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14 years ago

The reason they stopped at the planet is for a good reason! Their has to be technology or one thing important that they’ll find, or when they go through the gate a few times, a good thing will happen, I just don’t see these four being left behind. But so far this is one of the best two parters yet!

14 years ago

they have stopped because the Gravity of the planet, had disturbed the destiny

14 years ago

Should be a good episode. I sure hope those wicked spiders are in this one. No P-90s to fight them off with. When you have to fight 50 pound spiders that can walk on the ceiling, Call in the Marines!

14 years ago

Thanks! But it’s just weird to have the planet with an ancient civ that was on it… hopefully, they wrote something they find on the planet before they leave. While the first aliens were cool that we’ve soon, learning from their ventures would be nice to see…

14 years ago

ahhh “Your comment is awaiting moderation.”

14 years ago

just did posting it om facebook

14 years ago

Pros: Greer– I suspected Greer had a troubled past before and his father being who he was seemed fitting. I don’t quite understand why Greer would choose a military profession after seeing what his father was like but that’s more personal taste. Chloe –she is finally getting a purpose beyond 1 dimension romance whiny teen. I’m guessing the aliens gave her something, either way im glad to see she’s becoming useful finally. Rush – He definitely seems to be developing more and more, earlier in the season he would have either written Scott and the others off or argued that… Read more »

14 years ago

This was definitely one of the best episodes of SGU. After watching it, you really feel sorry for Greer. No wonder he has so many anger issues.

14 years ago

OMG! That was such a great episode! FINALLY we see Chloe has a purpose. If it wasn’t for Chloe, they would never have figured out the ship leaving the galaxy. The way she pointed to the screen and said, “Go back! I don’t know why but just go back” and Eli saw that the ship was headed out of the galaxy! It’s clear now that Chloe is our resident guesser and probably the best guesser in any series ever. I am SO GLAD Chloe is now useful. I think she may be a prophet of sorts and her guesses will… Read more »

14 years ago

The growing storyline of Young and TJ’s baby is really keeping me glued to the screen. I was all smiles to see Young tell TJ how they will make it work. This was the height of my night in the episode. I can’t wait to find out if it’s a boy or a girl. Any guesses? Hopefully, they will focus a little more on the baby and I would love to see them become a family on Destiny. It will be exciting to see them raise the child together throughout the series.

14 years ago

I am DISGUSTED by Scott leaving GREER behind!! After Greer saved his sorry “behind” on that Desert planet…I repeat…SAVED HIS LIFE!!! Scott gave up after 2 minutes or less! What if he was injured etc…no matter what…the fact is he was ALIVE so Scott was wrong!! I have lost all respect for Scott I may have had. I love Greer…he is by far my favorite character. I also hated the artificial cliffhanger at the end. I told my wife it would be Rush coming through, not Scott…how predictable. BTW- I am just irritated by tonight’s events…I actually love the show…normally.… Read more »

14 years ago

This might have been my favorite episode to this point. The only negative and this is both a small point and debatable as well was what I thought was a bit excess amount of background on Greer, who is one of my most favorite characters. Sometimes the series takes an overlong look at some back history point that. I think, might be done more briefly.
Other than that small gripe, I thought LOST was near perfect; and the end was an ironic surprise.

14 years ago

I was happy about Young accepting the responsibilities of a father. I don’t know if he had children by his other wife. Lt. James’s character is also coming along nicely. In the absence of Scott, maybe She’ll get promoted to Full Leutenant. Chloe finally becomes the savior of the episode. Her insight into Ancient Civilization and languages and “Woman’s Intuition” points them out of the hole and even provides direction and instructions as to what Eli is to do next. A great episode, all in all.

Scott Watson
14 years ago

I don’t personally have any criticisms for this episode it was really well done. The drama aspect was cut back a little and I don’t think the Greer background was to much. The Stargate was well used, We seen various planets and now have a really good plot. I hope that Eli, Scott & Chloe don’t get back to the Destiny as easily as Rush did though. It is also good that Chloe is actually more useful now. “It’s clear now that Chloe is our resident guesser” Its a fair bet she knew it due to something that was done… Read more »

14 years ago

There was no sarcasm in my post. Chloe’s talents at guessing are nothing more than drawing on her strong intuition. If she has good instincts and her gut feelings lead to a positive outcome, how is that related to sarcasm? Also, Scott showed leadership because the place became an unstable hazard and was going to collapse over their heads. So he made a command decision to abandon Greer or they could have all died. Where is the sarcasm?

