Talking Point: Would You Watch A New Stargate Show?

What will a new Stargate TV series need in order to bring back the existing fan base? We want to hear your views!

Mitchell walking towards the Stargate ("Ripple Effect")

In spite of Amazon MGM Studios’ painfully long silence regarding the future of Stargate, I still think it’s only a matter of time before the now merged company makes it happen. Amazon MGM recently announced that they are producing a Legally Blonde TV series — the first scripted series to come from MGM’s library of owned properties since the studio’s acquisition in 2022. If Stargate is on deck, San Diego Comic-Con in July might be a good place to make the announcement.

So while we wait, let’s talk about how a new series announcement could (and should?) be received by Stargate’s fan base. How open are we to a different kind of Stargate show, from a new group of storytellers? Could a rebooted world actually turn out well, or will current fans refuse to watch anything that doesn’t star Richard Dean Anderson and company (no matter how retired or otherwise employed they are)?

Here we are going to run down four of the biggest choices that the creatives behind a new Stargate series will have to make, and how Amazon MGM Studios might best bring along the existing fan base. We’re not talking about the “perfect” show of our dreams, necessarily — and hey, we’re pretty realistic about the chances of reuniting the SG-1, Atlantis, or SGU casts more than a decade later to make more of the shows we loved.

No, instead of the ideal new Stargate show, let’s talk about what fans are willing to give a shot. What does a new series need to look like in order to convince you to subscribe to a service like Prime Video or MGM+ and click on that first episode?

My analysis down below is just to get the conversation started — or you can watch the video version right here. So let’s hear from you! Vote in each of the polls as you go, and when you reach the bottom post a comment explaining what a new Stargate TV series ought to be in order to convince you to give it a try.


The first and perhaps biggest decision that a new team of writers has to make is whether to continue the existing canon or start over from scratch with a hard reboot. A continuation respects the past and the audience that loves those shows, yes. But more pragmatically, it would also allow writers to utilize the deep well of characters and lore, and bring back actors for guest appearances, while moving the Stargate universe forward in a new setting.

Years have passed, and of course the names and faces have changed. Think of this in terms of Star Trek: The Next Generation and its relationship with the original series. When TNG premiered in 1987 it was a very different kind of show, set decades into the future with a new cast (“There’s a Klingon on the bridge!”) … but the world was still very much Star Trek. This was simply what Kirk and Spock’s Starfleet had evolved into.

The second option is a full restart of the lore, beginning all over again with the discovery of the Stargate on Earth. A retelling would have certain things in common with the original but would no doubt forge its own path, setting up an ongoing TV series that might involve a secret underground military base and alien parasites called Goa’uld, but unfold in a totally different way.

Consider how 2003’s Battlestar Galactica retold the story of the Cylon invasion and the fall of the Twelve Colonies. The new series followed the same story beats as the original show — and involved many of the same characters — but gave this world a very different and original spin. The remake of BSG went on to become a modern sci-fi masterpiece.

There’s a third option here, which is a “soft reboot” that clears the board (and possibly even recasts key characters) but maintains a vital line of continuity with the original Stargate TV franchise. Say what you want about J.J. Abrams’ 2009 Star Trek film, but what it did brilliantly was connect the old with the new. A little time travel, a bit of Leonard Nimoy, and we got a different take on Kirk’s Enterprise that maintains an “alternate timeline” relationship with what came before (and what’s come after on TV).

So what about Stargate? Could you get on board with a reboot, if it was done well?


Would you watch a REBOOT of Stargate?

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Brian J. Smith and Robert Carlyle (Stargate Universe)


Both The Next Generation and Battlestar Galactica found ways to bring back familiar faces from their franchise’s past, whether it was DeForest Kelley’s unnamed admiral in “Encounter at Farpoint,” Leonard Nimoy and James Doohan’s guest appearances in later seasons, or BSG‘s recasting of original “Apollo” actor Richard Hatch in a completely different role.

