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SG-1 comes to the aid of a world about to be invaded by the Goa'uld, only to discover that the local king is Earth's Harry Maybourne.

DVD DISC: Season 8, Disc 4
DIRECTED BY: William Gereghty
STORY BY: Michael Greenburg & Peter DeLuise, Joseph Mallozzi & Paul Mullie
TELEPLAY BY: Joseph Mallozzi & Paul Mullie
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Transcript by Callie Sullivan

S.G.C. - BRIEFING ROOM. Jack and SG-1 are there.

CARTER: The war between Baal and the System Lords has reached a critical stage. According to Tok'ra intelligence, Bastet and Olokun are dead, Morrigan has capitulated, and Lord Yu and Amaterasu are rallying their armies for what will probably be their last stand.

TEAL'C: As we predicted, the Jaffa were no match for the Kull warriors.

CARTER: The Tok'ra also thought we should know, in the face of imminent defeat, some of the System Lords are actively seeking out areas of refuge. Planets they abandoned long ago are now being scouted as possible sanctuaries.

O'NEILL: And this affects us how?

JACKSON: One of these planets which used to fall under the domain of the System Lord Ares also happens to be the place where the Tok'ra dropped off one Harry Maybourne two years ago.

O'NEILL: And this affects us how?

CARTER: The Tok'ra have their hands full with more pressing matters. They strongly suggest we get to Maybourne before the Goa'uld do.

TEAL'C: If we do not retrieve him, Harry Maybourne faces certain capture. (Jack looks at him as if he really couldn't care, but Teal'c presses the point.) Torture, interrogation -- perhaps even death.

(Jack pauses for a moment, then grimaces.)

O'NEILL: Alright, fine. Go get him.

CARTER: Yes, sir.


PLANET. SG-1 step through the Stargate onto yet another green and wooded planet.

CARTER: According to the Tok'ra the people of this world are fairly primitive.

JACKSON: No phones, no lights, no motorcars. I bet you Maybourne just jumps at the chance to leave.

TEAL'C: What of the other inhabitants?

CARTER: We'll relocate them. We may not have a lot of time -- Ares could be here in a matter of days.

(Suddenly a group of people rise up from the tall grass, aiming crossbows at SG-1. As the team raise their weapons and look around, they realize that they are surrounded.)

CARTER: We don't mean you any harm.

TEAL'C: We are allies of the Tok'ra.

JACKSON: We're just, uh, looking for a friend of ours -- Harry Maybourne. Maybe you've heard of him? Shifty fella, beady eyes? No?

(A woman speaks.)

GARAN: You will follow us to the village and meet with King Arkhan. He will discern your true intentions.

LATER. The team have been escorted to a village.

JACKSON: Not exactly the trusting type.

TEAL'C: Which leads me to wonder whether Harry Maybourne is still alive.

CARTER: Presumably the Tok'ra put in a good word for him.

JACKSON: Maybe we should get them to do the same for us!

(The team are led through the village to an area where several women are tending to a man sitting on a stone throne. One is fanning him while another stands in front of him, blocking the team's view of him. As she moves away, we see that she has just put what looks like a strawberry into his mouth. His eyes are closed in ecstasy. He is dressed in a fur robe and is wearing a wide band -- obviously some sort of crown -- around his head. Immediately, the team realize who the man is.)

CARTER: Maybourne!

(Harry opens his eyes, stares at the team in amazement, and swallows the strawberry quickly.)

GARAN: This is King Arkhan. My Lord, our hunting party encountered these off-worlders by the Gate.

MAYBOURNE: Hey, guys! Long time no see! (He laughs.)

OPENING CREDITS. RESUME. Harry is still chuckling.

MAYBOURNE: I should have known. I should have known you'd be the ones to come.

JACKSON: You were expecting us?

MAYBOURNE: Well, sort of. Where's Jack?

CARTER: General O'Neill's back at the S.G.C.

MAYBOURNE: No kidding. "General O'Neill"? (He grimaces.) That doesn't sound right. Still, good for Jack. Nice to hear he's doing so well for himself.

TEAL'C: As, evidently, are you.

(Harry looks down at his fur robe.)

MAYBOURNE: Uh, this. Yes, well, uh, it's a long story. (He stands and calls out to the villagers while tossing his robe off.) Food, drinks for our guests!

(The villagers move to comply. Harry leads SG-1 away from the throne.)

CARTER: We don't have time for this!

(They reach a long table where villagers are starting to bring food. Harry picks up one of the fruits.)

MAYBOURNE: Uh, you should try one of these. It's called, um ...

