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15 years ago

haha! Check Ronon out in his new costume! I suppose his usual one was in the dry cleaners or getting a wash for the first time EVER during that photo shoot! Maybe the rest of the team, or City even can once and for all remove the nose-plugs! XD

Seriously tho’… This is awesome news tbh! At least we have a lot more hope now that there may Actually Be an SGA Movie afterall!! Awesome!

Thanks for the news Gateworld! And of course “Quade”! ;)

15 years ago

really works well as a title, though i think it should be Stargate Atlantis: Extinction though SG1 didnt get that treatment either.

15 years ago

This is terrific! Thank goodness we’re hearing some news about this movie FINALLY!! Now we just need to know when they are going to shoot it and finally release it. My guess…late 2010.

15 years ago

I guess that seals the fate of the wraith…or the Asgard? =/

Imitation Tofu
Imitation Tofu
15 years ago

I’d never trust Mallozzi with a secret. Give him another couple of months and he’ll have spoiled the entire movie.

Have any of the actors signed on yet?

Atlantis Rocks
Atlantis Rocks
15 years ago

I’m still a doubting thomas though, don’t believe much that comes out of the mouths of TPTB ;-(. But that said it is the best bit of news to date, at least its going in the right direction. Something positive since the demise of Stargate as series anyway.

But I wont believe it till the actors have confirmed they have been approached and or confirmed they are available.

In them my trust lies, certainly not JM or Wright/Cooper!!! After all we have had Spin and lies before.

Jim Hutto
15 years ago

Forget about what Ronan is wearing…. Look at Tayla!!!! HOT!!!!!!!

Sarah Carroll
15 years ago

Where is this hot photo? I can’t any new ones?!?! Are you on about the one with all of them in water?

15 years ago

I think Jim and I are both talking about the photo at the top of this News Post carrollwoman! lol. ;)

15 years ago

this is news i totally wanted to hear sooooooo lookin forward to the movie can’t wait till the sc1 movie aswell

15 years ago

awsome title thanks for the info
finally wraith will be defeate it once and for all
and they will get extict hhhhhh

15 years ago

does any body know if it is going to be in theater or directley to DVD

15 years ago

Seems a positive step, but I am sceptical so we will just have to wait and see.

15 years ago

Have the actors confirmed yet whether or not they are available, as its all well and good having a “working title & script”.

Besides this JM bloke doesn’t seem all that reliable. Hopefully if a movie goes ahead, it will show them HOW GREAT SGA is an they will bring it back as a series after all SGU is gonna sink without a trace ” ha ha

15 years ago

sounds interesting

15 years ago

Interesting, but I also want to know if the actors have been asked if yes then I’ll be more excited.

15 years ago

I don’t trust TPTB I will believe it when I see it. They want to string us along with a little news here and there to keep us excited when all they really want is to get us to watch SGU well its great about the movie if it happens. I still won’t be watching sgu.

Atlantis Rocks
Atlantis Rocks
15 years ago

As I already said I’m a doubting thomas and I agree with Buddybear, it does feel a bit like stringing us along,to make us give SGU chance!

I have no intention what ever the outcome re the movie to watch SGU.

15 years ago

Sounds like the usual,trying to appease the fans,keep the negativity away from the SGU door. As others have said I’ll believe when I hear the actor have been signed,I no longer have faith in what JM & others have to say, sorry! yeah this may be a ploy to get us to give SGU a chance.Thats still a no for me then.

15 years ago

What the hell is your problem Buddybear and Atlantis Rocks? There’s like five months before we even se the first episode of SGU and you are already bitchin and talking about how you are not going to watch SGU. Wait for it to air, look at the pilot and THEN decide what you think about it! Man I really don’t get you people! Bashing a show, that after all is MADE by the people behind SG1 and Atlantis! At least have the respect of watching the first episode before you spit on the creators faces!

15 years ago

I’ve gotta go with “Buddybear”, “Atlantis Rocks”, and “Chucknician” here. Here’s what I know: They’ve finished the first draft of a script and have selected a working title for a possible new SGA direct-to-DVD movie. That’s all well and good. I’ll be glad if it actually happens. But I’m STILL NOT going to watch SGU! :0p They blew the whole loyalty thing when they canceled Atlantis.

Atlantis Rocks
Atlantis Rocks
15 years ago

Thanks BUT no, I’ve looked at the trailers, read the bio’s see the cast line up read interviews, have never liked Robert Carlyle. I’m basing my views on what I have read an seen, don’t like docu style filming. I could go on about what I don’t like so far, but this isn’t the place, if you want to PM me, I’ll happily give you a full break down. As I am sick to death of people telling me I should watch the pilot as its not been aired yet WHY!!!!!

15 years ago

I am very excited about the SGA movie, and, for the most part, loved SGA. I have absolutely no interest in SGU, based on what I have heard and my residual bad feelings from the cancellation.
(Not sure why I should feel compelled to watch the new show, just because I enjoyed another one in the franchise?)
I am waiting with much anticipaition for Extinction!

