre -(cool name) I also think the Asgard in particular, were a brilliant concept. But since they can’t reproduce in the biblical sense and were a dying race, it’s unlikely they’ll return.

I reckon they will develope a whole new concept of alien, that’s if they are not spending too much time consentrating on the humans all the time.