GARAN: Ojun fruit.

MAYBOURNE: Right. It's sort of a cross between a guava and a mango.

JACKSON: Sort of a guango?!

MAYBOURNE: I like that! (He stands on the bench and calls out to the villagers.) People! Henceforth ojun fruit shall be called guango! So shall it be! (The villagers cheer and applaud. Harry gets down from the bench and turns to Sam.) I get to name all kinds of stuff. You should see the Grateful Dead Burial Ground!

CARTER: Maybourne, you have to get out of here. You're in danger.

MAYBOURNE: I know. The Goa'uld are coming. (He turns his attention back to the 'guango'.) Now, you should peel it before you eat it. I find the skin kind of tart.

CARTER: You know about the Goa'uld?


TEAL'C: You were warned by the Tok'ra.

MAYBOURNE: I haven't heard from the Tok'ra since they dropped me off.

CARTER: Then how?

MAYBOURNE: I can read the future. (Having peeled the guango, he bites into it and makes an appreciative sound. He notices that SG-1 are staring at him in light of the statement he just made.) Really!

CARTER: What are you trying to pull?

GARAN: He speaks the truth. King Arkhan is a prophet. He foresaw your arrival and the hand you will play in defeating our enemy.

MAYBOURNE: Garan's right. It's all part of the prophecy!

(Sam leans down to speak quietly to Harry.)

CARTER: Maybourne, what the hell is going on here?

(Harry looks at her, then stands up.)

MAYBOURNE: Let's go for a walk.

LATER: TEMPLE RUINS. Harry has brought the team to the ruined remains of a temple in a large clearing in the woods.

MAYBOURNE: OK. Here we are. I found this place about, oh, uh, ten months ago when I was on an, uh, afternoon stroll.

TEAL'C: It is quite a distance from the village.

MAYBOURNE: I enjoy long walks.

CARTER: Right! Long walks, rainy nights, and candlelit dinners. Why are we here, Maybourne?

(Daniel has already spotted the reason. There is a tall square column with writing carved into it.)

JACKSON: This writing is in Ancient. What do the locals know about these ruins?

MAYBOURNE: Well, not much. They generally avoid the area because it's close to the naquadah mines -- the site of their former enslavement. Bad luck, an' all.

JACKSON (still looking at the column): This is incredible.

MAYBOURNE: No, no, this is, uh, interesting. This (he gestures for Daniel to look at another square column) is incredible.

(They all walk over to the second column.)

TEAL'C: What is it?

MAYBOURNE: It's a record of the planet's history, covering major events. Only some of them haven't happened yet.

CARTER: What are you talking about?

MAYBOURNE: They have a complicated lunar calendar. It took me a while to figure it out, but once I did I realized there were references in the text to things that are gonna happen in the future. (Sam and Teal'c look at him suspiciously.) Yeah, I know -- it sounds crazy. I didn't think much of it either at the time, but then this big meteor shower happened exactly on the date the stone predicted.

CARTER: You're sure you're reading it correctly?

MAYBOURNE: My skills may not compare with Doctor Jackson's but over the years I've picked up a decent understanding of Ancient writing. As a result of my translations, I predicted a major flood would destroy the village unless I could convince the elders to move to higher ground.

CARTER (sarcastically): And of course you told them where these predictions came from.

MAYBOURNE: No. Well, not in so many words. (Sam rolls her eyes.) Look, these are simple people. (He gestures at the column.) This stuff would mean nothing to them. I had to play the role of a prophet to -- to convince them.

TEAL'C: And out of gratitude they made you king.

MAYBOURNE: Like I said, it was their idea.

(All through the preceding conversation, Daniel has been looking at the writing on the column.)

JACKSON: Well, he's partly right, anyway. It is a historical log. (He reads some of the writing aloud.) "On the first moon of the forty-fifth cycle, the ground will tremble and devastation will be wrought."

MAYBOURNE: Yeah, yeah, yeah, big earthquake, couple of years back -- before my time. (He points to another side of the column.) Skip ahead -- we're on the fifty-fourth cycle.

(Daniel moves round the column and starts to read again.)

JACKSON: "Commencing the third moon of the fifty-fourth cycle ..."

MAYBOURNE: Which is around now, give or take a few days.

JACKSON: "... the oppressors of old will return ..."

MAYBOURNE: That's the Goa'uld.

JACKSON: "... to seek dominion over the land. Those of a distant world will come ..."

MAYBOURNE: I'm guessing that's you guys.

JACKSON: "... to vanquish the evil and restore order once again."

MAYBOURNE: You see? They come, you defeat them, happy ending! That's the prophecy!