Whether the next Stargate show is a continuation or a reboot, there could be a place for members of the previous casts. It would be fantastic to see them in the same roles, checking in on Daniel Jackson, Eli Wallace, or Rodney McKay years later. But I certainly wouldn’t expect any former cast members to be included as full-time cast members in a fourth show (even if it is a continuation).

In either case, this show would be filled with fresh, new faces — just like Atlantis was in 2004, and SGU in 2009. Whether it’s “Stargate Command: 2025” or a young Daniel Jackson being recruited by the Air Force to translate hieroglyphs, the show will have a new troupe of actors to play a new team ready for adventures through the gate.

Note too that there are financial implications for using characters that were introduced in Stargate SG-1. Sam, Teal’c, General Hammond, Dr. Fraiser, and others were created by Jonathan Glassner and Brad Wright. If a new series includes those characters, their creators have to be paid.


Would you watch a Stargate series WITHOUT the original casts?

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J.R. Reed Space Terminal ("2010")


When Stargate first made the move to television back in 1997, one of the building blocks of SG-1‘s premise was that the U.S. military was operating the Stargate program in secret, sending teams to explore other planets and stir up hornets’ nests across the galaxy. For at least five years, at its most basic the show was about human beings looking for allies and technology to help defend Earth.

The covert nature of the S.G.C. contributed to innumerable stories, from Sam’s tension with her father in “Secrets” to Senator Kinsey’s control of the program’s financing in “Politics,” and from a business executive’s threat to expose the Asgard to the world in “Covenant” to a possible future where the Stargate was public knowledge available to all for off-world travel in “2010.”

But does a new Stargate show need to maintain the secrecy of the Stargate, alien life, or Earth’s fleet of high-tech battle cruisers?

Brad Wright’s plans for a third SG-1 movie (and later a fourth series) involved the Stargate program going public. Wright and his team always held this card close to the vest, knowing it is a story that can only be told once — one that would alter the show’s premise in a fundamental way.

The next show could go either way: keep the Stargate a secret from the general public, or build a universe where the world knows Earth’s place in a bigger galactic community. What do you think? Would you watch either way?


Would you accept a Stargate show with a PUBLIC gate?

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Tarania Stargate ("Inferno")


Thinking back to sci-fi’s other great franchise continuations, both The Next Generation and Battlestar Galactica created shows that were tonally different than what had come before them. The original Star Trek was an adventure series for the 1960s, a “wagon train to the stars,” as creator Gene Roddenberry put it. It often ended with Captain Kirk getting into a fist fight, tearing his shirt, and kissing the girl (though not always in that order). It also did smart and thoughtful science fiction incredibly well, of course. But there’s no doubt that TNG‘s approach was a different sort of adventure drama, with a leader more inclined to diplomacy and speech-making.

BSG, for its part, went from a 1970s family adventure romp to a smart and tense character drama that helped to create so-called “prestige television.” And because we are talking about fan reception here, it’s worth observing how fans of both shows reacted to those changes. Some BSG fans rebuked the new version as just exploiting someone else’s universe to make a completely different show, one that failed to honor what had come before. But in the end the gritty drama won over a lot of people, and added countless new viewers who usually avoided science fiction.

So what’s the right tone for the next Stargate series? Even the Brad Wright era broke the glass of making a completely different kind of series: Stargate Universe was divisive with its darker tone, a focus on relationships and internal struggles, and innovations in lighting and photography. I’m sure some fans would love to see another show cut from the same cloth … while others long for a return to the more traditional style.

Does it matter to you? Are you willing to watch the next show regardless of its tone, at least to see if it’s any good?


What TONE of show would you watch for new Stargate?

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Stargate SG-1 Team (Casual)


Stargate fans like different things about this franchise, and that’s OK. Not every show is for every viewer, and what one person likes is bound to be a non-starter for someone else. As I’ve pondered how different Stargate fans might answer the questions above, of course I have also grappled with how I answer them for myself. Not simply the show that I most want, but what kind of Stargate show would I be willing to accept? What’s going to get me to come back, as a viewer?

