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13 years ago

I kept saying it over and over again cause I knew this would be the case. SG:U was a big revenue flow for the producers and for MGM. Now, without that revenue, the ability to try and make all those Stargate movies is going down the drain. Who knows now if there’s even the possibility of making the SG-1 movie now but I wouldn’t be surprised if it never seens the light of day. I would, however be extremely sad and disappointed as I am now…just not at all surprised.

13 years ago

Thats how it sounded to me as well. A very sad day for Stargate. 16 years of history.

13 years ago

THEY SHOULD NEVER HAVE CANCELED ATLANTIS IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!!!! Look what you have done now. Atlantis was a much better show, had an established fan base, cheaper to make and had better ratings than SGU! Now because of their abysmal decision we are left with nothing.

13 years ago

I don’t think that either Mallozzi or Wright ever had any intention of making either movie. Now that their “baby” is dead, all they’re interested in is revenge. So, they’re taking all their toys and going home so that no one can play with them.

13 years ago

Stargate will never die! ;)

13 years ago

And now the Atlantis fanatics who were boycotting SGU get a taste of their own medicine. Well done boys.

13 years ago

I’ve watched Stargate from the very start and loved every minute of it. Stargate Universe was very different from the other two, but still a great show. Whilst it would be great to get the two scheduled films AND the third season of SGU, I’ll take whatever we can get at this point. If we can get even one of the films or some form of closure for Stargate Universe, then I’ll be happy!

13 years ago

For the majority of SG1 and SGA fans, the franchise ended with SGA’s cancellation. Why should we watch a show that we don’t like and has none of the qualities of the previous shows that made us want to tune each week. Would you watch a show you didn’t like? Stop blaming us for stargate’s downfall. Blame TPTB for making the wrong decisions!!

13 years ago

It was already clear before SGU even started, that a SGA movie would never be made. So nothing really changed. I also don’t believe that there will be a SG1 movie. Too much time has past. It is too late for it. And SGU won’t get a 3rd season or a movie, because it was a huge failure. From a business point of view it just doesn’t make any sense to invest in a failed series. The ratings were simply horrible. So in short, I think SG1, SGA and SGU are dead. We won’t see anymore of them on TV.… Read more »

13 years ago

SG1 was great, Atlantis may have been better. SGU was/is terrible. I only watched it out of loyalty to the franchise. But it’s like they can’t take a hint, these guys. Everyone wants to know where the SGA movie is. They don’t want more SGU. Take a hint!

13 years ago

I just don’t understand why you people are too aggressive to each other. Well i’ve been a fan of the franchise since 1998 and i like all its incarnations, it’s not fair to pull down all of it just because don’t like a particular series or movie.
SG1 and SGA are good series, but also SGU. If you are a true Fan you must support the franchise, why? Because of the franchise is successful the chances of getting the movies done is much much greater.

13 years ago

The camaraderie, humor, playful sense of adventure, general optimism, patriotism, clever and often subtle industry self satire, good production values, decent character development of people with laudable characters, the really impressive capacity to switch from satire to “seriousness” (in the context of the show) that made Stargate SG1 such a pleasure, was, sadly, lacking in it’s descendent “SG Universe” ; may I suggest the original show be reconstituted ? I have read that the principals, the producers / writers, wanted to attempt something more serious; if I wanted depressive verisimilitude I would re-read Sartre or Dostoevsky; no thanks; I’m too… Read more »

13 years ago

SG1 was the best, SGA was very good but not quite as good because of some of the plot lines, SGU since the back half of season 1 and most of season 2 has been good. The simple fact of the matter is that nobody has made wrong decisions, the audience has simply not been enough to justify a t.v. show for stargate. The ratings for both later SGA and SGU were not at all good. I highly doubt we will see any movie as the sets no longer exist. SGU does not have the audience it would need to… Read more »

13 years ago

If anything, we are going to see a SG-1 movie before Atlantis or even a SGU movie now. SG-1 has been around the longest and is the most popular among the fans. SGA and SGU were both canceled due to poor ratings, SG-1 has a full 10 seasons and ended when the producers ended the show rather than having it pulled do to poor ratings.

