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Jim Hutto
15 years ago

A spinning Stargate…… I can see some jokes about the whole thing spinning. But it is cool looking none-the-less. But why the hell do they have to make it spin? What if you are dialing and your ship takes a jolt? Is there a danger of getting ran over by the thing if it gets knocked loose? But seriously. Looks good… Gate looks cool, and the ship looks cool if not aged a bit.

15 years ago

Cool gate, but the story and characters just not doing it for me. Darn it, just looks too depressing. Unfortunately these trailers make me less inclined to watch with each one they release. I want to see more Stargate, but not like this.

15 years ago

The gate looks very cool!
Rush’s dialog is interesting, and I like the comment that the ship is falling apart. Considering its been out there for millions of years, it would be a bit too much if it was still pristine and new-looking (ala Atlantis)

15 years ago

As others have said, I’m unsure if I like the whole idea of the spinning stargate or not. Seems “odd” to me.

15 years ago

I am constantly amazed by the resistance to change in fandom (all fandom, not just Stargate, but the example here is obvious). I believe the idea here is “evolve or die.” I have heard nothing but complaints from stargate fans (with few moderating voices) for years. “Now its crap, Michael Shanks left” “Now its crap, They are on Sci Fi Channel” “Jonas sucks” “Now its crap, Mickael Shanks is back.” “Bring Back Jonas” “Now its crap, they are using all their creative juices on Atlantis.” “The Ori are not as cool of a villain as the Goa’uld.” “Bring Back RDA,… Read more »

Craig MacD.
Craig MacD.
15 years ago

I like what we’ve seen of the show so far. Looking forward to the premiere. I thought that the female character with Scott (Brian J. Smith) was Elyse Levesque (sp?) aka Chloe Armstrong (or has the name changed again?) but I could be wrong.

15 years ago

Yeah, I can say with 99% certainty that the girl in that scene with Scott is definitely Elyse (Chloe).

15 years ago

But it is round, is _has_ to spin!

15 years ago

More gate action! (for the eagle-eyed)

A guy seen “shooting” through the gate, and just before that what seems like the “first” man arriving on the ship.

Seen in the
SyFy 2009 : Umbrella Spot video promo at 0m25 (inverse counter)

15 years ago

”Spinning is so mush cooler than not spinning”

I’m Excited :D

15 years ago

I cannot wait for this show.

15 years ago

Woah!!! How awesome!!! And seeing the way the Stargate dials-up is so incredibly cool!!!

I’m really looking forward to this!!! Roll on October!!! :D

15 years ago

For me the Woman on the Pic with Scott (Brian J. Smith) looks very similar to Leela Savasta (Captain Alice Vega – Atlantis Season 5).

I would love to see her back on Stargate!

15 years ago

Hang on the gate spinning shouldn’t work, should it, the whole point was the arrows matched the chevrons but if everything spins that’s just stupid. I think they just changed it because they thought they should, with Atlantise it sort of made sense this time it seems more likse “We changed the gate for SGA how can we change it again” and it looks silly. I’m more interested than before but it still looks BSG-ish. If I find out they just made the trailers to look like BSG and the series really isn’t I will be even more annoyed for… Read more »

15 years ago

@dekion Why wouldn’t fans be resistant to change, you wouldn’t be a very good fan if you were happy for your favorite show in the world to become something else. You have to remember most fans idealize the show, to me anyway it is perfect, nothing could posible make it better, therfor any change must make it worse. I didn’t care about any other changed because the STYLE of the show was kept the same, it always felt the same to watch and now that’s what they’re changing. Also what you may not relaise is many of the people who… Read more »


[…] the premiere of Warehouse13 on SciFi SyFY.  But those lovely, sneaky folks at GateWorld already have it.  (It looks great! Um.  Sorry.)  Plus, the first official episode picture.  It’s akin to […]

15 years ago

lolz, the whole gate spinning, as someone said, doesn’t make sense (imagine a locker combination lock, for that’s exactly what it is)you dial the inner (or outer) ring, against a constant or static marker. The best visual affects were when none of the rings turned, seen on perhaps 2 (or more episodes), when that Nox girl just brought up her arms in an arc, the gate’s chevrons correspondingly litup. When the alien entity left with the harceses(?), the gate just dialed itself the same way. On Atlantis it happened a couple of times too. This whole gate spinning looks like… Read more »

