Ancient gene therapy

From The Stargate Omnipedia


Procedure developed by Dr. Carson Beckett in which a human without the Ancient gene can receive a retrovirus which allows them to use Ancient technology. The project was underway months before Beckett took his research with him into the Pegasus Galaxy.

In the therapy, a mouse retrovirus is used to deliver the missing gene directly to the cells. This permits the user to initiate Ancient technology and run more sensitive equipment, such as a Puddle Jumper.

It is not known how long the therapy lasts, if an individual user requires repeated treatments, or if it is permanent.


Hide and Seek - Dr. Rodney McKay offers himself as one of the first test subjects for the Ancient gene therapy.
The Tower - Sheppard presents a vial used for Ancient gene therapy to Otho, who instead uses it on himself to control the throne chair.