Now I’m obviously an anomaly there: I run a Stargate Web site and am committed to the franchise come what may. I think the real star of the show is that big, beautiful ring that takes us to an infinite number of stories. But here’s how I answer the questions that I have put to you.

I want a continuation of the story and the lore that I am 354-hours invested in … but I am certainly willing to watch someone else’s take on the idea. Seeing a new story about the gate’s discovery and humankind’s first steps into the galaxy is intriguing to me. That said, were the new creatives to sweep those 17 seasons out the back door and completely disregard that history would be very painful. It would create a show that almost dared me not to watch it, by taking something precious to me and declaring to the world that it is unimportant.

I keep going back to the 2009 Star Trek reboot. Using a sci-fi conceit like alternate timelines or parallel universes is a brilliant stroke, and Leonard Nimoy’s performance did so much to help me love that story. It didn’t tell me that my Star Trek didn’t matter any more; it bridged two continuities, allowing the writers to tell new stories with legacy characters — but (and this is the key) in a way that my Star Trek wasn’t replaced by this story. My Star Trek led to this story.

If Stargate’s new creative team chooses a reboot, I pray for a similar wisdom.

Honestly, if I can have that, I am on board for everything else. I want to see former cast members return, and ideally play their same character. But I understand that such guest appearances need to work for the story. I’m inclined to a story that keeps the Stargate a secret (at least for now), but maybe only because that feels safe and familiar to me.

As for the tone of the show? Lighter or darker, adventure or drama — as long as the show has heart and humor, with characters who rise above their base natures to work together for the common good, who place team above self and display traits of courage, honor, and respect … well, then you’ve got a Stargate show. And you’ll have me there for the journey.

So, what’ll it be?

We want to hear your views! Post a comment below and share your thoughts on a new Stargate series — not necessarily what you want in an ideal scenario, but what the show would need in order to convince you to try it out.

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1 month ago

I would watch a new Stargate series in any form, shape or capacity. I would watch adults LARP Stargate and would likely participate and pay good money for the privilege. This is a no-brainer. This show was never stale. Reboot now please.

Gabriel Marinescu
Gabriel Marinescu
1 month ago
Reply to  Bal

These series starting with Stargate SG-1 were the best sci-fi series I have ever seen (I am 64 years old and as a small child I watched almost EVERYTHING in the sci-fi genre!) I wish with all my heart the resumption of the production of these magnificent series !All of them!

David Field
David Field
15 days ago


1 month ago
Reply to  Bal

No reboot. This was the best sci-fi TV series ever made. They can’t possibly reboot it with competent success. Particularly considering how much TV & movies have sucked recently. To have any reasonable chance of success it needs to honor the past (continuation / not reboot) and include the producers/writers who worked on it before.

1 month ago
Reply to  Bal

Your questions a bit unfair, like saying to a kid that they can only have a tenth of a candy bar, or none, when really the kid wants 10 candy bars. Yes a reboot would be bearable but FAR better to continue all the 3 original series, and have a new one too. Your phrasing of the middle question “LIMITING” original actor appearances or alternative is refusing to watch at all is heartbreaking. I would like the original actors in the show LOTS, it would be terrible if they were limited, but like the kid offered a tenth of a… Read more »

1 month ago
Reply to  Bal

However Darren, despite my reply below, i think we all owe you a great debt of gratitude for the stupendous effort you have made via GateWorld these last 15 years to keep the “Bring back Stargate” crusade going strong.

1 month ago

I want Carlyle back.
The rest of the cast have probably aged so much that it’ll be better to get a new cast. Just give me a fun adventure without any wokeisms and I’ll be happy.

Debby Krikalo
Debby Krikalo
1 month ago
Reply to  Sven

HEY! I politely take offense to the sentence..”The rest of the class have probably age so much that’ll be better to get a new cast”..Hold on a sec there..what’s wrong with older folks? I grew up watching the older movies..PBS was a WONDERFUL TV station to watch the Classic Fliks. Back in the 80’s{my college years} my Mom had a good,hot & filling meal ready on a tv tray in front of the tv & she’d sit whilst we watched another Classic Flik like “To Catch A Thief” with Cary Grant & Grace Kelly…the TV shows were AWESOME too..YES I’m… Read more »

1 month ago
Reply to  Sven

The new show doesn’t need to feature the older cast as the primary roles. But it would be damn nice to have O’Neill, Carter, Jackson, Teal and the rest (from the other series) make guest appearances. Kinda like Hammond made a few appearances after Jack took command.

