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Steve B
Steve B
10 years ago

Not the most exciting episode but, it was good. It was kind of repetitive. Same stuff happening….bickering between Rush and whoever at the time. Too much like a soap opera and not scifi.

I wish they would’ve been able to tie off the series but, obviously that will not happen. I think the creators seriously got it wrong with SGU. They thought people would go for it if they just told them it was something different. Ooops. That’s not the case. Lol.

10 years ago

I don’t know, I liked it, almost as I did the other two series. It was different and it had the whole first season problems ever show has. The half end of the second season you could tell it was getting better. SGU was a different story with different storytelling but it had that Stargate flair that made it so good.