15 years ago

I hope the final/production title adds the word Atlantis somewhere as if Stargate Atlantis: Extinction or Atlantis: Extinction.
Stargate alone is too generic, about teh franchise in general. I’m a fan of Stargate Atlantis fan, not a fan of the Stargate franchise in general.

15 years ago

I agree that it should be Stargate Atlantis Extinction an hope that is what they will do in the finished product. As others have pointed out, I am not watching SGU in part due to the cancellation of SGA BUT mainly I’m not interested in that type of show, based on what I have read and seen, an I wouldn’t have watched even if SGA had not been cancelled, I’m sorry I just don’t like it. An I agree with atlantis4ever I am fan of SGA not the franchise in general.

15 years ago

@ Atlantis Rocks
So basically its guilty until proven innocent, but you’re not even going to let them try to prove that they are innocent. Well we can be sure of one thing, you are not jury-material =)

Atlantis Rocks
Atlantis Rocks
15 years ago

@Nikst ok your point being?: If you are a SGU fan judging that the new show will be awesome, this is solely based on info provided by TPTB and interviews and teasers, therefore there is NO proven facts that its gonna be awesome!!!. This is just the opposite of other fans basing there opinions on the same info solely provided by the TPTB, interviews an teasers that its gonna b bad,again therefore there is NO proven facts that its gonna be bad! It hasn’t aired yet BOTH groups are making assumptions are they not? Why is one way correct and… Read more »

15 years ago

I NEVER said that I thought it was going to be awesome, it might suck! But I am going to give it a chance. There goes 2/3 of your argumentation out the window. And sorry but you CANT say “TakeSGU out of the picture” because that’s the whole point, it is in the picture, and that’s the biggest, from your point of view it might be the only reason, reason you should give it a chance. You like Atlantis? Did you like SG1? I don’t know why somebody would like just one and not the other. So based on the… Read more »

Atlantis Rocks
Atlantis Rocks
15 years ago

we will just have to agree to disagree.

15 years ago

@ Atlantis Rocks
I guess will have to. But I have a feeling you will eventually take a sneak peek at SGU, sooner or later YOU WILL =D

Atlantis Rocks
Atlantis Rocks
15 years ago

With due respect, DON’T presume to to think you know what I will or wont do, coz really your barking up the wrong tree, those that do know me would tell you, when my mind is made up, its made up.

Each to his or her own, I’ll wait for the SGA movie, as for me thats what “I’m interested in” if it doesnt happen, I will follow the actors in there careers!

mrs john sheppard
mrs john sheppard
15 years ago

mmm SGA Extinction are they trying to say this is it?? i hope not, well its about time we get some news on this and i hope they get all of the actors on this movie!!! because i have only heard they have three signed on….

15 years ago

Rocks Hmm, do I really need to spell it out for you? Ok: IT WAS A JOKE! Man your easy to piss of aren’t you? That’s one thing I’ve learned. Whatever, let’s just drop the discussion. You hate SGU, even though you haven’t seen the show, and I am going to give it a chance. You’ve made up your mind, I haven’t. The end.

15 years ago

Oh look at me I hate SGU. Sorry to say it this way but you SGU bashers are attention whores. No need to pollute all news bits with your complaints, we read them 100 times already. They’d post a Stargate cake receipe on this site and you’d find a way to bash SGU. We get you, OK? Now please let us appreciate good news when it comes in. Thank you. I’m glad they’re working on the movie and hopefully it will get produced quickly. The more Stargate the happier I am. Since Atlantis is on Earth, me thinks Extinction refers… Read more »

15 years ago

Why do people hate SGU so much? Let me ask you a couple questions. 1. Do you like SG1, and if you do how can you like SGA there different in so many levels, the acting in SG1 is far better. 2. How many people didnt like when SGA came out, were you guys the same way agianst SGA as you are on SGU? 3. How many are you still upset that SG1 and SGA got cancelled? If you are try not to take your anger out on SGU, it maybe good and it maybe not. In MY opinion, SGU,… Read more »

15 years ago

Oh and im sorry I forgot this classic quotes from SG1:

Col. Samantha Carter: General.
Brigadier General Jack O’Neill: Colonel. We’ve all met.
Dr. Daniel Jackson: Yes, actually we know each other’s life stories.
Brigadier General Jack O’Neill: That snippiness?
Dr. Daniel Jackson: Is that a word?

15 years ago

@ sramir2 The acting better in SG1? Well you cant say that in general. The guy who plays Rodney McCay, David Hewlett, in Atlantis beats pretty much anybody on SG1 as far as the acting goes. The only one I like better is Richard Dean Anderson, and Michael Shanks. But Shanks and Hewlett are both right there, doing an even battle. The only reason I like SG1 more is because of Richard Dean Anderson, Jack O’Neill is the best! SG1 without him was never even close to being as good as it was with him. By the way, I’m not… Read more »

15 years ago

Stargate Atlantis: Extinction?