15 years ago

of course, not to forget, the logistics of having a free standing wheel, thats probably a few tons, having to spin just teathered in some way by 1/10th of the wheel’s surface area. :)

15 years ago

I like it, the gate spining, remember this gate has to be unique in order to work in different galaxies. My guess is that the gate rotates in one direction and the inner track rotates in the oposite way alignin with the star symbols. I agree that the show must change, you cant put the same premise with other actors, the show will simply die. This time they dont have a fully supllied base to return to, or posible back up if someone gets left behind because the ship jumps to a new location. Its a new direction Stargate hasnt… Read more »


[…] is trouwens eergisteren denk ik een nieuwe teaser van SGU online gezet( GateWorld New SGU teaser: ‘Survive’ ), je ziet de eerste keer de gate in actie, en die manier van filmen is echt Tot nu toe ziet het er […]

15 years ago

Hmm I dont think the gates spinning enough. I want it to spin more.

15 years ago

@kzap33 First let me say that complaining is fine, as long as it isn’t petty and meaningless. I think we all should share our opinions in a constructive, meaningful dialogue where some level of understanding and cooperation can be reached, and if we are really lucky, change can occur. That being said, we are talking about a TV show. No matter how hard we try we cannot make a TV show “important,” it is entertainment, and that is all. Is it great, sure. Is it interesting, yes. Is it important . . . not even close. World hunger is important.… Read more »

Atlantis Rocks
Atlantis Rocks
15 years ago

Well I now don’t care any more if people shout me down, I have my POV and the pro SGU’s can shout an curse and say you cant judge a book by its cover blah d blah et..they can say your a complainer etc..(this rant is not directed to anyone in particular just in general an my personal overall feelings in the god awful mess)BUT THE FACT OF THE MATTER IS some off us didn’t want a change, some of us where quite happy with the shows as they were, some of us cant stand the new bloody trend for… Read more »

15 years ago

“What it boils down to is Stargate (the franchise) has gotten a bit stale over the years” Its gotten stale because people working on it have run out of ideas and then not been fired as they should have been. And most of them are back for this new dark and dreary looking series. ” For a show to survive … it must change, evolve, become deeper, more intellectual, less pop-corny.” That’s what you think. I think its utter rubbish. Do it RIGHT and do it GOOD, and you can keep going. Things do not have to change. They often… Read more »

15 years ago

@ GateHunter How old are you? just wondering. If you don’t care what people’s opinions are why are you here? Obviously, you only care about yours (you said so in your post). You call it depressing . . . really. Did you think BSG was depressing . . . really. Most have hailed it as inspiring, since the characters, allegories for humanity and our many foibles, overcame the most horrible circumstances and came out stronger, better, and wiser. They prevailed against seemingly impossible odds, and yet people constantly said it was “depressing.” Blake 7 was depressing (they all died in… Read more »

15 years ago

I am in complete agreement with Atlantis Rocks, if someone doesn’t like what they see in the trailers, spoilers, cast and crew interviews, they have as much a right to their opinion as those who do like these things. No one is better or worse for having their own perspective. I for one, think they should have channeled all this energy and time and money into making SGA better and in making terrific SG1 movies, not throwing out what many of us liked about the franchise. They way they are going about this just makes me very angry and sad… Read more »

Atlantis Rocks
Atlantis Rocks
15 years ago

@dekion Just like to add, please don’t put Blake’s 7 in the same group as BSG or SGU, it SO out classes both these, it may now be VERY dated yes very dated, but this was a “family show” and showed on BBC1 originally at 7.20pm in the evenings on a Monday, I have always been a Blake’s 7 fan an I watched it as a child, as yes they did get killed at the end but that was after half the original actors had left or been replace so to be fair it was not the same show an… Read more »

15 years ago

@ Atlantis Rocks.. Wooo hoo, another Blake 7 Fan. yeah, I grew up watching Blake 7, Original BSG (Lorne Green) and Doctor Who (Jon Pertwee). Infact, I had made a replica of the Orac with blinking xmas lights and everything for a school project. Ahh, good times, good times.. :'(