Samantha Black
Samantha Black
1 month ago

I think the real-world cultural climate has a lot to do with audience reception of a show. Stargate Universe was interesting but relentlessly dark. It started airing during the economic downturn and political turmoil, war in Afghanistan. Tension in real life doesn’t drive people to come home and see tension in TV shows. A reboot needs to take this into account.

1 month ago
Reply to  Samantha Black

I think fans of dark stuff will watch dark stuff regardless of the world around them. And fans of less depressing stuff will watch less depressing stuff. The problem with artists is that they tend to want to push boundaries just to push boundaries and change the flavor away from what’s working. I think Universe would have been more successful with Stargate fans if it wasn’t dim and depressing.

1 month ago
Reply to  N R

I agree and SGU wasn’t all that bad, i mean it was at first but the second season was better especially torwords the end of season 2 got lighter and not as depressing.

1 month ago
Reply to  N R

The thing is Stargate really stood out because of how it was positive and didn’t have infighting. The team and its supporting command were always cohesive and supportive – which I think really helped the show stand out. I did like SGU in some ways, but there was too much internal drama and infighting. It broke the mold which probably contributed to its downfall.

1 month ago

I would happily watch any new Stargate TV show – as long as they stick to the Stargate cannon (within reason). I was not a big fan of SGU and I think it was pretty limited since they hardly ever interacted with anyone other then the main ship crew, also wasn’t a huge fan of the relationship drama of the series. I think it would be cool if get another classic earth based show like SG1 and if it was a continuation of SG1 we could see more off-worlders working in the SGC. (Star Trek vibes) If they did something… Read more »

1 month ago
Reply to  Nedy

SGU also had that weird kink, where the two senior surviving military officers were banging each other’s wives… Via using that Ancient device that mind-swaps users. But they never got the same body twice, so these military wives were just f–king different men each time. And then the officers would get mad at each other back on the ship. Most of the entire cast of SGU had similar “what the f–k is going on” issues, like the head scientist that had the huge anti-military boner but is only too happy to take advantage of them to even be on the… Read more »

Super Gater
Super Gater
1 month ago
Reply to  Nuit

WOW that is an interesting take on SG-U

Dawn Griffitts
Dawn Griffitts
1 month ago

Please Please reboot!!! Still watching reruns over and over.

1 month ago
Reply to  Dawn Griffitts

Continue yes, reboot no.

1 month ago

I’d much rather see a continuation of the show, maybe with an occasional guest appearance (Sam makes the most sense there), but as long as it’s good I don’t mind the old cast not being in the show itself as long as it’s the same universe and they’re mentioned. As to the Gates status, I’d actually like to see the show basically starting with the Gate being made public in episode 1, with a key part of the show being dealing with that new reality. Generally speaking it’s pretty unrealistic for the gate to stay secret as by the end… Read more »

Golden Jedi
Golden Jedi
1 month ago
Reply to  Azrael

Any “leaks” are dismissed because of the “fictional” show released in Episode 100 of SG1 .. only way they’re getting outted, is if a fleet shows up in orbit because the gate is blocked on the Earth end!

