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14 years ago

It sounds like a episode about conflict climax. That’s not scifi that’s drama focused. So might be not my thing. But may be they surprise me.

14 years ago

Csnt wait been watching this from the begining and i love it now!!!!!

14 years ago

Viewed the trailers, looks like a thriller in space.

14 years ago

SciFi shows often contain drama-elements. Stargate is also know for including comedy-elements. I’m hard-pressed to come up with an example of a show that was all scifi, without any other element included. Stories need some form of conflict… doesnt have to be highly dramatic, though any conflict is drama. We also have elements of mystery, action, and romance in this show…occasionally some horroresque elements… so all around its Sci-Fi in that we’re watching a bunch of people who traveled through a wormhole to live aboard a spaceship flying far far from home. That’s the premise that makes it a scifi… Read more »

14 years ago

@Stryse, I think emphasis is significantly higher on the drama than sci-fi… Take Grey’s Anatomy for example: it’s a character drama show that takes place in a hospital; sure, we see the hospital, “surgeries” etc., but it’s still a character drama and not a hospital/health show. We need a LOT more of the details and quirky explanations and action that normally comes with sci-fi shows to balance things out for us in Universe (imo of course:) As per the episode, I imagine this will also have the scene we saw on the S1 second half trailer where the Colonel says… Read more »

14 years ago

Here’s hoping the military deals with this silly uprising with harsh and decisive action.

14 years ago

I know the episode hasn’t aired yet, and I really have been trying to give the show a fair chance, but I can’t help but think this sort of episode is five seasons too soon. This is a pretty big clash. The line is drawn and being on a space ship you have no choice but to be on one side of that line and really I can only see a few outcomes. 1. One side is totally decimated and is either wiped out (unlikely), subdued (possible) or left on a rock and the story splits in two similar to… Read more »

14 years ago

Cant wait till the episode is aired. Hope no one gets killed in the conflict. I don’t wnat that kind of Drama.

14 years ago

So saw the episode – and I’m finally dropping out along with my friends. The irony is that this episode I think is emblematic of why Stargate Universe was a mistake the moment it went live. ‘Divided’ is exactly what Stargate Universe has done to fans and critics – fracturing what once was a fairly unifying franchise. As usual, solid dramatic performances mixed with cutting edge technical aspects (effects, sets, and makeup) demolished by hamfisted writing and poor conceptualization. The significant differences between this show and the prior two would be forgivable if Universe still fit the meme of the… Read more »

14 years ago

I loved this episode and I think the second half is shaping up pretty fantastically so far! Keep it up guys!

14 years ago

Ok, I don’t know what this guy above is talking about. I just saw “Divided”, and I have no doubt that it was one of the best episodes of SGU. I think “Divided” is the perfect example of why SGU is so much better than both SG1 and SGA.

14 years ago

Two eps into the 2nd half and I have not seen the Stargate once…highly dissapointed, we need to explore the Destiny more and the planets that Destiny is seeding these gates on. That would be much more interesting, PLEASE!!!

14 years ago

I could not disagree more with Thomasturbo. “Divided” is a perfect example of why SG1 and SGA were so much better than SGU. SGU is technically sci-fi but not the way SG-1 or SGA was. I, along with many others, liked SG-1 and SGA because sci-fi was the main focus of the show. In SGU the sci-fi part of it has been put on the back burner and it’s now primarily a character driven drama. I do watch a few character driven dramas but even those are light on the drama. I have to agree with Kosh’s(love the name) Gray’s… Read more »

14 years ago

Having just seen DIVIDED, it was brilliant. A great episode.I’m sorry there are those who don’t like SGU, but with episodes like Space and Divided (and others), I don’t get it. I thought both were great.

14 years ago

It was alright episode, but they’re seriously forgetting about something.

I mean, the bloody damn Stargate. I want explanation to how the new system works already, it’s been what, 12 episodes? And still no cigar?