CARTER: Sorry, but we didn't come here to fight the Goa'uld. We should get going.

JACKSON: Actually, um, this is interesting, and, uh, there's a lot here to translate.

VILLAGE. Sam and Teal'c have returned to the village. Daniel contacts Sam over the radio.

JACKSON (over radio): Sam?

CARTER (into radio): Go ahead.

(Daniel is still at the temple.)

JACKSON: Maybourne was right.

CARTER: What do you mean?

JACKSON: Well, from what I've been able to decipher, it's pretty clear. The script on these walls is a historical log compiled by an Ancient who traveled through time to study the evolution of life on this world.

CARTER: Daniel, we know the Ancients experimented with time travel but we have no evidence that they actually mastered it.

JACKSON: Yeah, well, we do now. You see, to the best of my knowledge, these writings are only a couple of hundred years old, which means they were carved after the Goa'uld had already left.

CARTER: But the Ancients pre-date the Goa'uld.

JACKSON: Right, so the only logical explanation is that an Ancient traveled to the future and then back to a time not too long ago.

CARTER: I dunno, Daniel.

JACKSON: There are references to the time travel device itself. Now, it's described as being inside a small ship. Now if I'm right, it may still be here. I think it's worth a look.

CARTER: Alright. We're on our way.

LATER: WOODLANDS. Sam, Teal'c and Daniel are separately searching the woods. Teal'c is in deep woodland; Daniel is in a dried-up riverbed. Sam contacts Daniel.

CARTER (over radio): Daniel?

JACKSON (into radio): Go ahead.

CARTER: We've been at it a while -- are you sure it's around here?

JACKSON: Just give it a little more time.

CARTER: I hate to say it, Daniel, but we can't risk staying much longer.

(Daniel doesn't reply, and the three of them continue searching. Teal'c sees something in the distance, illuminated by the sun shining off it. Elsewhere, Sam looks at her watch, then activates her radio again.)

CARTER: I'm scrubbing the search. Fall back to the Gate.


CARTER: Daniel, we have no way of knowing when the Goa'uld will get here.

JACKSON: It could be days.

CARTER: And it could be hours.

(Teal'c has reached the object and clears branches and leaves off it. It seems to be a small ship.)

TEAL'C (into radio): Colonel Carter, Daniel Jackson. I have found something.

SHORTLY AFTERWARDS: ANCIENT SHIP. Sam and Daniel have joined Teal'c and have discovered how to open the rear hatch of the ship. As they cautiously walk inside, the lights at the rear of the ship come on automatically. As the team walk forward, more lights come on. [Viewers of Stargate Atlantis will immediately recognize that the ship is a Puddle Jumper but for those who don't watch Atlantis, this isn't important.] Daniel stops at a large device in the middle of the ship while Sam and Teal'c move to the front, more lights coming on as they approach.

CARTER: It certainly looks like a ship.

TEAL'C (looking at the control panel): These appear to be flight controls.

JACKSON (still looking at the device further back): So what's this?

CARTER: Could be the time device. (She and Teal'c go back to join Daniel.)

TEAL'C: It bears little resemblance to Ancient designs we have previously encountered.

JACKSON: Well, judging from Maybourne's wall, it must have worked at some point.

CARTER: Well, I'm guessing it must manifest some sort of energy field that encompasses the entire ship, allowing the traveler to literally fly through time.

JACKSON: I wonder ... (He reaches out to touch the device but Sam stops him.)

CARTER: Ah! Let's not touch anything just yet. I'm kinda fond of this era.

JACKSON: OK, so what do we do?

CARTER: We'll bring it back. Judging by the dimensions, it looks like it was actually designed to fit through the Gate.

JACKSON: OK, how do we get it there?

TEAL'C: This vessel appears to be relatively undamaged. The engine may yet be functional.

CARTER: This is Ancient technology. We'd need an Ancient to make it work.

JACKSON: Or someone close.

(Sam smiles.)

HARRY'S WORLD - STARGATE. Jack steps through the Gate. Waiting near the bottom of the steps are Daniel, Teal'c, Harry and a group of his villagers. Harry gestures to his people and some of them start to play instruments, playing a jolly, medieval-sounding melody. Jack walks down the steps.

MAYBOURNE: Jack! It's great to see you. How long's it been?

O'NEILL: Oh, since that time you got us stranded off-world and tried to kill me.

(Harry chuckles.)

MAYBOURNE: That takes me back! I guess congratulations are in order. You made general.

O'NEILL: You made king!

MAYBOURNE: Right, well, it's not a contest.