Marton Szokor
1 month ago

I’m not interested in Stargate remake from scratch, nor in a Stargate Kelvin timeline in which O’Neil and O’Neill team up with another O’Neilll (with 3Ls). Stargate surely deserves the sequel treatment, however Legacy is team Brad Wright’s story to tell. Period. I mean I’m not fully against AmazonMGM hiring new writers, but a revival would require multiple projects, thus a huge Stargate storygroup; Brad Wright and his team included! A new main cast is a must, while having SG-1, Atlantis and Universe characters recurring or guest starring in a Legacy series is the perfect way to bring Stargate back!… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by Marton Szokor
1 month ago
Reply to  Marton Szokor

Agree 100%. Personally I’d rather have a few small follow-up stories set in the same universe than a whole reboot. I’m not interested in a reboot. This was the best sci-fi series of all time, if they reboot it its like trying to erase that. I would not watch. However if they do a whole new series following the cannon, set in the same timeline and written by alumni of the original series I’d open my wallet and spend $$$$$$$$ to see that.

1 month ago

I am somewhat confused as to why any continuation or reboot has to keep the original, one-sided perspective of Earth. There are just so many untold stories and themes to explore.
I’d love to see a series from Goa’uld, maybe set at the prime of their empire. How about a spy, intelligence-gathering/resistance story from Tok’ra’s point of view? What about a prequel about the Ancients, maybe the Wraith War or their society’s split with the Ori?

So many options to expand the universe instead of rebooting it.

Stargate wanted
Stargate wanted
1 month ago
Reply to  B.A.F

B.A.F. All of those are interesting in themselves spin-off shows. I have thought the same thing to myself. If they do a full reboot with new characters the only way I could see it being any good is if they tell a new story of the gate being found and the hieroglyphs translated by a new “Daniel” character. Then they could take the story with the new cast in a different direction than the shows we seen. Get away from “Apophis” and highlight new never heard about Goa’uld or show less seen Goa’uld and make them the enemy we face… Read more »

1 month ago
Reply to  B.A.F

Yes, yes, New Stargate but from different angles that don’t have to be Earth-based. It can have Earth interaction, but also with all of those many, many Gate planets. Pegasus galaxy BEFORE the Wraith or at least before they became gigantically evil as they are. So much is possible, just please make it good and let the original creative team guide it’s launch for some semblance of some consistency. BSG 1978 Vs BSG 2004 is a great example….it’s all in the quality of the reboot or reimaging. Be respectful of quality, not shinny bridges or constant social messaging. Let fans… Read more »

1 month ago
Reply to  B.A.F

They could do those without replacing the original shows / timeline though. I absolutely love these shows and their history. I’d give anything a watch that exists in the same universe / timeline. But if they do a reboot / erase the past I’m out.

1 month ago
Reply to  B.A.F

BTW for a great example of these I reference the For Love of Evil novel by Piers Anthony. It was the 6th book in a series and told the same stories from the previous books from the perspective of the antagonist. It was brilliant and ended up being my favorite book in the series. But it only worked because it built on the previous stories.

1 month ago

Just look at the differences between SG1/SGA and Universe to know what will work long term and what will get cancelled after 1 season.

If you follow the Stargate formula it will work. If you take away the lighting so it’s constantly dim and depressing and film right up close to people’s faces and have all the characters constantly raging and ranting, it will fail.

Teresa Kocsis
Teresa Kocsis
1 month ago
Reply to  N R

I agree wholeheartedly. You make great points.. Cause you’re right..

1 month ago
Reply to  N R

This SHOULD BE AN OBVIOUS LESSON BY NOW. Follow the recipe = success. Try to subvert or change things for a “modern audience” and it fails. See: Star Wars, Star Trek, Doctor Who, Marvel, etc.

If they follow the same recipe and especially use the producers & writers from SG1/SGA they will have a success. If not, its a waste of money that harms the IP.

1 month ago
Reply to  N R

Totally this ^

1 month ago

Stargate has already set up the alternate universe, because on at least 3 occasions that I can remember they Gated to an alternative Earth with different branches. Plus the repeated time travel occasions, like stopping the one empire from chemically controlling Earth by sending a message back in time which caused them to block that gate address. Sadly, Amazon will treat Stargate like other adaptions or reboots, and will likely throw out all existing lore and give us glorified fanfiction and head canon. They’re too terrified of making original shows, but they’re only too happy to take existing concepts and… Read more »

1 month ago
Reply to  Nuit

They could do even greater difference shows like a Sinefeld type show starring Rod. So many things are possible.