Say those words out loud, it sounds terrible. Hopefully it’ll just be Stargate: Extinction

15 years ago

@sramir2 First all NO NOT REALLY a SG1 fan its ok, saw some eps,I AM SGA fan, every ep, love the Show, Sheppard is WAY better than O’Neill IMO. Just because you like one part of the franchise DOES NOT MEAN THAT YOU AUTOMATICALLY LIKE THE OTHER BITS! I’m not a puppy dog led around by a collar a fed bones, so WHY the assumptions that I have 2 like SGU! Just because its got Stargate in the title?! Sramir2 YES in your opinion there are some good actors, in mind there are NOT personally I don’t like Robert Carlyle… Read more »

Imitation Tofu
Imitation Tofu
15 years ago

Zero interest in universe. All I care about is the atlantis movie. Anyone who gets bent about that can just impotently sit there and deal.

15 years ago

I liked SGA quite a bit better than SG1, although it was good too.
In terms of acting, most all the lead characters on both shows were quite talented, although I am most appreciative of Joe Flanigan’s acting skills.

15 years ago

@Joycelm2 Hey, calm down first.(paraphrase here: did they get the dounuts, and you made sure they are kispy kremes ) I didnt say that you were ‘I’m not a puppy dog led around by a collar a fed bones'(actually thats a pretty good line anyway). And aslo about Robert Carlye I really don’t know who he even is, and if hes not your kind of actor, OK find by me. I never watch BSG so I don’t care I LOVE the universe of Stargate, I love the,’snippiness’, of the show. . I’m not saying that SGU will be good, I… Read more »

15 years ago

I never said that SGA is bad, but what I am saying is this, they seem almost just to throw things from SG1 into SGA. Like the asgard I think the only reason they put them in there was to relieve the tension between them and us. @Nikst the acting is on par with each other. but SG1 just seem to follow better. Both had there downfalls in acting, and both had their upsides to. Classic Quote: Jack O’Neill: If we want to find out who’s behind this, we have to do what the Asgard do. Daniel: You mean bluff?… Read more »

15 years ago

Imitation Tofu, I’m with you here, couldnt give a toss about SGU an couldnt give a toss that others think its terrible I’m not watching it ITS JUST PLAIN SIMPLE, I’M NOT INTERESTED IN IT, SO BLOODY WELL GET OVER IT, OR IGNORE ME. Its just SGA I’m interested in full stop! an the working the title of the film its self feels me with dread Extinction? After all this time couldnt JM have come up with a better working title, I mean they must have known that people would start to see the bad side of that name, or… Read more »

15 years ago

the name Extinction is good, if they play it right. do you really think they would make a movie without having the orginal cast? if they did that it would be horrible, in every which wat possible. and Stop yelling. the only thing i was doing was voicing my opinion. some of you people need to calm down. Good for you that you don’t like SGU. anybody have a clue what the third SG1 movie will be named? all i really know is that it will be about Jack O’niell and that every person is signed execpt for chris judge.… Read more »

mrs john sheppard
mrs john sheppard
15 years ago

its all about sga. im not interested in watching universe. i just like sga becuase of the humor, bickering between john and mckay and other stuff. as for the sga movie we all know that JF has not been approached yet what the heck is TPTB waiting for?

15 years ago

hey all u guys said the same thing about atlantis when it started, “oh its gonna suck and im not gonna watch it” now look at u. u all like it, and ur giving sgu the boot before it even airs.

15 years ago

I don’t like it when people say “I hate it just because” and it’s true that people can like all the shows: SG-1, SGA and the future SGU, too. On the other hand, to bash people who have objective reasons not to watch SGU, that’s very much not okay either. I for one have no intention to watch SGU, because I dislike Robert Carlyle, I hate the “darker tone” and BSG/ST:V likeness (I hated BSG) and the characters are simply eye-rolling (a senator’s daughter in space? really?). I watched the trailers, I read the interviews and the more I learn… Read more »

15 years ago

First of all, I’m very excited to see at least a working title. Lord knows it can and probably will change 20 times before the movie is ever actually made. I will say though, that I’m still taking a wait and see stance on things, until I’ve heard that all of the main cast have been signed. With regards to the whole SGU debate going on, I’m not interested in the show. My reason has more to do with the fact that my trust in the SG PTB has been ruined than weather or not I think it will be… Read more »

cugel the clever
cugel the clever
15 years ago

“I guess that seals the fate of the wraith…or the Asgard? =/
spaceerased | May 16 @ 3:51 pm”

LOL – no chance of that – it wouldn’t make for a movie that anyone would want to watch! The “extinction” in the title refers to threatened extinction of the human race from one of the old enemies such as the Wraith. After all, they came close to trashing earth in the series finale; who’s to say that more “super hive” ships aren’t on their way to Earth?