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12 years ago

“Moebius Squared” Sounds like really good fun :-)

12 years ago

I like the sound of “Moebius Squared”! Alternate Sam/Jack ‘ship hopes! :)

12 years ago

This is great news. I’ve had Oceans of Dust pre-ordered for quite a while now. Glad to see that there’s more to follow.

12 years ago

Amazon and Barnes and Noble both say that Oceans of Dust is not coming out until July 16th, so I’m curious as to where June 14th came from.

Very excited for Moebius Squared! :)

12 years ago

Finally – The Drift :-)

12 years ago

How long until you think they take over SGU with some Legacy novels?

12 years ago

and i dont plan on reading any of them. i want stargate in movie or show form. i do not care about the books. want o make a a stargate book? make one with all of the concept art from all of the shows. the dvds show us nothing.

12 years ago

I liked the first SGA novel by Jo G, but those silly, ridiculous Wraith names and the fact that they separated the team turned me off from reading the rest of them. What’s Atlantis without the TEAM???!!

12 years ago

Have been looking forward to several of these novels for a long time. So the announcement is nice but let’s see if MGM can keep to the appointed dates. I guarantee we will not see most of these novels out at the the dates given.

12 years ago

why write the same old same old, if you’re going to write something, write about the ancients or the ori or something equally as bold. why write about stuff that was shone better when each of the series had their time on the telly? Or at best write about alternative universes, but not the same old, same old; some one goes through the wormhole and combats the same old same old, and to survive the battle they use the O’Neil maneuver. It’s like Itachi’s Izanami zapped the lot of them and now, they to are caught in an never ending… Read more »

12 years ago

Reading some of these comments… *shakes head* Instead of being happy that at least the fans care enough about Stargate to carry on, to bring others new stories, all I read here is whining and moaning. A fandom like this really doesn’t deserve any better than to have its show die and be forgotten.

And if you think you can write better, than DO and stop complaining. Fandemonium is a fan based company. Write a book and send it to them. Everybody can whine, why not actually DO something about it instead?

12 years ago

Are they still publishing this rubbish? I gave up on them years ago, my local sci fi bookshop stopped stocking them around the same time. I’ve read a lot of tie-ins in my time but these are truly dreadful, like fan fiction with no beta reader.

12 years ago

I’m new to the books but I’ve read the 1st 2 SG1 books and I’m working on the 3rd. All I can say is they are 1000 times better than the Star Trek Voyager “legacy” series. I do not think those authors ever watched the show. At this point no new TV/Movies are going to be made, we may get one more TV movie at some point in the future if MGM can get straighten out. The best shot for Stargate as a franchise at this point is a soft reboot, new actors/new characters, a new group to follow as… Read more »

12 years ago

I agree mindwarped. I like good science fiction – Niven, Pournelle, Bova to name a few – and these are variable in quality, but all have been worth a read. Some have been quite well-written and imaginative. At any rate, they’re the only game in town as far as StarGate is concerned. It is not going to get any better than that.

12 years ago

I suppose it was wishful thinking to hope that Fandemonium would follow through on their promise and release Oceans of Dust on 14.6.12. Well it’s NOT available – yet again – that makes eighteen months of broken promises or more (I’ve lost count). I hear rumours that MGM are the culprits. All I can say is it’s no wonder they went bust with a deplorable record like that. Yet it was Fandemoniums email that alerted me to the 14.June release date. Sigh they realy hate us fans don’t they – or should I say former fan.

12 years ago

I just bought Oceans of Dust on Kindle. Looks like they are pretty close to schedule after all.

12 years ago

Well, after eighteen months of failed promises Oceans of Dust is available … to those with a kindle. Hard copies are still gonna be delayed and are NOT available until at least July 16 NOT June 14 as (once again) promised. I suppose those with a kindle will be happy. I’m still smarting over the endless, ENDLESS broken promises. Hope the book isn’t rubbish like some of the others Fandemonium have put out.

12 years ago

I’m about 40% into the book and so far I don’t think that it compares well with others in the series. I don’t have a Kindle. Don’t need one. The books can be read on any computer or even an android phone.

12 years ago

Oceans of Dust as a hard copy has been pushed back AGAIN to mid September. No word indeed no sign of the promised Heart’s Desire due out in under two weeks.

11 years ago

I have read all the books in the series and i am waiting for book 6 of the legacy series and can not wait for it. The Drift was suppose to be released last month and I have not heard a word nor do I know who to ask about it. anyone know anything?

11 years ago

Darren, thanks for the info on The Drift, anything on the legacy series, book 6? or any other info on other books to be released