The Daimos

From The Stargate Omnipedia

The Daimos


Word used to identify a nocturnal creature on Zaddik's planet which stalks and kills the local villagers at intervals of three or four months apart. Colonel Sheppard's team soon identified this creature to be an adult male Wraith. Much later it was learned that both the female Wraith named Ellia and this creature were responsible for the slayings of the people. During the last few days the Daimos would even hunt in the broad daylight.

Eventually Ellia, in the primal state of the iratus bug, killed the other Wraith. Ronon Dex and John Sheppard were eventually forced to kill her themselves, ridding the villagers of the threat of the Daimos.


Instinct - Sheppard and his unit visit a planet where a settlement is plagued by the presence of a male Wraith the locals call the Daimos.