Screen Capture Gallery: SG-1 Season Ten

SG-1's series-spanning special features screen capture galleries are now complete with Season Ten!

Martin Wood imitates a "200" maquette

Martin Wood imitates a "200" marionette

Stargate SG-1‘s series-spanning special features screen capture galleries are now complete with Season Ten! This is the year the Ori became a greater threat, and SG-1 welcomed a fifth team member to their ranks.

This collection of special features includes a look behind the 200th episode of the show, various segments of deleted scenes (a first for the Stargate DVDs), a satirical look at Gary Jones (Walter Harriman), and a very special segment with Jim Menard! Plus the directors series special features we have coveted each year.

Let’s dial it up!

Behind the 200th (399 images)
Deleted Scenes: Intro (25 images)
Deleted Scenes: Morpheus (297 images)
Deleted Scenes: Memento Mori (55 images)
Deleted Scenes: The Quest, Part 1 (230 images)
Directors Series: 1004 Insiders (153 images)
Directors Series: 1008 Memento Mori (259 images)
Directors Series: 1009 Company of Thieves (171 images)
Directors Series: 1020 Unending (309 images)
Life as a Tech with Gary Jones (292 images)
The Ori: A New Enemy (91 images)
Setting the Mood with Jim Menard (478 images)

Stay with us as we bring you the (so far) final chapter in SG-1’s journeys through the lens of special features, in Ark of Truth and Continuum, this coming week!

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