14 years ago

Ya after todays episode I’m going to stop watching SGU. I mean how long does it take for them to deliver the big payoff? I’d much rather watch a soap opera atm than watch SGU.

Overmind One
Overmind One
14 years ago

Wow. An episode worse tha “Earth”? I havent seen such a disheartening breakdown in the human condition in a long time. It is inconcievable that these people were ever chosen specifically to serve in the Stargate program together on Icarus Base. They were all on the same side, and now its threats to cut off food and water and live support? Gund being pointed into the chests of unarmed civilians?

This episode was the new “Earth” for me. Thats not good.

14 years ago

The Music at the beginning set my teeth on edge. It was way too loud. This episode was all military combat type. I would have preferred to see more Interpersonal Relationship and conflict. I was correct in predicting that Chloe may have misplaced feelings for Rush, in the sense, more like “Daddy Replacement”, Rush and the senator looked like they were approximately the same age. I loved the look Scott gave Chloe at the end. it was almost like, “That’s was the last time you slept with me. I am going back to Lt. James”. you know, the military hanging… Read more »

14 years ago

That intro music sent me packing. And this episode started just like the last one ended — Scott and Chloe in bed! I’ll be very surprised if the ratings improve on Space. Seems to me that “Stargate” in the title was just retained for marketing purposes. Space was a good start to the second half-season. Now what’s up?

Scott Watson
14 years ago

It was a good episode though I would say ‘Space’ was a fair bit better. The tension between the military and civilians has been building for quite some time now and I was expecting a bigger clash, was a little disappointed that a gun wasn’t even fired once during the episode. Although it could be interesting to see them trying to work together after what has transpired.

14 years ago

I didn’t watch the ep, I won’t be watching any other ep of this show. I have read the reviews, on both sides and have concluded that I made the right decision. It makes me so sad that the writers would portray our military like this. I’m not saying everyone in the military is perfect but on the whole I think those men and women are all heros, not trigger happy nut cases ready to kill at a moments notice. To portray these military ppl, who were supposed to be the best, in this manner does such a disservice to… Read more »

14 years ago

No doubt someone will come back with “but the military are ready to kill at a moments notice” so I thought I should clarilfy now. I meant ready to kill unarmed civilians at a moments notice, not ready to kill war enemies…which of course, they are but that’s different. Hope we can agree on that?

14 years ago

: yes. they are acting more like a Militia not Military. They’ve basically degraded to a Lynch mob. Greer’s Rambo attitude is pretty depressing.

14 years ago

: I 100% agree with you, that this episode did not meet our expectations. I wanted to see a bigger bolder level of personal conflict, and a match of wits, not an armed military invasion against an unarmed civilian crew. Onlything worse than this, would have been to kick a puppy or a kitten. :(

14 years ago

Like I said earlier, this episode was far too premature. This episode can best be summed up as whiney civilians time it right so most of the military is on one half of the ship, try to put the preverbal gun at the head of the military (the dialog between Rush and Young, really, come on, They both might as well had been saying to each other i’ll kill you slowly and painfully if you don’t fall in line) and when that back fires… nothing happens. I don’t know if Young thinks that simply showing he can out flank them… Read more »

14 years ago

That was everything but not SciFi

14 years ago

Interesting comments above about this new Stargate’s take on the military.
Didn’t SGA come out around 9-11? When we, in the US, were being very patriotic and supportive of our military? Now, it seems to be in fashion to denigrate the image of the military man and woman in the name of realism.
I personally like to think our our men and women in harms way in as good a light as possible. I know they are just human, but I do like to see the heroic side emphasized a bit.
Just my preference in tone and focus.