O'NEILL (gesturing to the musicians): Do you mind? These guys are torturing that ditty.

MAYBOURNE: Right. (To the musicians) Take five, guys! (They stop playing. He turns back to Jack.) I, uh, taught 'em that expression.


(They start to walk towards the village.)

MAYBOURNE: I'm, uh, hoping that you can stay for a while, check out the sights, (Jack's already doing just that, turning round to look at a pretty young woman) take in the culture. I want you to feel at home here.

O'NEILL: Harry, you're aware of the fact that this place is gonna be overrun by a gaggle of bad guys soon?

MAYBOURNE: Yeah, well, maybe.

O'NEILL: Right! Carter told me about this prophecy stuff. It's not gonna go down that way, y'know.

MAYBOURNE: Oh, come on, Jack, you've defeated System Lords before.

O'NEILL: No! You've got to tell these people they've gotta start packing. We'll take as many as we can.

MAYBOURNE: I can't. I already told them you'd save the day.

(Jack stops walking and puts his hand on Harry's shoulder.)

O'NEILL: Lemme ask you a question. (Harry, realizing that his people are disturbed by Jack touching him, raises his hand placatingly to them.) Did this prophecy mention anything about casualties -- how many people would die in the fighting?

MAYBOURNE: It's not really that detailed.

O'NEILL: Does it say anything about the king surviving at all?

MAYBOURNE: Actually, there's, um, no reference to me specifically. I just assumed ...

O'NEILL: Yeah. D'you really wanna take that chance, Harry? D'you wanna roll those dice?

(Harry looks round at his people standing some distance away.)

MAYBOURNE (quietly): It's not gonna be easy to convince them, Jack.

O'NEILL: You can do it, Harry, you're the king. (He puts his hand on Harry's shoulder again.) And remember -- it's good to be king. (He pats his shoulder.)

ANCIENT SHIP. Sam has got cables and wires running from various parts of the ship to the time device. Jack and Daniel come in.

O'NEILL: Nice ride!

JACKSON: Yeah, Ancients like to fly in style.

(Jack walks forward and looks at the flight area.)

O'NEILL: Nice! Woo-hoo! (He sits down in the pilot's seat and looks at the control panel.) You're gonna have to help me out here, Carter. Got any quarters?

CARTER: Unfortunately I can't help you with this one, sir, you're on your own.

O'NEILL: Fine! How do we know we're not gonna end up back at the Alamo?

CARTER: Um, well, for one thing, that was on Earth -- but more importantly I've separated the time device from the control circuits ... I think. (She comes forward and stands behind him.) Concentrate on powering up the engines.

O'NEILL: Concentrate? (He closes his eyes for several seconds, then opens them again.) Got nothin'.

JACKSON: Come on, Jack. You've already proven that the Ancient gene you possess allows you to operate Ancient technology. It's no different than, uh, the device in Antarctica. Just ... (he closes his eyes and gestures dramatically) focus your mind.

(Jack and Sam turn and look at him as he opens his eyes again. Daniel shrugs. Jack turns back to the controls, takes his cap off, and closes his eyes again. Moments later, the controls light up.)


(Jack screws his eyes tighter closed, concentrating hard. After a moment, the lights on the control panel flicker and go out.)

JACKSON: Not so good.

VILLAGE. Some of the women are gathering together various items for Harry.

MAYBOURNE: Tempus fugit, girls, tempus fugit. (As the women go for more items, he goes over to the collection, picking one of them up as Teal'c approaches.) I sure collected a lot of stuff in only a couple of years. Guess I'm a bit of a pack rat.

TEAL'C: When do you intend to address your people?

MAYBOURNE: I'm getting to that -- it's just ... Well, I'm thinking about what I'm gonna say.

TEAL'C: Perhaps you should consider telling the truth.

MAYBOURNE: That's one strategy(!)

TEAL'C: Whatever you decide, we are running out of time. We must leave soon.

MAYBOURNE: Yeah. I know. (He looks at Teal'c.) I know. (He walks towards the people who are collecting his possessions together.) No, no, just leave that. (He gestures.) That stuff over there ...

(Nearby, Garan has been standing behind a pillar listening to the entire conversation.)


CARTER: The primary power source is depleted. We need to reroute the controls to the secondary output which was originally designed to power the time device.

O'NEILL: Of course we do!

(Sam finishes tinkering.)

CARTER: OK. Try it now, sir.

(Jack turns back to the controls, puts his hands on them, closes his eyes and concentrates. A few moments later the lights on the control panel come on, then flicker on and off several times before finally coming on fully. The engine can be heard powering up. Then sparks start to fly out of all the cables that Sam had jury-rigged the power source with. Jack loses concentration and the lights go out again.)

