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13 years ago

Well isn’t this a nice Christmas present?


Merry Christmas to all!

13 years ago

On another network would be interesting. Which one?

General Jumper One
General Jumper One
13 years ago

Yay, we have some hope now…I wonder if “Hope” will be the name of one of the episodes to come.

13 years ago

MGM will hopefully use this money to film the SG-1 and SGA movies that we’ve all been waiting for!

13 years ago

It amazes me how one channel can have such power over the future of one show maybe you could approach Sky or someone like that. I was just getting into the story it was coming together nicely. Loved it.

13 years ago

Hopefully we can get both the SG-1 and SGA movies, along with SGU’s third season on a different channel.

@General Jumper One Maybe Hope will be the episode SGU’s ratings spike to 3 million. :o

13 years ago

we will never rest until SGU returns for another season!

13 years ago

Imagine this!

Stargate: UK

I like L&O: UK. Maybe Jaime Barber could do double duty. Just a thought.

Good eggnog!

13 years ago

Well, if all this somehow gets us an SGA movie I’m all for it!

13 years ago

Hope!!! this notice make me so happy!!!

13 years ago

The SGU story will probably continue in books or audiobooks, which is a shame since it is a very visual part of the Stargate lorE.

13 years ago

Please learn from your mistakes. Fans want SG-1, SGA or something new in the typical stargate style. Otherwise it won’t be watched again…

13 years ago

I really hope that if they do it in film format, it supersedes the SGA or SG1 films – at least those two have stories which are wrapped up. SGU’s situation is currently like being part way through the last ever copy of a book, and then someone coming up and ripping it out of your hands, and burning it.

(Plus it would greatly irritate the people who have been constantly flooding any SGU news story with negative comments (regardless of what the stroies are about) too, which would always be a plus! ;))

13 years ago

just make a movie to finish it off. no books or comics please. i want to WATCH it.

13 years ago

maybe a subscription channel for sg only on the Internet.. and DVD… let the sci-fi (bogus syfy) channel rot … there needs to be a real sci-fi network that actually cares about it’s fans…. sG franchis eis a cash cow, and there must be more than enough investors that will back it up…

13 years ago

Well this is potentially great news to get this Christmas Eve! Fingers crossed!

13 years ago

I’ll take anything I can get from the franchise. Even if they move it to a premium channel I’ll be signing up.

13 years ago

I am delighted to see that Bred and team won’t give up without a fight. We don’t know details yet, but something what Bred said made me curious: ““It’s heartening to see so many people upset about Syfy’s cancellation of the show,” he said, “but it’s important to remember that their license fee represented only a portion of our total budget.”” Does that mean that SyFy didn’t paid for all production costs and actually they need to find a replacement only for part of it? I didn’t know that. Also it is interesting that Joseph in blog entry linked… Read more »

Michael Sacal
Michael Sacal
13 years ago

If Syfy’s fee represented only a portion, couldn’t they continue producing the show for the syndicated market?

I’d hate to see this end up on a crappy comic or novel. I want live action, I want actors, I want SFX, not drawings or words on a piece of paper. That’s not Stargate,.

Michael Sacal
Michael Sacal
13 years ago

ooooh… maybe they could move to Starz.

13 years ago

I’m hoping for AMC. It’s the only channel out there that gets it. I mean, Mad Men, Breaking Bad, Walking Dead… All shows that nobody wanted, and look at those shows now. Some of the best TV out there.

Michael Sacal
Michael Sacal
13 years ago

As successful as Walking Dead has been, on more than one occasion reviewers have pointed out that it doesn’t have a big budget due to being on AMC, so AMC may not be able to afford something like Stargate SGU.

Starz may not be able to afford it either. As good as Spartacus is and looks, it does rely far too much on green screen. I doubt we’d enjoy seeing green screen replace location shooting when they go to other planets.

13 years ago

Is it too corny to say “the ship on SGU was called Destiny for a reason”?

I really hope they get the chance to finish the SGU story. I don’t mind it ending, just as long as it ends with a conclusion, not a cliffhanger.

Michael Sacal
Michael Sacal
13 years ago

I’m sure the season will end on a cliffhanger, most likely the Lucian Alliance’s attack on Earth.

If Atlantis is still on Earth, would they use it to defend the planet, thus leading to a full-blown crossover on season 3?

13 years ago

Perhaps if there were cousins who married on the show, or a special NASCAR episode, something SyFy’s new audience could relate to?

I’m enjoying it, I’d love to see it finish. I’d love to see the franchise move to a channel where the average viewer has a family tree which forks. Fine with me.

13 years ago

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news….but this is a bit overly optimistic, I’d say. The news just recently broke and most of the production team just got back from various trips recently. Obviously they’re going to try to find a way for things to continue. That doesn’t mean there’s any actual real chance of it happening. From what I’ve seen of what’s publicly available, Syfy was putting in about $40 million per season. That’s probably 2/3 of the budget based on comments made about how much it costs to make an episode. So we’re not talking about making… Read more »

13 years ago

what about webisodes

13 years ago

You know what bothers me isn’t so much that the show was canceled, but that its ends on a cliffhanger. That’s like a black thorn in the foot of the franchise – even Star Trek Enterprise, as weak as it was at times, had a finale (as TERRIBLE as it was) when it was canceled. I’m even okay with continuing the story in novel format ala the Star Trek TV series as long as the producers state that the novels are canon. I hope that we get more than a DVD movie to conclude it because this is a series… Read more »

Michael Sacal
Michael Sacal
13 years ago

They air right after the Farscape episodes.