While, I’ll give them a chance, ìts highly likely they’ll pick something I won’t watch as that’s the way they do things. I haven’t wanted to watch a single thing from them.

Failure is only their own fault from not understanding correctly beforehand.

Robert Klinc
Robert Klinc
1 month ago

Why not continue Stagate Universes story.

1 month ago
Reply to  Robert Klinc

I’d love to know what officially happened to Eli. The show was just starting to get really good when they cancelled it. If they reboot it, its gone forever. :(

1 month ago

I look forward to a new show even if the original cast get a mention and show once in a while would be brilliant, I look forward to a reboot of Stargate to be honest a like the original but am sure a new cast could take it to a new level and effect will be better ,am sure it will get a following from younger audiences and older ones too.

1 month ago

I am long time fan, and recently introduced my fiance to the show, and she is loving it! We both would love to see continuation. Doesn’t matter reboot, or continuation, as long as show made with heart and soul that we came to love! Seeing familiar faces would definitely be welcomed though.

Gonçalo Correia
Gonçalo Correia
1 month ago

I love Stargate all the way
The motion picture -Amazing
SG1 – Superb
Atlantis – Extraordinary
Universe- Great but incomplete
Please bring it back asap

Mo Sh
Mo Sh
1 month ago

I liked all three series. Wasn’t so keen on the last couple of SG-1 seasons, but they finished with a corker of a film. I’d be happy with an SGU continuation and any sort of reboot. Something that worries me is that the subject of Go-Woke-Go-Broke was not addressed at all in this article. If they did make a conscious decision to destroy this in the name of shoving so called progressive sexual politics down the viewers’ throats aka the abomination that is Doctor Who and Star Trek, then I will never tune in again and hope that they fall… Read more »

Last edited 1 month ago by Mo Sh
8 days ago
Reply to  Mo Sh

that’s probably why they didn’t address it. if they did, people would avoid it from the start. if they don’t, people will put at least some money in before getting burned. they’ll make more money through deception.

1 month ago

I just want the show back best show ever made

Maria Griffin
Maria Griffin
1 month ago

I have watched both SG1 and Atlantis many times and never get tired of doing so. The shows are entertaining. I look forward to a continuation of the Star Gate series in the future.

Ez Boorman
Ez Boorman
1 month ago

I really really really want SGU to come back. I can’t stop thinking about the characters in suspended animation FOREVER not good. Did the final pod get fixed? How far away were the ancients heading? How many seed ships did they have? Too many unanswered questions.

1 month ago

I love all the Stargate platforms, so any reboot, rebirth, or update to Stargate is welcome. And very long waited for. So don’t take long getting it going guys

G King
G King
1 month ago
Reply to  Dian

Is 20+ years not long enough for you?

1 month ago

As long as they don’t get political. I’m down for anything. Keep it real!

Teresa Kocsis
Teresa Kocsis
1 month ago
Reply to  Jay

Oh man you’re so right.. I’m not a fan of politically motivated episodes. They need to be kept to an absolute minimum. I will watch them out of genuine curiosity though.

1 month ago

I think there’s huge depth for story telling with a reboot or a continuation. Reboot is self explanatory. Tell pretty much the same story but with the benefit of today’s cgi ect. As long as they get the balance of comedy and action and create great character arcs it will work. I feel its a little difficult to do a continuation but done right ot could be OK… all be it wouldnt work on anything other than an astronomical budget. Earth has had the benefit of all of the asgards knowledge for 15 yrs and Atlantis was last seen near… Read more »

1 month ago

The bottom line in 2024 is thou.

Leave politics, gender identity issues, and the issues of today at the door!!!
I can watch repeats of sg1 and atlantis till I die. But I wouldn’t bother if they started the preaching subliminally. Not interested!!!
I just want my entertainment untainted by the woke ideology of the present.
No diversity quotas none of the bs just honest entertainment like we used to get before the world went mental. Cheers!