CARTER: Damn it!

WOODLAND. Jack, Sam and Daniel are making their way back to the village.

CARTER: I'm just not that familiar with Ancient technology. I need a little time.

O'NEILL: That is one thing I can't give you, Carter. (He puts his pack on the ground and starts rummaging through it.)

JACKSON: You can't be serious.

CARTER: Sir, this technology is too valuable to lose.

O'NEILL: Carter, what do you want me to do? Call in reinforcements? It's not like we're throwing down with a couple of Jaffa. We're taking on a System Lord and his band of merry bad guys. (He hands a block of C4 to Sam, and another to Daniel.) Inside and out, I want that thing gone.

(They hear rustling in the trees around them and jump to their feet, aiming their weapons. Villagers run out of the trees, aiming their crossbows at the team.)

GARAN: Surrender your weapons, or die where you stand.

O'NEILL: Oh, if I had a nickel!

GARAN: Lower your weapons.

O'NEILL: I ... don't think so.

GARAN: We will not allow you to take King Arkhan from us.

O'NEILL: Good King Arkhan is a fraud.

MAN: Our king is wise. He is a seer.

O'NEILL: He may be your king, but he's no seer.

JACKSON: He can only interpret what's been written on the pillars of the temple ruins not far from here. Now, those writings hold the prophecies, and anyone who can read them can make the same predictions.

GARAN: That is a lie.

JACKSON: Why don't we just go back to the village and let King Arkhan explain everything?

GARAN: First lower your weapons.

(Daniel lowers his pistol but Jack and Sam don't move.)


O'NEILL: Daniel?

JACKSON: They're not gonna shoot ... (he looks at Garan) are ya?

(After a moment, Garan and her people lower their crossbows. Jack and Sam lower their rifles.)

O'NEILL (smiling delightedly): God, I miss goin' off-world! Oh, yeah!

VILLAGE. Two children are presenting a bunch of flowers to Harry, who is squatting down talking to them. Jack walks up behind him just as the children run off.

O'NEILL: Who'd'a thunk?

MAYBOURNE: Oh, hey, Jack. (He stands up.) I, uh, spoke with Garan. I was sorry to hear about what happened at the ship. Believe me, I had nothing to do with it.

O'NEILL: I know, Harry, you're always the victim in these things.

MAYBOURNE: OK, look, I'll admit that when I first found the ruins, I did plan to use them to my personal advantage. But all that changed once I became King Arkhan the First.

O'NEILL: Oh, please!

MAYBOURNE: It's true, Jack. I care about these people. I wanna help them.

O'NEILL: Then tell 'em the truth. Come clean on all this stuff.

MAYBOURNE: I've already arranged for an assembly with the, uh, village elders. I'm gonna tell them we have to leave.

LATER. The villager elders have gathered together. SG-1 are standing nearby. Harry comes out and walks over to Jack.

MAYBOURNE: Well, here goes nothing. (He approaches the elders.) My friends. I wish I were here under better circumstances but the fact is, I come before you all to deliver a warning. The village is in danger, and the time has come for us to leave. (The elders mutter negatively to each other.) We must abandon our world. Arrangements are being made to help us ... (he looks round at Jack, who nods encouragingly) temporarily relocate to a safe place.

(The elders mutter again.)

MAN 2: But the prophecy was clear. The enemy will be defeated.

MAYBOURNE: Ah, yes, uh, the prophecy was clear, but only up to a certain point. After that it was somewhat, uh, unclear -- uh, sort of, uh, murky clarity.

(Jack rolls his eyes as the elders mutter some more.)

MAYBOURNE: Of course the enemy will be defeated, but there is a chance that some of us may get hurt or even killed in the process, and I am not willing to ...

MAN 3: Impossible! You assured us we would be safe!

MAYBOURNE: Yes, I, I remember that. Uh, however ... (He looks around his people and their expressions of hope and belief in him, then turns to Jack. Jack nods. Harry turns back to his people, sighs and steps closer to them.) The truth is, I've not been entirely honest with you. I am not a seer. I don't possess insight into the future or divine powers that set me apart. I'm just a regular guy, no more or less special than any of you.

MAN 3: But the prophecies!

MAYBOURNE: The prophecies don't come from me. They come from the walls of the old temple, written in stone for all to see. I have the ability to interpret these writings and, with the proper understanding, any of you could do the same. (The crowd mutters, starting to sound angry.) I am a pretender. I took advantage of you and ... (he reaches up and takes his crown off) and for that I am deeply sorry.