13 years ago

Wow, isn’t that mythos, biggest sceptic of SGU? :) Welcome back. Long denial post, heh? Problem with your numbers is that they are pure speculation. You know where 40$ mil. number comes from? That’s right, Robbie when they started to shoot mentioned that ep cost 2$ millions without giving bigger details. That’s BS. Two parters, pilots – maybe. Regular – I really, really doubt that. Again, speculation how much SyFy covers – Brad in this article says that SyFy covers only portion of costs. Wow. How much they’re really spending? We *don’t* know. It could be half, could be 1/3.… Read more »

13 years ago

@ mythos These ratings you talk about are live ratings. The ratings that SyFy care’s about are live ratings. There are a lot of ppl who watch it via DVR — like myself. I can think of several channels who would want SGU — Showtime is one of those, and they don’t care about live ratings, only if people are paying a monthly fee to watch their favorite show. I know I would support SHowtime — or any other network — that takes on SGU! And hopefully they would keep the series for at least 3 more seasons, if not… Read more »

13 years ago

Mythos, you have a grand total of ZERO facts or verified information, therefore you have no “bad news” to be the “bearer” of. Just like everyone else, you have absolutely no clue what is going to happen to SGU (or SGA and SG1 for that matter). So please stop writing mega posts that try to make out like you know what you’re talking about when you clearly don’t.

Also Lightmaker, it’s Jamie Bamber, not Jaime Barber.

13 years ago

@Pecisk – I’ve been here the whole time. And I’m not an SGU skeptic. I was pretty certain it would fail based on the facts of the falling ratings and the blatant disregard of the long-standing fans by the showrunners. That I turned out to be right isn’t because I knew anything that others didn’t, it was simply an educated guess based on what’s out there. But I also thought that it stood a chance for a third season because of MGM’s situation. As long as the show was making money, it seemed likely that both parties would go forward… Read more »

13 years ago

By the way, I’ve had a DVR for 10 years. It’s not that new of a technology. The DVR conversations were going on during SG1 as a reason for the drop in ratings. Seriously, get over it. SGU failed. It’s over. I’m sorry that the story won’t be told but they dug their own grave. It’s amazing that people are so intent on trying to pretend that the show didn’t fail when by all measurable means it did. It’s time to say goodbye to it. I’ve watched Stargate since it began and now, thanks to SGU failing to perform, it’s… Read more »

Michael Sacal
Michael Sacal
13 years ago

Until they strike the sets, there’s hope of some sort of follow up or moving the show somewhere else.

james betts jr
james betts jr
13 years ago

how about cw that would be great. its smallvilles last season i hate to say .then you can put sgu back on fridaynights in smallville time spot. heck any spot on cw would be great as long its back on the air

james betts jr
james betts jr
13 years ago

ps and these mid season breaks is where u are losing fans

13 years ago

All I’m going to say is: this is a great piece of news to receive on Christmas Eve! Thank you GW for making my day even more awesome! Thank you Brad for being so loyal to SGU!

james betts jr
james betts jr
13 years ago

and what about some movies you havce been talkingabout for years .sga sg1 would be great

13 years ago

@ mythos … again. The DVR discussion has been in high gear ever since Atlantis, really. Maybe SG-1 too, towards the end, but I wasn’t online paying attention to SG-1’s ratings back then. But go back and see that with live+7 (DVR ratings) you will see improvement — if that was live, then we would have more seasons @ SyFy. Also, with Hulu there are a lot of people who want SGU via Hulu or even Netflix (my friend only has Netflix so he watches it that way). How many people watch it via Hulu or Netflix? No way of… Read more »

Michael Sacal
Michael Sacal
13 years ago

MGM could always partner with someone like Sky or DirectTV, or someone else that gains from having SGU on the air to broadcast the show.

13 years ago

Well, didn’t SyFy buy the airing rights for the whole SG franchise for the US territory? Wasn’t that the reason why they couldn’t shop SG-1 around after SyFy canceled it? I doubt that SyFy would give up those rights just because SGU failed, with them they would lose the right to air any other future show/movie.

13 years ago

Why NOT get funding from a combination of foreign channels!? They all air it! Spirit of co-operation!

In America, how about the channel G8?

If they do a film format, there better damn well be MORE THAN 2 FILMS…. this story deserves a proper telling!

Michael Sacal
Michael Sacal
13 years ago

Could Syfy’s deal be moved to some of the other networks owned by NBC, like USA, NBC, or any other?

Michael Sacal
Michael Sacal
13 years ago

NBC = Comcast.

13 years ago

Love to see a fitting end to the SGU story.

13 years ago

Let them finish the story with a direct to dvd movie.

13 years ago

I was under the impression that Spartacus was shoot infront of a green screen so they could add a highly stylised visrual background, which lets face it adds greatly to the whole Spartacus experience. Also from what I understand, the budget for season 1 (13 eps) was about $35m-ish (One or the produces said they had about half the budget of ‘300’ which was $70m)

13 years ago

why does it always have to be about the benjamines and why cant it be about the fans for a change all the stargates were great shows with great stories. i think syfy sucks for cancelling the shows like they did. I guess they have to have that wrestling crap on instead. i wont be watching syfy much anymore that is for sure. long live Stargate all of them, BSG and Caprica

Michael Sacal
Michael Sacal
13 years ago

Really? I didn’t know those details.