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Most viewed - Aukland 2005
260 viewsTorri, Rainbow and Cliff take centre stage at the Armageddon Pulp Expo in Auckland, New Zealand, October 22 to 24, 2005.
252 viewsTorri shares a picture of her dog Sedge beneath a Wraith wig, illustrating how her beloved pet has got in the groove of being an Atlantis cast member by creating a new and fearsome character -- the Wraith-dog.
237 viewsAll the actors lavished praise on the directors of the shows, especially director Martin Wood. Rainbow recounted how in "Runner," at the end of the day when everyone was tired and they were losing the light, they were filming a shot where Ford was supposed to hide behind a tree and watch the two scientists examining the dead Wraith in the woods.Instead, Rainbow suggested it would look cooler if he was in the trees looking down on them.
228 viewsTorri says we have several crossovers to Atlantis of SG-1 characters to look forward to, including McKay imagining Sam, as well as the obligatory "dire peril" Season Two finale/cliffhanger which may lead to closer interactions with Earth.
227 viewsDescribing Stargate fans as "beautiful and loyal," Torri relates the nervous time the Atlantis cast had in joining the Stargate family, and how the SG-1 cast and crew welcomed them with warmth and support. As Torri said, it was like they had "a big-brother arm around us."
223 viewsWhen asked what she does in her spare time, Torri mentions her knitting projects, and is astonished (and amused) to discover how many people in the audience want to take her up on her spontaneous offer to knit everyone "dish towel" gifts.
217 viewsTorri explains how the Stargate program has become much more public due to the international flavour of the Atlantis expedition (but doesn't satisfactorily explain why there aren't more New Zealander's ...).

Both she and the writers agree that Weir has been written into a corner, where she is constantly stoic and strong, and that while there must be a separation between the leader and the people, they would like to give her character a chance to lighten up on occasion.
215 viewsTorri unwittingly crushes the hopes of Weir-McKay shippers everywhere by characterising their relationship as one of deep respect, admiration for his journey from cowardice to courage (based on a historical professional relationship) and as "a brother-sister niggly thing."
205 viewsAlso while filming "Abyss," Cliff immensely enjoyed the scenes where he had to drop "acid" and throw knives at Richard Dean Anderson, mostly due to Anderson's off-camera reactions. Here, Cliff mimes part of the process.
202 viewsTorri questions why the scripts call for so many pretty young women, and suggests things should be evened up by a visit to a planet with a few hunky guys.
199 viewsRainbow characterises Ford as "craaaaazzzy!" as of the end of Season Two, and that he is "still alive, but with the possibility of being dead." He adds that he as really enjoyed what he has been able to do with Ford this year in terms of character development.
197 viewsCliff explains that we have many Baals to look forward to in an upcoming episode, where he once again frustrates SG-1.He also explained how he brought his own sense of humour to his characterisation of Baal, and how he delves into his own "dark side" to make Baal a more complex and appealing character -- despite his inherently evil nature.
196 viewsWhen asked what he has in common with his character, Rainbow describes how his excitement at being on set in Season One (and working with people he admired) fed into his characterisation of Ford. He also took a moment to detail how he shared some of Ford's Season Two confusion, but that Rainbow definitely doesn't share Ford's crazy-bipolar-Wraith-eating behaviour!
194 viewsCliff explains that while he finds the "BAM" shipper philosophy (that would be Baal/Sam to the rest of us) a little odd, he wholly endorses exploring it -- especially if a romantic scene with the lovely Amanda Tapping is required.
191 viewsRainbow looks unsure at Torri's suggestion of a Season Three Atlantis / SG-1 crossover that involves Michel Shanks spending lots of time on the Atlantis set.
183 viewsWhen asked what his favorite episode to film was, Cliff immediately remembers the levered set in "Abyss." He explains that when the knife drops he was anchored horizontally in mid-air at the top of the set, and then dropped the knife onto "O'Neill" at the bottom of the set.
181 viewsRainbow explains how he came to get the role of Ford in Atlantis –- including a series of nine auditions in a week! Now that his character has been changed to recurring status, Rainbow is involved in an overwhelming array of pursuits, including working with his hip hop music group of 12 years (during which they have released six albums). He is also working on a solo record including one with his family (including father Don Franks, his mother Lili, and sister Cree).
177 viewsRainbow explains that even he doesn't know what's happening with Ford in Season Three, then questions the audience on what episodes they have seen. Rainbow sympathises that due to Atlantis not yet screening in New Zealand the majority of the audience had only seen downloaded episodes. In fact, the show's producers never sent him the final cut of "The Lost Boys" -- so even he had to download the episode!
175 viewsCliff reveals that Chris Judge cancelled his appearance at the New Zealand convention in order to go golfing at some exotic locale with the show's producers (or, alternatively, because he feared the island-nation had insufficient alcoholic beverages to sustain him).
174 viewsCliff explains that no, his Goa'uld voice is NOT due to "swallowing gas" on set (as suggested by one audience member) but is in fact due to a post-production effects process called "flanging."
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