13 years ago

It’s funny, I can’t remember if David or Darren said it in a podcast awhile back, but someone said the fan base can’t survive another rift (ala Jonas). Sadly, I think that is just what has happened and it’s the fault of TPTB unfortunately. At least Jonas is still liked as a character overall, but SGU is almost universally loathed (or loved by a small faction who seem to hate the old shows).

I don’t hate SGU, as I haven’t watched enough of it (I quite after the pilot), but it’s funny to watch the fall out.

13 years ago

I love it. The Atlantis fanatics dish out all the hatred and venom against TPTB and the franchise because of SGU, and now that everyone is mutually screwed from seeing a Stargate future, they continue to bash everyone but themselves. Way to be classy folks! Look, I’ve said it before, and I’m saying it now– I LOVED SG-1 pre-season 9 the best, but I continued watching because in spite of the changes it was a great plot and show. I watched and loved Atlantis for the same reason. It was different and yet the same. The last season of Atlantis… Read more »

13 years ago

(See how this works, folks? I say I enjoy the show but wish TPTB would make some changes to improve the show. I leave open the possibility of being more specific in future posts, but I do so without biting the hands that feed me.)

13 years ago

I’ve said before that I am not that big of an SGA fan myself (SG-1 all the way), but the way TPTB handled the whole situation with SGA and SGU (from the beginning) is reprehensible and inexcusable. The main venom being spewed has always been from TPTB themselves when they would trash talk their own fanbase and try to devalue them. Then they went on to say that it was the fans’ obligation to support the franchise regardless of whether they liked what was being produced or not. I think they have gotten what’s coming to them. If it’s the… Read more »

13 years ago

GT2L, I respect your position, but you have to understand that TPTB will never ever listen to what you have to say because they don’t care what the fans think. If they did, the franchise would be in a very different (better) place today. It’s sad to say, but it’s true unfortunately. No offense meant, but I think the whole COTG: Final Cut sums up the direction of the franchise quite nicely. It was something that didn’t need to be fixed or changed, but money that could have been put into another SG project was thrown at that for vanities… Read more »

13 years ago

No time for tact, this is just stupid.

13 years ago

I’m a Stargate fan. I’ve watched all three shows. I’ve seen how the SGU haters have actively pushed for the cancellation of SGU. I’ve seen how some fans hoped that SGU would be cancelled in the deluded belief that their beloved SGA would be resurrected. Well folks here you go. I’ve said it many times in these comment sections. If you’re fan of Stargate support it. Don’t actively try to tear it down. Maybe you got what you wanted. Hope you’re happy. I’m sure some of you are. Fine you didn’t like SGU. I can deal with that but the… Read more »

13 years ago

I just wish they come up with a way to finish of the SGU storyline properly. I’d hate if the entire series was left unresolved.

13 years ago

Who’s he kidding? We’ve all known for a very long time that the movies would never be made, especially the Atlantis movie, no matter what happened with SGU. Trying to link the two is just Malozzi’s way of getting another little dig in at the fans he has such ill-disguised contempt for. SGU was tedious at best and I couldn’t even make it through the first season; those of you who wag a finger at us and cluck that we should have been loyal little Stargate groupies and watched it anyway have way too much time on your hands. It’s… Read more »

13 years ago

DONT BLAME THE OLD FANS BLAME THE WRITERS !!! sgu main failure was the first 10 episodes of pure slow soap drama and thats the main part where you collect viewers if you take a book to read , do you finnisht the book if the first 20 pages of it is all depressive and so on ? it is the same thing with tv show’s i dont count in the raitings cause i dont live in US where the channel is and is viewable so dont blame the old fans and so on if the show was on the… Read more »

13 years ago

LOL, Mallozzi is funny. Reading his words, you get the feeling that the SGA movie was doing so much progress – it’s been shelved for two years now, so what changed? Exactly nothing. I’m a huge SGA fan but, honestly, I stopped expecting to see the movie made around summer 2009. And I love the “We love the show we have now” thing. All he had to add was a huff and some feet stomping. Seriously, that’s the difference between SG and BSG’s TPTB. Caprica got canceled -> TPTB immediately came up with an alternative. SGU got canceled -> TPTB… Read more »

13 years ago

charmedstargate | December 26 @ 11:28 pm – I totally agree with you…

Still, I am hoping for at least one of the movies to be made, SG-1 or SGA… Until they kill the idea completely, I will kepp on hoping :)

13 years ago

: Please, before you start talking about ratings and about how SGA was headed towards cancellation anyway, please, check your facts. You’re talking nonsense. Based on what you’re saying, SGU would have to have been canned before S2.0 even started because SGU’s S1.5 was on par with SGA’s S5.1.