(Garan steps forward.)

GARAN: What about the design for the new watermill? Was this written on the temple wall as well?

MAYBOURNE: Uh, no, that was from me.

GARAN: And our new medicines? Our legal code? The irrigation system? Were these things also found in the ruins?


GARAN: These were not the acts of a pretender, but of a leader!

(The elders murmur their agreement. Jack looks startled.)

MAYBOURNE: Uh, guys, I'm touched, really.

GARAN: What does it matter where the prophecies came from? All we need know is that each one of them has been fulfilled, as this latest will be fulfilled.

MAYBOURNE: Well, now, let's not get carried away here.

GARAN: We will defeat this enemy -- and we will do so under the leadership of our great king, Arkhan the First! Arkhan! Arkhan! Arkhan!

(She punches her fist into the air each time she calls his name. The other elders take up the chant. As the chanting continues, Harry turns round to Jack and shrugs in a "what can you do?" way. Jack stares at him in disbelief. Harry turns back to his people and puts his crown back onto his head.)

LATER. SG-1 are preparing to leave the village. Harry hurries over to them.

MAYBOURNE: Uh, Jack. Look, uh, sorry about that.

O'NEILL: Not my problem, Harry. If these folks don't wanna go, they don't have to go. Teal'c -- you and Daniel head on back, secure the Gate. Carter -- you and I'll take care of the ship.

MAYBOURNE: Now, Jack, Jack, Jack, wait a minute. Uh, I know it sounds crazy, but Garan was right about the prophecies. They have all come true.

O'NEILL: Harry, we're not stayin' -- and if you wanna come with us, I suggest you get your royal butt to the Gate.

STARGATE. The Gate is dialing in as Daniel and Teal'c come out of the trees. They duck down as the Gate kawhooshes, and watch as Jaffa start coming through.

ANCIENT SHIP. Jack and Sam have just arrived at the ship as Daniel radios in.

JACKSON (over radio): Jack, come in.

O'NEILL (into radio): Go ahead.

JACKSON: Uh, we've got a little problem here. Ares' Jaffa just came through the Gate. We're cut off. If you blow the ship now, you'll give away your position.

CARTER: Guess we're stayin' for a while.

(Back at the Gate, Daniel and Teal'c watch as Ares' First Prime comes through the Gate.)

VILLAGE. The First Prime and his Jaffa march into the village and walk over to Harry, who is sitting on his throne. Harry stands as they approach.

MAYBOURNE: Welcome, strangers. I am King Arkhan the First. It is with a joyful heart and open arms that we welcome you ...

TRELAK: I am Trelak, First Prime to the great Lord Ares, your god, who will be returning to reclaim this land and his loyal followers.

MAYBOURNE: Of course, of course. Glad tidings of comfort and joy ... comfort and joy.

TRELAK: Lord Ares demands nothing short of complete obedience from both you and your people. (He turns around and faces the people.) Any resistance will be dealt with harshly.

MAYBOURNE: Understood.

(Trelak turns away from the crowd towards Harry. Behind him, in the crowd, are Daniel and Teal'c, wearing hooded cloaks.)

TRELAK: Gather your subjects. Inform them of our arrival.

MAYBOURNE: Of course. I'll address them immediately.

(Trelak looks at the women surrounding Harry's throne. He doesn't like the expression on the face of one of the women.)

TRELAK: Do you have something to say, slave?

WOMAN: I am not a slave.

MAYBOURNE: I apologize. My servant spoke out of turn. She will be punished.

TRELAK: Of course she will. (He clicks his fingers and a Jaffa grabs her and forces her to her knees. He aims his staff weapon at her and activates it. Daniel looks at Teal'c in concern, and the two of them covertly reach for their weapons.)

WOMAN: Kill me if you want, but know this: in the end, you and your people will be defeated just as the prophecy has foretold.

TRELAK: "The prophecy."

(Harry laughs nervously.)

MAYBOURNE: Pay no attention. She's obviously frightened beyond reason.

WOMAN (to Trelak): It foretold of your arrival and of your defeat.

MAYBOURNE: Another predicted rain today with a chance of morning frost, and yet what fine weather we are enjoying.

TRELAK: Silence! (He looks down at the woman.) Where may I find this prophecy? (The woman doesn't answer.) If what you say is true, then we would be fools to stay and meet our certain death.

WOMAN: It is written on the walls of the old temple.

(Trelak looks at the Jaffa aiming his staff weapon at the woman.)

TRELAK: Go with her.

