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Adam Barnard
Major D. Davis
15 years ago

Actually, I believe some of these scenes are from earth.
Like in one scene you see louis on earth and you see the back of Carlo rota’s head. And was it Matthew who got lucky and had Tamara kiss him.

15 years ago

Awesome promo-clip. And Ming-Na is still adorable. Love her since she did voice-acting work for Aki Ross in “Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within”. What a cutie. ^_^

15 years ago

That was a fantastic viewing experience…and this is just another promo!!! My excitement for this series continues to build and build and build with the more I see and read and hear!!!
Suffice it to say that I cannot wait for Stargate: Universe to get its première in October!!! Bring it on!!!

Orion Coran
Orion Coran
15 years ago

I just saw this for the second time on Sci Fi tonight around 10:40. This teaser only brings my hopes up more. Can optimism go any further? :P

15 years ago

At first I was excited about SGU. I was also excited that Stargate was going to contuninue….but this kinda made me re-think this….
Not to be mean….but from that little clip it makes me feel this is Battlestar Stargate. It had the same feel of that show…
Don’t get me wrong, I love that there is at least something Stargate to let me chew on…but I’m not sure if this is gonna be for me…..But I’ll keep an open mind till I watch the show.

15 years ago

Not feeling the love yet. Just doesn’t have the feeling of the Stargate shows that I have come to love. But perhaps the show will be better than these promos have been. I’m just not really in the mood for heavy angst. I can watch CNN if I want that.

15 years ago

This is exciting!

15 years ago


15 years ago

I very much dislike the fact that they repeat over and over again that this will be Stargate but not STARGATE, like the two previous series were flops and they want to distance themselves from bad products starting a completely new brand from scratch. If THAT should make me, a long time SG lover, watch, they are completely off the mark!

15 years ago

Sexier, grittier, please no!
I don’t want it to be not stargate, I want it to be more of the same, that formula was working, do change the show for the sake of the franchise.

15 years ago

Dude. The more I see promos for this show, the more I think: If this was any more like Battlestar Galactica, it would be Battlestar Galactica. From this video, it looks like it even has the same documentary-esque filming style!! I’ll still watch at least five episodes to see if it gets good, but seriously…? ripoff much? I wouldn’t mind so much if they’d just admit to it, but everyone just seems to be like “oh, we have this awesome new COMPLETELY ORIGINAL SHOW!!1!1!” *facepalm*

15 years ago

SGU looks really amazing. I’m really looking forward to it

15 years ago

Yep… Stargate Galactica. Why… just why? BSG was tolerable at best. Why do the directors and writers think they should mimic it? SGA fell a little short because they did not write enough discovery into the series.

You can’t write a show badly and blame viewers for not holding on. Think back writers… what made SG-1 such a success were lovable characters, new tech, new friends, a distinct enemy and hope. The only hope i see in SGU is hope that it is not written and directed like BSG as it seems now.

15 years ago

if SGU is going to be more like BSG, I’ll be very happy.And now it looks like BSG

15 years ago

I’m really disappointed. It doesn’t look like Stargate to me. I’m sure it will appeal to some, but not me. After 10 years or so of watching SG1 and Atlantis,they’ve lost me unfortunately.

15 years ago

every new preview just makes me more worried. i don’t want to loose that stargate feel the first two shows had. i hope this show can live up to that.

15 years ago

I have a question. I’m more and more leaning towards not watching this show for the same reason a lot of people have stated here. It doesn’t feel like Stargate and the fact that TPTB seem to feel that there is something wrong with be associated with the other two shows. If they’re wanting to bring in “old” fans thats not the way to do it. But anyways, my question is this…I heard a rumor that SGU was going to a lot like lost, such as characters can/will be killed off at the writer’s whim? Can anybody confirm or deny… Read more »

15 years ago

Looking awesome! Can’t wait till the show will start!