13 years ago

Err, SGA’s S5.5. Sheesh, hit the wrong button :P

13 years ago

You know, I’m starting to understand how Briangate feels, repeating the same thing over and over again without being heard.


Before you start talking ratings, check the numbers! I follow them avidly and it drives me up the wall when people mangle them!

13 years ago

First of all, I think it is quite logical. It is nothing to do with revenge. Simply SGA momentum has faded, and with proper TV series in the air it is hard to release just DVD movies. To not to give wrong impression – I loved SG-1 and SGA for what it was – happy going adventure fun (altough last SGA seasons were dark indeed), and I love SGU cause of being what it is – human drama with very long story arcs. And I would like to have SGA proper wrapup in a form of movie. However, at this… Read more »

13 years ago

is there rating numbers for SGA last season? Honestly, I just wanna check.

SGA was canceled because SyFy didn’t want two expensive shows from outside. They already did BSG in-house.

As for producers decision going on with SGU instead of SGA, well, it was difficult one, but in second season of SGU it makes sense now. SGA ratings would decline for sure. I’m ready to bet that they would struggle with live ratings on Tuesdays too.

13 years ago

Stargate is over, for now. All great franchises stall after a while. Even mightier ones like Star trek and Dr Who. You are only as good as your current series and SGU isnt very good. Its too slow, and the drama isnt good enough to compensate for the pacing. Adult drama that is good, works, SGU just doesnt.

Let the franchise rest for a while and bring it back. Lets just hope it doesn’t die in obscurity in the meanwhile.

13 years ago

There is not some pot of money somewhere ringfenced for sg projects, each is approved based on its own merits. Cotg final cut will have had absolutely no bearing on the other sg movies as its cost was probably a drop in the water compared to the cost of making a new sg film from scratch.
If anything, it would prove that there is still money to be made from sg. If people will buy a re engineered version of the pilot, there is a good chance there will buy a new film.

13 years ago

I liked all three shows, but SGU is my favourite. It was kind of a mix of Stargate and BattlestarGallactica. SG-1 and to some extent Atlantis were getting a little tedious with the same formula every week, but the writers managed to squeak a little something new into each episode(most of the time) to keep things interesting. I am (I guess it is going to be “was” now) enjoying the long story arcs and the more gritty realistic characters. The first few episodes had me hooked as the people tried explore and make life livable aboard Destiny. Then we had… Read more »

13 years ago

@katikatnik I don’t see why people distrust Joe so much. Sgu was brad and Rob’s baby, extinction is his and I’m sure he will not rest in his attempts to get it made until it is clear that there is no hope. And as far as caprica goes, blood and Chrome was already in the works as a backdoor pilot before caprica’s cancellation. So it is not a reaction, merely a safety net. I think it says a lot about ptb’s integrity in that they want to continue with a show they believe in rather than just throw a load… Read more »

13 years ago

For what I see – it is true that SGA S5 ratings are practically the same as SGU S1? You are guys quick to compare S2 with SGA, forgetting that move on Tuesdays busiest hour was harsh step and it would require to whole season to sink in and get people to watch it live on new schedule.

13 years ago

: AFAIK, BSG’s TPTB came up with the idea of B&C as a web series when Caprica started tanking in the ratings. When it became obvious, that Caprica will be dumped, they remade it for a backdoor pilot. All SG’s execs are doing is insist on SGU or nothing, no backup plan. For them, it’s SGU or the death of the whole franchise. Way to go.