14 years ago

: There was no guessing involved. Chloe reacted to that map/picture (whatever you want to call it) because she had been linked with the aliens through that device they used to read her and Rushes mind. Some of their knowledge must have gone through her end as well and it came to “the surface” when she saw that map.

Scott Watson
14 years ago

@megalee the way you worded your post it was like: Chloe just randomly guessed and got the right screen completely at random & Scott gave up on Greer after only 2 minutes. You said you loved the episode but it sounded more like criticisms.

14 years ago

@Nikst I respect that is your belief but I believe she is using her 6th sense, woman’s intuition. And Rush specifically said the alien mind thingy worked in one direction only when he exchanged his for the one the alien Young was in so nothing could have gone back. It’s all Chloe, baby, and she’s finally starting to shine on her own merit! @Scott Watson Those are facts not criticism. Chloe did guess and she used her female intuition. I think she has a special gift and that gives her a heightened sense of gut feelings. Also Scott did give… Read more »

14 years ago

The map is pretty basic and hardly a result of womans intuition, rather observation. To build on Eli’s mall map analogy all that sort of map is fixed lines with a “you are here symbol” moving from one location to another. This idea probably was all she needed to view the images in the proper context of a map. Not discrediting what she contributed as observation and application are themselves valuable skills, but it is hardly a sixth sense (if it were, women would hardly have a monoply on such a sense). What really interests me about Chloe though is… Read more »

14 years ago

I for one really liked seeing multiple teams going out to actually explore the local stargate network. I hope that it becomes a standard practice (even if we don’t see it, but maybe hear about it) that whenever they are in range of a gate, they go to explore the next few in range and sort of map it out as they were forced to in this episode. I did have a question regarding the kinos however. Since they couldn’t follow after the kino (bad atmosphere/no space suits) they lose that one, but what happens when they send out a… Read more »

14 years ago

They have Planet information from Destiny, so they don´t send a kino through the gate

14 years ago

@meganlee: Yeah sorry Megan but I agree with wganubis. Womens intuition is hardly at play here, even if such a thing exists, a gut feeling is just a gut feeling, nothing to do with women or men. But Im still sticking to the story that she got the info through the alien device. We have seen technology glitch/fail in both real life and tv thousands of times. On SGU you have the almighty and powerfull Ancients/Alterans, who created the stones and those glitch all the time. Besides, that is a way better storyline then to just disregard it as a… Read more »

14 years ago

please tell me chloe is not going to be like teyla now.. like half raith and stuff.

14 years ago

Well i think i liked the past two episodes more than this one but this one had its fair share of good bits too. The Greer child story was so sad and explains why he is such an angry guy all the time. I was wondering why he hadn’t got involved with any of the girls on the ship yet, i mean he is hot lol but its obvious now he must find it hard to trust anyone. And TJ has told the boss about the baby finally!! And aww, i found it so sweet how he just agrees they… Read more »

14 years ago

@Nikst The technology failing or glitching is just too convenient and I don’t think the writers on the show would stoop so low to change things conveniently just so they can suit the story. I think their writing is very consistent and so far it all falls in just right but, to be honest, I don’t really pay close attention to the science stuff because it’s really an irrelevant part of the show. For me, the relationships and the drama is what grabs me the most. And it’s all been very consistent so it only goes to show that if… Read more »

14 years ago

Why does it matter if they lose kinos? Don’t they have an endless supply from the kino vending machine?

14 years ago

@meganlee: Yeah, once again, no. Dont buy it. Chloes quality is archeology, which she apparently has an education in. The map thing was all due to something happening to her on the alien ship. Men rushing through things? What do you base that on? Its all individually, men or women. Some people rush things, others dont. Eli was rushing because Scott rushed him and quite frankly those maps didnt make sense. And they wouldnt have made sense to Chloe either if she hadnt been linked to the aliens before. To have a gut feeling you need experience, and Chloe had… Read more »

14 years ago

If Chloe needs alien intervention to be useful then that just confirms that up to this point she has been useless. Except, of course, to pleasure the Lieutenant.