14 years ago

@ cmain928, if you do not watch the Show, then not speaking about the show,too.At least not about the Episodes,because you know nothing about

14 years ago

@ Sylvia, SGA came out in July 04 and the so called patriotism (honestly it was more of a war high, we wanted revenge for 9/11 still) was still pretty high but in decline. The stargate franchise has never portrayed the military in the best and brightest light. O’niell is out right xenophobic towards the ghoul’d and tok’ra. Sheppard has strong armed people to his way (the episodes where the genie take over atlantis was a direct result of this strong arming). SGU’s portrayal of the military unit on the destiny strikes me as an attempt to show they frankly… Read more »

Overmind One
Overmind One
14 years ago

Why are most of the most powerful characters in this show rotten to the core? This “military” on SGU musy be recruited from an alien planet or perhaps the Genii, because no military unit in the US or NATO has officers/soldiers in it like the ones on SGU. I speak from the perspective of a US military active duty veteran, so I should know.

14 years ago

There’s been a lot of discussion on the uncensored sites about the lack of a military advisor or any connection with the US military now. I assume TPTB severed their luv-in with the USAF so they could portray the Icarus people anyway they want. Just as they believe shaking a cine camera is “art”, having unfettered license with their military characters allows them to be put in any unrealistic or absurd light they choose for dramatics. For some people that makes good TV drama. This isn’t a documentary.

14 years ago

This is the second episode of this series that I actually liked, though I was hoping Eli would expose Rush for framing Young for murder. I’m also hopeful the Scott/Chloe thing is over and that she has now alienated herself from both Scott AND Eli. Also wish Rush and Wray had wound up in solitary confinement or something similar.

If they can do more episodes like this or like “Time” then maybe I’ll stick around for season 2. But I am still hoping for more “scifi drama” and less “bickering whiney drama” as a whole.

Scott Watson
14 years ago

I believe SGU does have a military advisor, Brian J Smith’s mother confirmed as much last night during the Logan’s Run SyFy Podcast:

14 years ago

And earlier last year Joe Mallozzi posted a photo of the woman who is the current military advisor for SGU.

14 years ago

Re advisor, I have seen a name floated around but I think they are not in the credits, nor are they active military (?) if that makes a difference. In any case unless I hear otherwise I believe the official link has been severed. That’s something for our hosts here could look into and clarify.

Ascended Asgard
Ascended Asgard
14 years ago

Once upon a time Stargate and RDA specifically were appreciated and even recognized for representing the military in an upstanding manner. If there is an adviser they should be ashamed of themselves. The only military that would behave the way these do in real life are exposed CM’d and punished.

14 years ago

I wonder if the military advisor is from the African Continent, A South American country or the middle east.

14 years ago

Me and some of my friends stoping watching SGU, its just bad, americans love santa barbaba, im sure writers tryed to focus for them, either way have fun watching it!

14 years ago

Stargate has always had military realism and technical problems. Just look at the first episode of SG-1 “Children of the Gods” where one of the USAF personnel that escorts RDA in the elevator has Lt. Colonel insignia on his epaulets and enlisted stripes on his sleeves. At least these were uniform errors, SGU has problems properly portraying military people with characters not worthy of comic books.

14 years ago

While overall I think Divided was a decent episode I once again feel SGU failed to deliver and instead of taking forward keeps us locked in the same tensions and drama with no resolution in sight. Instead of having this episode be a climax where the tension between military and civilians is finally resolved the end of this episode leaves us exactly where we were all along. Rush and Wray vying for power and Young making bad military decisions. I agree with several posters that I have no idea how any of these people (military and civilian alike) every got… Read more »

14 years ago

@ JJS. At least in BSG -something- was resolved in an episode or two, for SGU’s Divided nothing was, if anything things were made slightly worse. Civie’s tipped their hand, military leader doesnt know how to contain a threat, and Cloie perhaps succeeded in damaging her relationships with Scott and Eli, both of whom obviously support the military.

Thinking about it, what does the civilian group have to complain about? The ones that are putting their lives on the line are still the military.

14 years ago

A small improvement in the ratings this week but its still pretty bad.
Stargate Universe (9pm)
– 1.600 million viewers
– 1.0/2 HH
– 0.6/2 A18-49

Can we still blame the easter bunny?