1 month ago

If they kill Martouf | Lantash off again I will stop watching just like I did the first time. He and Sam should have ended up together. Idk how they’re going to find a man who plays Martouf | Lantash better than JR but make it happen.

1 month ago

I would prefer they stay in Stargate Canon – don’t need to throw away all of that rich world building! However, I would understand if they needed to start over too as that could be a lot of baggage. The most important things are that, (1) they plot out the story before hand so it has a plan (and isn’t stuffed with fillers or incomplete plotlines) and (2) doesn’t turn into some horrible social justice tribute. SOOOooooo many modern shows have to force in that crap that I just stopped watching anything modern. I’ve gone back to SG-1, Babylon 5,… Read more »

Teresa Kocsis
Teresa Kocsis
1 month ago

Keep the music the same regardless of the type of Stargate that is developed and I will be a fan.

1 month ago

I think the franchise needs to come back. That, to me, is a give in. However, I’d want to see some of the older characters make recurring guest roles in the show I.e Carter in charge of a new Area 51, Mitchell in command of the SGC, Atlantis back in Pegasus with Lorne in command as highest ranking military officer etc. The new show needs to respect the cannon set before it but also needs to stand alone too. Introduce new adversaries, adversities and whatnot. Rebuilding sets shouldn’t be too difficult either, especially for the ships we’ve come to know… Read more »

1 month ago

I would love to see the crew from atlantis back. Mc k and John at least

1 month ago
Reply to  Nate

John needs to get back into shape or be at a desk job :)

1 month ago

I dislike how Universe ended. It was extremely disappointing and depressing. I was an fan of SG1…at least the end movies gave some kind of closure to the storylines.

Jd sparks
Jd sparks
1 month ago

I love universe… and the others….I especially loved the one that was about their children when they found they and gave their future kids/society in the alternate timeliness where they started all over and it showed how the cast would have evolved.

1 month ago

It’s been ten years, Ben Browder should be a two star general by now and in charge of Stargate Command. Tealc’ should be the leader of the free Jaffa. Sam and DR Jackson can have guest appearances as needed.

1 month ago
Reply to  Skie

Browder for Hammonds position would indeed be a good fit if it has to be.

1 month ago

Lol would love to see it, a story about what happens with Atlantis, maybe using the tech to rescue the crew of Destiny? Maybe using the information we saved from the Asgard to contact the Asgard survivors as seen in universe and help them find a cure to the cloning issue? Perhaps meet the Furlings and aid them in a war with a new intergalactic enemy? Id love to see what happens next?

1 month ago
Reply to  Luke

Another 5 seasons or more would have been fantastic: )

Super Gater
Super Gater
1 month ago

I was very excited when Amazon bought Stargate rights and very optimistic. But after what will be a half decade wait at the least to get a new episode I am positive that I will not enjoy or look forward because my biggest gripe with current shows are 8 episode seasons. So getting 40 episodes on 6 years will not be worth even starting.

1 month ago
Reply to  Super Gater

However many times I see 8 episode seasons, I still can’t believe that’s all there is in those seasons. It always makes the shows worse as well.

12-13 episodes tends to work better at a minimum as it feels longer to a good extent. Plus about half a true season.

Last edited 1 month ago by Elmo
Ian h
Ian h
1 month ago

I’d prefer it be more like the first two series, stargate universe felt like a rip off of the bsg reboot. To the point where the first couple of episodes from what i remember were almost carbon copy ripoffs, with a similar tone. I stopped watching sgu after a couple of episodes so it could have got better but in the beginning i didn’t particularly like it.
Id like the atlantis story to continue within the new series, the wraith are a great villain, the ori in sg1 were naff, and i dont really like the people from farscape either.

Grant Sanders
Grant Sanders
1 month ago

I’d love a new gate show. Would prefer they continue Atlantis and no reboots!
And leave the woke bs somewhere else!

Golden Jedi
Golden Jedi
1 month ago

Like a junkie that has been going through withdrawals (since 2013 when I finished SGU on Netflix) I will be first in line to take anything they offer to the dome. Real World Abydos hosted by RuPaul, Jar Jar Binks, n Teal’c .. I’M HERE FOR IT!

