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14 years ago

Wow, it’s out already. I’m so looking forward to this one. Will listen to it on my way from work. Thanks for posting it so early!

14 years ago

Really enjoyed this podcast, there are a few things that could have been mentioned, like VS’s that really are offshoots rather than fanfic and create whole new universes and mythologies of thier own. I would have liked to have heard something relating to that. In relation to the 90% girls, i actually only know 4 female fanfic writers, nearly all the VS’s, the fleets and alot of the fanfic i have read is actually done by men. I dont read slash and ship and so im missing alot but there are alot of male FF writers. You need to read… Read more »

14 years ago

Very much enjoyed this podcast. Interesting topic, I never read fanfic before I got into watching SGA. Even though I had always slashed Jack/Daniel, I never knew what was out there. My favorite shows always have had one or more male characters that I can fantasize as being in a slash type relationship but I never had any validation that others saw things the same way. That is, till I started reading fanfic. Now that I have read an insane amount of it (slash/gen/het – I love it all) I find it has enhanced my enjoyment of the shows no… Read more »

14 years ago

listener question

how did i feel about “the ark of truth” one word “replicator” i didn’t see that coming which is nice to see from a show that’s been on tv for ten years. overall ark of truth was a much more satisfying ending to the series then “unending”

paul AKA pharaoh atem

14 years ago

I’ll be honest, I bought Ark of Truth (and Continuum) to support the franchise in the hopes they’d give us one more season of SGA.
See how that turned out…
Haven’t watched either one of them yet. I think I would have if I wasn’t so angry at TPTB for the cancellation. Sorry.

14 years ago

I must admit, I was worried about this podcast. I was waiting for the horror! and disgust! to be spewed about fanfic — something I discovered ten years ago as a 13-year-old Stargate fan. In those pre-spell check days I wrote page after page (hours upon hours), and while most of that never saw the light of day, it really inspired me to write, to be creative, and to actually start posting once I got progressively better. And while I’ve never had any interest in being a professional novelist, that love of writing did put me onto the path of… Read more »

14 years ago

While I realize that authors as esteemed as Larry Niven have written Star Trek fan fiction, it has always seemed lame to me. And the lamest of the lame is slash fiction. While David Hewlett and Joe Flanigan may be sexually appealing to some viewers of Stargate Atlantis, they play characters who are sexually attracted to women – not men. I am sure that lots of men would like to see the two girls do each other; however, this does not mean that it will ever happen and this does not give their fans the moral right to write… Read more »

14 years ago

re ^^ there is no desire on my part (at least) whatsoever to read anything about the actors in a relationship, it is all about the characters that they play. And as fictional characters, they are simply artistic constructs open to interpretation, including whether they are hetero or homosexual or anything in between. Exactly the same as if we were to write about characters in a book that never had actors to represent them in a movie or tv show. If I were playing a character I’d have no absolutely objection to anyone writing slash, it’s not me. We shouldn’t… Read more »

14 years ago

Besides which, many actors, including the two you named above, have portrayed gay characters in other shows. I hardly think that it is a factor for most working actors today.

14 years ago


My point was that the characters, not the actors, should be respected. However, some actors (you know who) have been offended by slash fiction.


14 years ago

I’m surprised you didn’t ask our fanfic community for an interview.

14 years ago

I’ve read some really good SG-1 fanfic actually, and I usually find that stuff pretty pointless and silly. But one writer in particular who did a number of Dr. Fraiser POV stories offering character-based denouements to various episodes is quite gifted and respectful to the series. I enjoyed those quite a lot.

14 years ago

Best line: “If I want real life I’ll go out and sit on the street.” Exactly! So impressed when I heard that. I say something so similar all the time! Just not word for word. Its like my viewing motto. :P

14 years ago

Problem with all of this for me is that I am a very visual type. The bigger the screen sci-fi is shown on the more into it I am. I know many people can create their own worlds when reading but not me. When I read, I read biography’s and the type but not usually stories. Thats why I can’t wait for SGU. And I can’t believe all the other syfy shows are ending this week. What are they making now, 10 to 13 episodes. What a shame. Hey, as for the pod-cast though, always entertaining.