(The Jaffa deactivates his weapon, hauls the woman to her feet and marches her away. Several of the other Jaffa go with them. Trelak turns and looks at Harry, who shrugs as if he has no idea what the woman was talking about.)

ANCIENT SHIP. Sam is busy trying to get the power source working when Daniel radios in.

JACKSON (over radio): Sam, Jack, this is Daniel. Ares' First Prime just sent some men out to check out the ruins. As soon as they see that Ancient writing, they're gonna search the area.

O'NEILL (over radio): Carter -- how's it going in there?

(Sam picks up a radio and speaks into it.)

CARTER: Just a few more minutes, sir.

JACKSON (over radio): What are you guys doing? I thought you were going to blow it up?

CARTER: General O'Neill's given me one more chance to get the engines online so we can fly it out of here.

JACKSON: Yeah, I'm all for saving the ship but you could be kinda close.

CARTER: I know.

VILLAGE. Villagers are bringing food to the long table. Harry calls out to Trelak who is standing nearby talking with one of his Jaffa.

MAYBOURNE: I have prepared a feast in your honour. Come! (Trelak finishes his conversation with the Jaffa, who walks away as Trelak approaches the table.) Please, sit, partake of our bounty. (He picks up a guango.) This fruit, for instance -- it's sort of a cross between a ...

(As he holds the fruit up, Trelak wraps his hand around Harry's hand and squeezes it tightly. Harry grimaces in pain.)

TRELAK: I'm not interested in your offering. You were warned. Anyone who refuses to accept us will die.

MAYBOURNE: You've made yourself perfectly clear.

TRELAK: To you, perhaps, but your subjects seem less than willing to accept our terms. (He looks round at some of the villagers, who are all looking at him sullenly.) They cling to archaic beliefs -- prophecies, portents -- that threaten to undermine the rule of our god.

MAYBOURNE: That won't happen. (Trelak releases his hand and the two of them walk away from the villagers.) I can see to it.


MAYBOURNE: They're simple folk, easily influenced. With my help, you'll have no trouble bending them to your will.

TEMPLE RUINS. The woman and the Jaffa have arrived.

WOMAN: It's here.

(A Jaffa looks at one of the pillars, clearly recognizing the Ancient writing on it. Nearby, Jack is watching through binoculars as the Jaffa shouts orders to the others, who spread out in different directions to begin searching.)

O'NEILL: Dammit. (He activates his radio.) Carter.

(Sam is still on the Ancient ship.)

CARTER (into radio): Sir?

O'NEILL: They're headed our way.

CARTER: I need more time.

O'NEILL (to himself): Yeah, of course you do! (He heads off.)

WOODLAND. As two Jaffa get near to the area where the ship is, Jack guns them down.

VILLAGE. Trelak and Harry hear the shooting. The other Jaffa raise their staff weapons, aiming them at the villagers.

TRELAK: Those were Tau'ri weapons.

MAYBOURNE: What's a Tau'ri?

(Trelak nods to his Jaffa, who start pushing the villagers around and pulling their cloaks off to get a better look at them. It's not long before they uncover Daniel and Teal'c and disarm them.)

WOODLAND. Jack is running towards the ship as two Jaffa fire at him. He runs into the back of the ship.

O'NEILL: Time to go. (He pushes a button that closes the door. Sam continues working as he runs to the front of the ship. Outside, the Jaffa fire at the closed door.)

VILLAGE. Daniel and Teal'c are pushed forward to face Trelak.

TRELAK: You're too late to save this world. I've already received word. Lord Ares has just arrived.

(In space above the planet, a mothership is approaching.)

ANCIENT SHIP. Sam closes her laptop.

CARTER: I'm done -- I think. (She runs to the front of the ship.) We're good to go, sir. (She sits down next to Jack, who has his hands on the control panel and has his head bowed and his eyes closed. The ship rings with the sound of the Jaffa firing at the rear door.)

O'NEILL: I'm doing the best I can.


TRELAK: What were you and your allies planning? (Daniel and Teal'c don't answer. Trelak walks over to Teal'c.) Know this, shol'vah -- I'll see to it that you suffer slowly.

TEAL'C: And I will see to it that you die quickly.

(Trelak smiles smugly, turns away, then grabs a staff weapon and jams it into Teal'c's chest. Teal'c doubles up but doesn't fall. Another Jaffa clubs him from behind, knocking him to his knees. Slowly Teal'c rises to his feet, his face speaking volumes as he glares at Trelak.)

TRELAK: I think not. My men guard the Gate, and the mothership descends as we speak. (He chuckles and turns away.)

