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15 years ago

I didn’t like Vala when she was introduced at all, so I’d have to give your number one choice a resounding thumbs down.
The most awe-inspiring introduction to me was Sheppard’s. From that crazy helicopter flight to the incredible moment when he first sat in the chair and the galaxy lit up above him, it was brilliant. And my number one character intro ever in any show I’ve ever watched.

15 years ago

I *hated* Vala when she was introduced, and the manner in which she was introduced actually made it profoundly difficult for me to accept her later. I felt that the show was trying to force her down our throats and shoehorn her in despite having established her as a horrid and utterly untrustworthy character. It took all the way till “Crusade” for me to stop resenting her place in the show. So I too completely disagree with her inclusion in this list.

15 years ago

I really liked Vala’s introduction in Prometheus Unbound and would say thats my favourite too. My second favourite would be McKay’s introduction in 48hrs.

15 years ago

I loved Vala’s introduction! Prometheus Unbound was an awesome episode, made me laugh a couple of times. :P I personally like Vala’s character. *shrugs* I think Vala was developed really well.

I like John’s one second best.

15 years ago

I hated Vala’s introduction and consider Prometheus Unbound one of the worst eps of that seasons. It was well into the 10th season before I started to like her and by the time ended, she was my favorite next to Daniel.

15 years ago

No way Vala has always been and forever shall b the worst thing to come to SG1 along w/ Mitcheal they were b/ the thing that made me hate seasons 9 & 10. Rodneys should b the top 1

15 years ago

What about Carter’s Intro? “Just because my reproductive organs are on the inside…”

15 years ago

For Jack and Daniel, we’d have to consider the original Stargate movie! I thought Daniel’s introduction there was rather good.

15 years ago

Ditto to the thumbs down for Vala. Funny only one of the original made it to the top five.

15 years ago

you scared me with vala being number 1 i was hoping you wheren’t going to use her intro in season 9 wiht that god ahful black suit

15 years ago

Ummmmmmm……hello? Walter anyone?!? I know it said main characters, but he ran the gate for goodness sake!! (Oh, yeah…Vala as number one? C’mmon already.)

15 years ago

Sheppard should have been #1, then Ronon and Rodney..then the others.

Atlantis Rocks
Atlantis Rocks
15 years ago

NO WAY is Vala no1, shes ok but not no 1, thats Sheppard with out a shadow of a doubt and for me thats taking into account both shows an all charactors then its Rodney, Ronan, Teal’c an Weir should be there to IMO.

15 years ago

My fave character intros would be:
1. When Sam Carter walked into the briefing room – CotG
2. Vala in Prometheus Unbound
3. Meeting Bra’tac for the first time
4. Teal’c – CotG
5. Daniel in the original movie.

I never thought much of the character of Ronan, and even though I like McKay now…back when he first appeared, I didn’t like him. But I also loved when we were introduced to his sister Jeanie…I love her!! :)

15 years ago

Teal’c was at the very beginning of COTG, he was one of the Jaffa with Apophis

Sam and Jack Shipper
Sam and Jack Shipper
15 years ago

Ronan was ok but I wouldn’t count his introduction as one of the top 5. And I too give a BIG thumbs down to Vala. I think I would have added Teyla & Apophis to this list after subtracting Ronin & Vala.

15 years ago

Well, I’ll give a big thumbs up to Vala’s intro. I’ve always thought Prometheus Unbound was hilarious. And let’s not forget that she wasn’t the only character to change a lot. The Jack O’Neill we came to know and love was a lot different than the one we were introduced to (I know there were extenuating circumstances in his case, but Vala was trying to survive after being a host. I think she deserves a little slack).

15 years ago

I don’t like this list at all. I think Teyla should have been in here. She was introduced with this awesome background, music and this mystery about her, that instantly sparked my interest.

Sheppard should have been number one here.

15 years ago

Prometheus Unbound is one of my favourite episodes of the series, and Vala one of my favourites characters. For me the one I would like to disagree with is Sheppard. I never really cared for his character. I found him very boring.

15 years ago

Best character introductions should stand out as memorable – doesn’t matter if you like the character or not. Vala’s does – that fight with Daniel was fantastic. Sheppard’s of course – just for the line ‘Did I do that?’ after sitting in the chair. I also agree that Teyla’s entrance was awesome – the Wraith revealed and that scene where she tells Sheppard not to trust his eyes. I’d like to throw in two that no one has mentioned to complete my five. Major Lorne in Enemy Mine … for his response when Daniel got grumpy that he’d moved the… Read more »

15 years ago

jack o’neill, samantha carter , vala mal duran, master bra’tac, jacob carter

15 years ago

Not a single character, but I quite liked the Asgard introduction. Also, I’m suprised none of the Goa’uld made the list – Anubis for example.

15 years ago

I’m really loving these Friday Fives. Prometheus Unbound is a great pick and I absolutely loved that episode. Wehre it all went wrong for me with Claudia Black was when they decided to make her a regular cast member. I didn’t fully appreciate her character or role on the show following this wonderful guest introduction. This is THE highlight for me with Black as Vala on Stargate SG-1. Keep up the great work!

15 years ago

Eh. I disagree with Vala, not because I dislike like the character (…) but because her intro made me turn the episode off. Way too cheesy for me. But the rest I agree with. I don’t even like Shep but his intro was pretty memorable. McKay’s was wonderful as well, I laughed more in that episode than I can remember laughing at Stargate before.

15 years ago

Yep, I too loved the episode “Prometheus Unbound”. It was such a hillarious episodes. The 5 are correct, but not perhaps in the order mentioned. But Tayla should have been in there too.

15 years ago

Sorry but whoever put this list together should be shot. There are other characters that had far better intros. Carter’s was priceless, Hammond and Apophis was good as well. The only one I agree with was Teal’c. Vala’s was OK as well.

15 years ago

What about Todd!?