13 years ago

Speaking for myself, and im sure for alot of other people out there, SGU is the first bit of Stargate that I’ve had any interest in watching(next to the original movie when i was a little kid). I mean no disrespect to anyone but I got pulled into SGU because of the visual quality and the acting. I have to say that there are so many sci-fi shows(on the actual channel and not on the channel) that have putrid horrific acting. SGU had some great actors on there. Part of its appeal to me was it had a good balance… Read more »

13 years ago

I see that many of you are still claiming that poor ratings of poor writing are to blame for the cancellation of SGU. Yesterday I wrote a comment for the article ” MGM reboot complete, financing secured for new productions ” in which I described my perspective on the cancellation and why I believe it’s not the ratings but the system that creates them that is to blame. I left links to two articles I found that describes in great detail how the Nielsen ratings system works and why this system has failed to provide even remotely accurate ratings statistics.… Read more »

13 years ago

SGU was a a series not a huge failure. =/

From a business point it was because of the low ratings and the move to Tuesday did not really help but it has millions of fans spread over the world.

But people like me who do not live in America mostly do not have Syfy which results in people not being able to watch it live which results in lower ratings.

(Note I also think this is only a SMALL part of the total picture)

general grievous
general grievous
13 years ago

talyn2k1 is right imo, malloz and wright are simply psyched about SGU and they sort of go ‘we do what we like even if (almost) nobody else likes it’.

13 years ago

So it’s shelved indefinitely now. Which is different from the last year how? The only time we ever heard of something that seemed like a pretty solid date was when it sounded like there might be a movie within a year after the show ended, but that obviously wasn’t happening.

13 years ago

Cancelling SG1 was a the downfall of Stargate the only thing to fix this mess they done is to make a serie that includes SG1 and SGA and little bit of SGU to finish it up.
Stargate should be about Adventure, Action and Mystery no one cares about shows like Caprica or SGU.

13 years ago

@Pecisk: My comment with a link is still awaiting moderation, don’t ask me why ::shrugs:: So, just a few numbers: SGA, season 5 average: 1.610 million viewers SGU, season 1 average: 1.684 million viewers Not a big difference, is it? But where SGA went from low to high, SGU went from high to low. So, contrary to a popular belief, SGA was going up in the ratings (SGA’s lowest point was in S4, Tabula Rasa, which went against the presidential debate and bounced back big time the week after that) whereas SGU is going down and bounce back effect in… Read more »

13 years ago

I cannot say I’m surprised by this news… The producers are choosing to focus their time and resources on trying to save the current TV series. Is that so wrong?? SGA has been off the air for a while now, whilst SGU is still, for at least the next ten episodes, on air. I am a fan of SGU, I would like to see this story concluded in a manner which pays off for those Stargate fans that have followed it from the start. Let’s face it, if there’s no SGU season three, there probably won’t be any SG-1 or… Read more »

13 years ago

I wish I could blame anyone but Mallozzi or Wright. I feel like they used us as lab rats and experimented with this “drama” called SGU and it failed. It had some good moments but ultimately the boring ones were all people will remember.

13 years ago

wow, zero to revenge conspiracy theories in point 5 seconds, that didn’t take long at all :D

Really, how could anyone NOT expect this? It’s not like it hasn’t been warned about enough – If SGU gets cancelled, everything else is likely to go with it. That anyone continues to be surprised/shocked/outraged over this is just mind-boggling.

13 years ago

You can all argue about how SGA shouldn’t have been canceled or how SGU started too slow and was too soapy. The one thing this article should help you realize is that IF you’re a STARGATE fan and you would like to see MORE STARGATE then you should support the FRANCHISE. Fans can start by not tearing down each other and stop blaming others. Things are where they are now. Hopefully something can be salvaged or we may never see Stargate again or at the very least for years to come. I for one would rather see SGU continue if… Read more »

13 years ago

Hey guys! Do not blame SGU for it dramatic style! It is obvious that writers can not keep one style forever, because in the end scenario will start repeating again and again. As far the story goes, so hard to find something new and interesting inside the limits of the story… World is changeable, whether it is just world… or Gateworld

13 years ago

@talyn2k, I wasn’t trying to imply that if COTGFC hadn’t been made a movie would be. My point is that BW has become so full of himself that he thought he would do a George Lucas on COTG when nothing needed to be fixed. From his interviews regarding this, it seemed pretty clear that this was a vanity project from day 1. TPTB continued attitude is what has almost completely turned me off of the franchise. He essentially spit in the face of fans, said he didn’t need SG fans to support the series, and didn’t care what the fans… Read more »