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3 years ago

One of those episodes that comes full circle at what everyone was doing at the end. Then you watch it again and it is that much better. Lots of touchy moments.

3 years ago
Reply to  LORD MONK

It gets worse watching again, not better. Heroes ruined the show.

Edmund Abordo
Edmund Abordo
3 years ago

I’m still watching this series, I’m sharing it with my girlfriend. I’ve watched this series, oh about ten times, love it bought the dvds and the ark of truth was so awesome as the second to the last of the ending series. Continuum could’ve been better, killing off Bal, but they should’ve revisited Kinthea, and the other worlds that they’ve said they’re gonna revisit. However, the ending did leave it open to more gate travels. So my question is: WHATS THE HOLD UP???!!!

Jennifer C.
Jennifer C.
3 years ago

I hate this episode, it ruined Stargate SG-1 and I enjoyed the show less an less from there. They killed off my favorite character. I hoped Janet would get a main role eventually, but my hopes were crushed. It’s one of the shows I no longer trust and at the same time want more where they can fix the mistakes. Thinking of Stargate from Heroes makes me feel dead inside. One of the few shows I stop at a certain point in EVERY rewatch. I don’t think it did her justice either, the episode she dies in isn’t even about… Read more »

3 years ago

Since it wasn’t the last season they technically lied and only fair thing they could do was to bring her back from season 8 and onwards. But they didn’t. They killed and revived SG-1 and ascended the Abydonians, so this is just screaming unfair all over. There are reasons I refuse to watch further, rewatch the show once a year and never finished seasons 9 and 10. Season 8 was hard enough. I was betrayed as a fan, why watch further when it upsets me from this point? They WANT to lose fans? They WANT to upset their fans? I… Read more »

3 years ago

What was the point of Heroes? Because they have no influence for the rest of the show, Janet was just fogotten about for the most part after this. So why pointlessly killing her off? Lazy and cheap writing is lazy and cheap. Why do they hate her fans? Why destroy the show with unfair decicions?

3 years ago

Why do the writers (or is that just Robert C. Cooper) hate Janet fans so much? They hated us so much they had to kill her to make us stop watching? They hated us so much they didn’t bring her back when they basically lied about season 7 being the last? Did they write her death episodes poorly just to spite us? (I mean, the death is ONLY relevant within Heroes and doesn’t serve ANY purpose outside those episodes. The only reason I made it to half season 10 was because I was waiting for her to come back, then… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Tara
3 years ago
Reply to  Tara

Tara, I’m sorry to hear how this story point has affected you. I remember it was a big blow to fans of SG-1 when it first aired many years ago. But I encourage you simply to rewatch those earlier seasons and enjoy the character, as I know you do. As for why the writers would make such a decision, I wouldn’t take it personally. Oftentimes in shows a beloved character will be killed off simply for dramatic effect or impact, even if it doesn’t serve any wider storyline. I think that’s the case with “Heroes.” It’s there to make an… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Darren

I…know that. I just think it proves that enough with other characters that died. It just really bothers me because I’m always unlucky with my favorites being killed off or written off the show, makes me distrust fiction overall. I just can’t watch those episodes or past that anymore. I’m on late season 6 in my current rewatch now and sad because soon there wont be anymore for me to watch. Always get like that when I get to this point in the show simply because there’s so much potential from mid season 7. I just think pointless character deaths… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Tara
3 years ago
Reply to  Darren

That makes it sound like military who loses their lives are forgotten, as Janet is pretty much forgotten about in-verse from there. All in all such a poor excuse to kill an important character off, when it pays no purpose whatsoever during the rest of the show.

Last edited 3 years ago by Will
3 years ago

These episodes made the show go downhill…

3 years ago

Ok, just curious. So imagine these episodes written the exact same way with the exact same aftermath for the rest of the show (two minor mentions and one brief cameo), but make this one change: It’s Sam who dies instead of Janet. Would YOU still enjoy the show from Heroes and onwards if this was the case? (I see Sam is your favorite) No one has ever understood me when I stop watching shows at certain points. And then it hit me, all the people I mentioned it to are lucky to have favorites who ISN’T killed off. So I… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Tara
1 year ago
Reply to  Tara

The lack of a reply to your question is proof enough he DOESN’T understand.

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