15 years ago

@Ksutts Rocks I have to admit, I am not up on all of the abbreviation lingo used on line (it took me a minute to realize that TPTB was The Powers That Be). That being said, that was an excellent post, and you raised some great points concerning Blake 7, and the different desires of different viewers to see different things. I will have to admit that I disagree with you (respectfully) in regards to BSG old vs. new. I felt the old show was awesome, when I was 8, but now it feels too childish to me. Perhaps it… Read more »

15 years ago

@ Sylvia I would agree that channeling their creative energy into making SGA better would have been a great idea, but SciFi cancelled Atlantis (beyond the control of the shows creators), so that stopped being an option. We either get 5 years of Atlantis (which is a VERY good run) and a movie, and a new series (Universe), or we get 5 years of Atlantis and that’s it. I will take the bonus movie and series any day. The movie will hopefully be good (the SG-1 movies were), and the series has every chance of being good (they made two… Read more »

Atlantis Rocks
Atlantis Rocks
15 years ago

@dekion Thanks its nice to have a dialog that doesn’t get insulting, unfortunately all to often at the mo on both sides it does, it has begun to feel like you almost have to justify why you like this show or that or even why you have an opinion, I think that’s what gets to me more than anything. Also I have no or little knowledge of Nielson rating system, just what I have seen on forums, as I’m in the UK but it does seem an unfair system. An sadly you are right about a lot of shows that… Read more »

15 years ago

@Ksutts Rocks I agree regarding the ratings and how they don’t take into account anyplace but the US. Let me add to that two more issues with the ratings. The majority of people with Nielson boxes live in large metropolitan areas, such as Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Atlanta, etc. Secondly, they are usually families (which would have a different viewing habit that a single person, or two room-mates. Lastly, it does not take into account viewers online (which would single handedly save several shows such as Dollhouse, Heroes, Terminator, etc.). The system is simply behind. When it comes to… Read more »

Atlantis Rocks
Atlantis Rocks
15 years ago

@dekion Thanks for the info, re ratings, as far as Dr Who, I’m old school gal ” ha ha” only really liked it when David Tenant took over and dont rate the new one at all an he hasnt even taken over yet, so I think my Dr Who revival days are during to a close ” ha ha”. Sorry I dont know what hulu is and I’m a techno fob, have NO idea how to download and all that sort of stuff sorry, never watched a TV show on line cant see why I would want to an as… Read more »

15 years ago

I will see what I can dig up concerning Dr. Who. I have a friend who is a big british TV fan (my british TB exposure is limited to The Prisoner, mostly){awesome show, by the way}. I’ll see if he can point me in the right direction.
Hulu is a website that shows TV shows for free (, and since I don’t have cable, I have little choice but to a) watch online, b) but the DVDs (which I usually want to see if I like it first). Thus, you see my dilemma. Thanks for the info.

15 years ago

Listen.. this is going to be freaking EPIC. I have 10 Stargate fans already lined up and planning the premiere party in October. Bring. it. on!!

15 years ago

Premiere party, good idea. I remember having one for Babylon 5: In the Beginning years ago. It went well. I may try that as well.

15 years ago

Ok…yet another Stargate storyline is about to take place. Don’t get me wrong…I have absolutely loved Stargate since James Spader first step through the gate. (He was and still is my favorite Daniel.) I have SG-1 and Atlantis series on DVD. And of course I do not proclaim to know more than the writers or producers of the Stargate series, but I honestly do not see this newest series bringing anything to even the most die hard of Stargate fans. And anyone who knows me will tell you – I am a die hard Stargate fan! The story line just… Read more »

15 years ago

Sylvia.. I think you said it the best. I think there are quite a few who are “angry” at how SA series ended. Personally I am still upset that it was cancelled at all and I think it could have gone on for two more seasons. And although there is a movie coming up it hopefully it will answer some questions many of us have. We know what happened to Daniel, Samantha and Tilc on SG-1 as they were integrated into Atlantis a few times. But I want to know if Sheppard ever gets back together with Laren. I cannot… Read more »

15 years ago

Well I dont get warm with seeing the lights working on SGU Stagate yet.And it was just a second maby less then that to actualy see it good. Its way to dark,but the series will be darkertoo.I never liked it when things are to dark Jeeze my eyes LOL give me a light.I cant get this sqee feeling yet sorry no matter how many times I see it. It also hurts me that they whiping out SGA and SG-1 and do a lot more for this SGU.Ofcourse they will say were nuts by saying that,but its true. Look what they… Read more »