Golden Jedi
Golden Jedi
1 month ago

I think a prequel would be dope .. like even something involving Ancients, or Gao’uld coming to earth .. maybe some Atlantis content could be a part of that .. the SGU ship could be in it at some point

1 month ago

Bring on a new series love the show regardless of how it turns out.but it would be nice if they finished sgu you could do it in a way when they come out there older so you could change the cast a bit.
As for Atlantis I would keep it on earth but have galaxy wide enemies that come to battle earth or something I don’t know just need more Stargate back can only watch it so much before I’m back at sg1 to go back throw the hole sg shows in order

1 month ago

Yes. Yes. Yes.

1 month ago

I would love for them to give SGU an ending before they do anything new.

1 month ago

I am in heavy favour of a continuation.
If they really want to make a hard reboot, it has to be really really really good.
If its a continution, im fine if its not bad. :)

1 month ago

A reboot if stargate universe would be nice. Less drama and more fun and scifi moments please. The core idea of stargate universe was very cool. But all characters but the two main characters were boring or annoying tbh. (Good actors still)

Last edited 1 month ago by Greg
1 month ago
Reply to  Greg

Like the episode with the girl that licked her dirty fingers in a dirty warehouse like they were chocolate bars. She probably got terribly sick from it and wouldn’t be fun to watch.

1 month ago

I would love a new stargate series have been so waiting For them to break out with the new one Absolutely excited that people Are still interested in the stargate series.

1 month ago

I totally agree with you, Darren: “[…] were the new creatives to sweep those 17 seasons out the back door and completely disregard that history [… ] It would create a show that almost dared me not to watch it.”
“As for the tone […] as long as the show has heart and humor […] you’ll have me there for the journey.”
My thoughts too!

Last edited 1 month ago by Irena
1 month ago

As long as they don’t make the lead actors too young, (eg, a 20 Yr old colonel or 30 Yr old general), I think it would be fine. I think I’d like to see the SGC become less secretive. That way, you’d be able to have civilian teams getting into trouble and have the military bail them out, or vice versa, of course! Maybe have a military leader wanting to hold off and a scientist gung-ho to attack something/one. Daniel could be, (if affordable!), the venerable elder scientist called on for his expert opinions. Sam, assuming she’s still in the… Read more »

1 month ago

I worry about the future of Stargate if I’m honest. A continuation It has been so long since it last aired that I think it would struggle to gain the kind of viewers that Amazon would deem a success.  Whilst a continuation would be a dream, I can’t see how it would be easy to bring in new fans without them having to invest 354-hours on previous content that isn’t readily available in all countries. The big reboot I can’t imagine long term fan wants to see this. There is an inherent risk of alienating existing fan and dividing the… Read more »

1 month ago
Reply to  Judgelander

For every show it always comes down to the 354 hours previous content. I watched Stargate Atlantis first and didn’t see Sg-1 until about 2-4 years ago. Was not a problem. No one actually needs to know anything at any time.

I even watched the sg-1 movies before sg-1 and it was fantastic that way. Better actually than the correct order.

Last edited 1 month ago by Elmo
1 month ago
Reply to  Elmo

That’s good to know then!
My concern was that if they picked up/followed on directly from SG Universe, it would be more difficult to get into.

1 month ago

Well, well, well.! For the most part , I think I answered The same way you did. No b**** really don’t think it’s a great idea to reinvent the wheel when it works so well in the past.That being said you need to take a leap from that departure into the future You don’t want horse-and-buggy with a wheel that let’s do a spaceship with some wheels.Let’s enjoy the future together

1 month ago

Let’s reboot Into a series of movies much like Star wars. With a reboot start movie then several sequels also show more of earths past and the uprising on earth ECT then the first adventure reboot.

1 month ago

Finish SGU, then we’ll talk.

1 month ago

I would love a Reboot of SGU, I watched the different series several times. Please do Reboot.

1 month ago

I just want there to be a big wormhole generating gate that takes people to new planets.