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Craig MacD.
Craig MacD.
15 years ago

Star Trek references? My favorite has to be McKay calling Sheppard “Captain Kirk” in Sanctuary (season 1 of SGA) on a couple of occaisons. The funniest of these is when he discovers that Sheppard slept with the Ancient: “Oh my god, he IS Kirk”.

15 years ago

Some of my favorite Trek references are:

Tangent – Jacob Carter asks “what am I, Scotty?” when Carter and Jackson want him to beam Teal’c and Jack from the death glider.

Unnatural Selection (or Prometheus, can’t remember which one)- When Carter tells Jack that “We can’t call it the Enterprise.”

300 – Of course the Trek bridge scene with Mitchell being Kirk.

My favorite Trek reference: In “Babylon” when Mitchell calls Jolan ‘bones’ for knocking him out during the fight using medication (just like McCoy did to Kirk in “Amok Time”)

15 years ago

I like the reference where Jack wants to name the spaceship Enterprise.

15 years ago

I liked it, when in “The Other Guys,” Felger and Coombs were in the cargo hold of the Ha’tak. Coombs said to felger, “Oh come on Felger, we might as well be wearing red shirts”

15 years ago

For Trek moments, in the Ark of Truth when Mitchell takes command of the Odyssey and immediately commands ‘Weapons to maximum’ is always good.

For Jack and Daniel moments I always liked the exchange in season 10’s The Shroud when Daniel becomes a prior. “Have I ever let you down? No, wait, don’t answer that. Have I ever let you down when it really mattered?!”

15 years ago

McKay & Mrs. Miller:

Sheppard: I was just saying hi.
McKay: I know what you were doing, Kirk!

15 years ago

#1: Put An End To It Season Six’s “Abyss” had to be the winner best jack/Daniel moment ever. had a few friends and i mean good friends who would do anything for me and i the same, i would still do the same now even after not seeing them for years. This shows that even though that haven’t been apart for that long 1 of them know for the better good u should just take it and it will all turn out right even though denial cant explain that to jack, jack knows it deep down. awesome episode! gonna watch… Read more »

15 years ago

One of the best Trek allusions is where Mitchell talks to his evil counterpart and says, “Well you don’t have a beard, so you can’t be from the evil twin universe.”

15 years ago

I vote also (see Hawkeye above) for Coombs and Felger and the “red shirt” reference! :) I think it was also one of the first Trek references… btw: love both guys!

15 years ago

One that comes to mind is “1969” where O’neall is being interrogated. He addresses himself as “Capt. James T. Kirk of the Starship Enterprise” then later as “Luke Skywalker”.