14 years ago

@Nikst Chloe is not an archeologist. She was her dad’s assistant and her quality goes beyond anything to do with education or some alien sickness she caught when she was under water on that fish ship. She didn’t have a clue what she was looking at and she even said so, she just had a gut feeling Eli missed something and told him to go back. You want to know what I base men rushing through things on? Eli rushing through the maps. Young stranding Rush on that island with the crashed ship. Rush locking out the military without thinking… Read more »

14 years ago

@meganlee: Well you sure are funny, Ill give you that…baby. I mixed up archeology with what she actually said: that she had studied all of Daniel Jacksons work(Daniel Jackson being the man you saw in Rushes memories, the man behind dechiffering the Stargate and who was in fact an archeologist and who studied both the ancients and allot of other races cultures besides our own) and she also said that she studied a little bit of history in college. So her usefulness comes with that, besides the fact that she got a little bit of info through the aliens. So… Read more »

14 years ago

@Nickst Again, gut feelings have nothing to do with experience “in a particular field”. That just doesn’t make any sense. It has to do with instinct and intuition. A baby tiger hunts its prey by instinct, not because it spent time in a training camp to become a cop, just like all animals. We have instincts built in and that aids our intuition. Some of us are just better at it. Women do have a 6th sense. We know when you lie and when you hide the truth. We are also better at directions. ;-) How does studying a little… Read more »

14 years ago

In regards to the Kinos yeah I would like to know if their is a finite supply or not. They seem easy enough to make and its logical to assume the ancients might have some form of fabrication facilities on the destiny when they designed it esspessially if you consider the mission of the ship. Either that or they put thousands of head sized hover cameras in a tube on the ship for lord knows how many planets in how many galaxies.

14 years ago

Since most people jumped down my throat for not knowing Dr. Jackson, I tried researching him a bit. Something is confusing me, and it started when I visited the hater’s site. In Justice, Chloe was picked because her background was Law. She was assitant to a Politician, so she must have taken political science. When did she have time to read Dr. Jackson’s works or notes? She never knew that she might be stranded on a spaceship? Or did she go down to the planet a few hundred times, just to read Jackson Journals? Did jackson have an office in… Read more »

14 years ago

@meganlee: Yes I meant deciphering. Chloe and her father knew about the Stargate program way in advance of them going to Icarus base. So shed had plenty of time to study Jacksons work. Eli doesnt lie, as we have seen, he has a big problem with it, that we have proof of. Instinct and gut feeling are to very different things. Your instincts tell you to survive. A gut feeling can be knowing where to look for a murderer (if your for example a cop). Look at it this way, if we did an experiment and had a baby grow… Read more »

14 years ago

@katebekett I think you hit the nail on the head and it only supports my assumption further. I did a little reading on Dr. Daniel and his work just to get my bearings. His work spans decades. Chloe is, what, 22? How could she possibly have found the time to read all his work and understand it? Even Eli took 3 weeks on his trip to the mountain just to watch Dr Daniel’s video tapes about Stargates. The writers are very sharp so far and I don’t think they would make up such nonsense as they go along just to… Read more »

14 years ago

I think Chloe is actually smarter than Eli. Although everyone says Chloe got her subliminal smarts during that less than 1 day visit with the aliens, Chloe manager to point Eli in the right direction twice. Eli didn’t go out much since he was playing a lot of video games in his mom’s basement. He doesn’t have street smarts, just book smarts. Eli mentioned about the “you are here” concept, and Chloe immediately zeroes in on the pictographs on the walls. Those pictographs even had a triangular arrow to point the spot out. Then in the alien ship, Eli was… Read more »

Professor Plum
Professor Plum
14 years ago

Well what an episode. Greer had a terrible life but found it in his heart to forgive the sins of his father. It is good that he could do that and we would all do well to forgive our neighbours even if they have sinned against us. Also Chloe has blossomed into maturity and appears to have gained intelectual powers. Let us hope that she uses them wisely

14 years ago

Sorry folks, but to even imply that Chloe is not suddenly this great intellect is silly. She is/was the Lieutenant’s play thing and that is the extent of her usefulness.

14 years ago

sorry, typo in my last transmission: “now” instead of “not”.