ANCIENT SHIP. Jack is still deep in concentration as the Jaffa continue firing on the ship. Finally the lights on the control panel start to flicker before coming on permanently. Jack opens his eyes and takes hold of the flight stick, and the ship starts to rise.

VILLAGE. Trelak is still speaking to Daniel and Teal'c.

TRELAK: You were plotting in concert with the people of this world. Treachery is something we cannot abide.

(Harry walks over to Teal'c and glares at him before turning to Trelak.)

MAYBOURNE: I couldn't agree with you more. You think you feel outraged? Imagine how I feel -- betrayed by my own people!

(Trelak grabs him by the throat, beginning to strangle him. He is distracted, however, by the sound of the Ancient ship approaching. He looks up as the ship flies right overhead. Its wake shakes the ground and everybody stumbles. Daniel and Teal'c immediately seize the distraction. Teal'c grabs a staff weapon from a nearby Jaffa while Daniel grabs a pot and clubs another Jaffa over the head with it. Teal'c punches a Jaffa, then jams the staff weapon into his stomach. Daniel grabs a zat gun off another Jaffa and shoots him with it.)


CARTER: Sir, we're detecting another ship. It's big.

(The Ancient ship heads up into space.)

VILLAGE. Daniel zats a Jaffa but another one smashes his staff weapon down onto Daniel's hands, making him drop the zat, before thumping him in the chest with his staff. Teal'c takes down another Jaffa before doing one of his fancy flourishes with his staff weapon to shoot down a Jaffa behind him. Trelak finally releases his grip on Harry's throat to throw himself at Teal'c from behind. Teal'c flips him over his head. The Jaffa that attacked Daniel jumps on top of him, holding his staff weapon across Daniel's throat and trying to strangle him with it. Trelak throws some dirt into Teal'c's face and then, while Teal'c is doubled over trying to get it out of his eyes, picks up a large bench and smashes it across Teal'c's back before kicking him savagely in the stomach. He stands over Teal'c and draws a knife.

TRELAK: Shol'vah!

(From behind him, Harry smashes a water jug over his head. Trelak turns and throws him across the square. This gives Teal'c time to get to his feet and as Trelak raises the hand with the knife in it, Teal'c seizes his hand and a battle of strength begins, the two of them having eventually to resort to using both hands as they try to gain control of the knife. Nearby, Daniel is still being strangled by his Jaffa. Suddenly the Jaffa cries out and falls on top of Daniel with an arrow in his back. Behind him is Garan, still aiming her crossbow at him. Daniel shoves the Jaffa off him as Garan reloads. Back with Teal'c, he and Trelak are gradually forcing the knife down between them. Teal'c produces a final burst of energy and shoves the knife into Trelak's chest. Trelak gasps, then looks at Teal'c.)

TRELAK: You are a man of your word.

TEAL'C: Indeed. (He shoves the knife deeper and walks away before Trelak even hits the floor.)


CARTER: You're doing great, sir ... (the ship jerks around) relatively speaking.

(The mothership starts firing at the ship.)

O'NEILL: Weapons. (He closes his eyes and concentrates, speaking quietly to the ship itself.) Weapons.

(Ancient drones deploy from the ship and fly towards the mothership, impacting with it.)

CARTER: Keep firing, sir.

O'NEILL: Nothing's happening.

CARTER: Weapons must be depleted. Hopefully you hit some vital systems.

(A few moments later, the mothership blows up.)

O'NEILL: Think that was vital?

CARTER: Relatively speaking. (She grins at Jack, who rocks his head in a "not bad" way. Sam looks out of the window, smiling, then blows out a breath of relief.)

STARGATE. The Gate kawooshes. Sam and Jack are each holding a sprig of yellow flowers, which presumably the villagers presented to them. Harry stands next to them. Jack smells his flowers, then turns to Harry.

O'NEILL: You sure you don't wanna leave all this?

MAYBOURNE: I can't abandon these people, Jack. I made a life here -- I can't walk away from my home, my friends ... my wives.

CARTER: Wives?!

(Harry looks pointedly at the women standing behind Jack and Sam. Jack puts his hand on Sam's shoulder.)

O'NEILL: Go. (Sam heads towards the Gate. Jack turns to Harry.) Wives. (Harry shrugs.) Dog! (He follows Sam. Teal'c and Daniel are at the top of the steps as Sam and Jack walk up to join them. Daniel waves to Harry, then he, Teal'c and Sam go through the Gate. Jack reaches the top of the steps and turns back towards Harry, who throws him a salute. Jack salutes with his sprig of flowers, then walks through the Gate.)