Earth is under threat, a new foe is rising, and the Atlantis team discovers not only living Ancients but their own ancient foes … Replicators! This month we’re voting on the very best episodes, tech, character moments, and more from Stargate Atlantis‘s third season.
Stargate fans have nominated their favorites in each category, and the most-nominated appear on the official ballot below. To help Atlantis and its guest stars stand out a bit more, this month we’ve moved all SG-1 guest stars to their own category of “Best SG-1 Crossover.”
If you don’t see your favorites on the ballot, come back early next month to help us nomiate the best of Season Four! If someone doesn’t nominate it, it can’t appear on the ballot for voting.
You don’t have to be a Rewatch participant to vote, but please vote only once! Voting will close on August 31, and we’ll announce the winners for the month before the Stargate Rewatch continues into Atlantis Season Four in September.
Thank you for voting! The polls are now closed.
Yay! It let me vote this time!
(how is Kavan Smith a guest star?)
Anybody who isn’t a main cast member qualifies as a guest. I’m kinda surprised people have never thought to nominate actors like Kavan, David Nykl, etc.
Best Alien Race (Season Three)
The Asurans (“Progeny”) and The Ancients (“The Return, Part 1”)
are the same…
[…] ezen az oldalon lehet. A választási lehetőségek […]
I would’ve had No Man’s Land and First Strike as possible best episodes. I liked Tao of Rodney and Sunday, but I liked No Man’s Land and First Strike better. Besides, I think Sunday was a better vote for best Beckett moment. I admit, I did choke up when they killed off Beckett and I picked that as best Beckett moment because it evoked such emotion. In light of that heroic death, it kind of sucks the limbo they had him in later episodes. @bhorwith22: The Asurans and the Ancients are NOT the same. The Ancients asked us nicely if… Read more »
Ronon and Teyla got the shaft again. Very weak moments for both of them listed, but then again there is nothing better to choose from.
Why is “The Real World” not in the best episodes list? “The Tao of Rodney” and “Return pt2” are far superior to the others. Anyway, weird choice for best episodes
@rsanchez1 I apologize. I haven’t seen that episode in a long time, and for some reason, I thought it was the Asurans pretending to be the Ancients.
[…] on over to Gateworld and cast your vote in the Stargate Atlantis Season 3 Awards: Atlantis Season Three Awards: Vote Now! […]
What is going on??? Ive had a big red box show up after i vote saying /! There was a problem with your submission. Errors are marked below. /!
This has happened every vote for the last 4 or 5 months and ive been voting every time since the beginning, it does this on my call phone and my computer WTF??? do i need to email my votes??? because it still tells me BALLOT SUBMITTED, THANK YOU
If you’re seeing errors and not sure if your ballot submitted, please e-mail me your votes at webmaster -at- by August 31. (If you can no longer view the ballot, find it here.) Thanks!
I guess we just don’t think of David Nykl as a guest star. He’s part of the team you know! I am surprised that Connor Trineer was not nominated for a best guest star. I loved his role as Trip, but still Heyerdahl was outstanding as Todd. Can’t beat that role!
Are the anti-replicator guns alien technology? The original was built using the knowledge of the Ancients in SG1 season 8, but have been significantly re-engineered on Earth since then to make the ARGs seen in The Return Part 2.