Planet located in the Pegasus Galaxy, protected by the ascended Ancient Chaya Sar. The Stargate is stationed in orbit of this world, preventing ground attacks. When Wraith Darts emerge they are destroyed by Chaya's energy field long before they can enter the atmosphere and attack.
The surface is ideal, with comfortable temperatures, and ample water supplies. The People of Proculus live in a paradise, free of ailments or diseases. When John Sheppard realized the potential for protection on this world, he approached Chaya Shar with the possibility of allowing settlement to those whose lives have been adversely affected or destroyed by the Wraith. Chaya, eventually admitting that the Ancient hierarchy would forbid this, adamantly refused.
HOME TO - People of Proculus
Sanctuary - Sheppard hopes to negotiate with Chaya Sar to make Proculus a safe have for societies ravaged by the Wraith.