15 years ago

:’s MegaBuzz posted this last week: ‘As one source tells me, “Death is a big part of this show.” So, I’d tread very, very carefully when getting attached to people you think will be series regulars.’

Many people will find it awesome – for me, it’s a major turn-off.

15 years ago

When SG-U was first announced i was realy exited but as the time have passed and more sneak peaks and info have come i have been more and more disapointed it looks to much like BSG and Star Trek: Enterprise it is not that i dont like those series but it is not stargate, the stargate franchise looks to be comming to an end with this shows release it is indeed very sad. It is as if CME and SIFI channel is taking a step back instead of forth. But i do think i will watch the show when it… Read more »

15 years ago

Well I have watched this video over and over again and watched good , and listned also very good to what this new cast had to say about SGU. I’m sorry as much as I love to like this new Stargate series I dont have a yeah or SQEEEEEEE!!! feeling at all.And I’m sorry but I even got mad when I heard the cast say Its sexier , there more witty, real stories, real people. real concers, different look, and written in a different way. I’m sorry that made me almost throw up. It looks like there saying that Stargate… Read more »

15 years ago

Guys, can’t we at least WATCH the first season before shooting it down in flames and stating your refusal to accept and or watch it? I am a diehard stargate fan who has bought a lot of the novels and own all the seasons bar SGA 5 on dvd, and I am reserving judgement till I have seen it, yes Stargate of late hasn’t been as good as it once was, but here is one fan at least who has expectations the show will be good, that the show will be entertaining sci-fi.

15 years ago

Just WATCH the freaking show when it actually AIRS. Then can we all banter or praise about it later? kthx,bye.

15 years ago

SG1 will always be my favorite cuz i’ve loved watching it for many years (since the beginning). I really liked SGA also and have grown fond of it for several years too. i will give SGU a chance, but i kinda hope it won’t be drastically different from SG1 and SGA since i’ve enjoyed it for so very many years. i don’t need SGU to be drastically different from SG1 and SGA to grow to love watching it. i do worry that it will be so different that i actually will not like it. still waiting and like vs dislike… Read more »

15 years ago

oh yeah, and his smile too.

15 years ago

My Question is, Why call it Stargate? By Calling it Stargate(insert Name here), they are expecting the Diehard Stargate fans to watch it. If you are not travelling through the Gate, stop calling it Stargate. So from now on, if it is on SciFi, If they slap on Stargate to mud wrestling, Are they expecting the loyal Stargate fans to watch that too??? I don’t know about others, but I kinda get attached to the characters. When writers write sensationalism episodes where one of the main Characters “die”, just becuz (and no other reason really), it just turns me off.… Read more »

mrs john sheppard
mrs john sheppard
15 years ago

not my cup of tea but i wish the actors the best

15 years ago

Wow, that almost made me sick – listening to chose cliches. Perhaps its an age thing, but I’ve heard that over and over and over when actors are told to praise their new fantastic show(soon to be canceled *g*) and it sounds so clichish. And as for it not looking like Stargate, well that’s the whole point isn’t it. The people who pay the money doesn’t really care about the old guard, they want a new group, preferably younger. Much like Startrek was rebooted. And Startreks new success not withstanding, it seems a lot of the younger demographic want the… Read more »

15 years ago

Ya, I hope this doesn’t turn in the Battlestar Stargate. I don’t like that very much. I like the traditional Stargate.

Atlantis Rocks
Atlantis Rocks
15 years ago

This has to be the worse one so far, an I thought the others were really, really BAD!! I really didn’t think, I get more turned off about SGU than I already am, BUT I was wrong. Good luck to the actors an I hope for others sake they get want they want, but for me, I’m outta here ” ha ha” I have zero interest in SGU, I’m afraid I liked the old format SG1 & SGA especially for me had the magic this just looks tired, boring an very dreary an VERY depressing not my idea of science… Read more »

15 years ago

one word discribes this “RUBBISH”