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14 years ago

Looking forward to this ep. :) Will next week have an episode too? Or is there a two week break after this one?

14 years ago

What if a Daedalus Class or some earth ship blows up a star, then drops into hyperspace just as the wave is hitting, or will they overload their hyperdrive? because i remember a episode when they ‘accidentally’ did that.

14 years ago

This mirrors the Enterprise episode through the expanse when Tpol and Flox has “dreams”. I am interested to see if anyone dies in this episode, being all crazy, someone has to do something that puts people at risk. I really like Universe and hope it runs for at least 6 seasons! There are a lot of galaxies out there!!!

Michael Sacal
Michael Sacal
14 years ago

I was also reminded of that episode of Enterprise, as well as Voyager’s “Night”.

I’d be willing to bet that these hallucinations are a result of traveling through the vast and dark expanse between galaxies. It’s probably all in their heads.

Tamara will end up finding a cure in something they found on the (let’s call it) Miracle Planet.

Not that it’s a bad idea just because those shows did something similar. This is something that should be done on Universe since it deals with them traveling through galaxies.

Scott Watson
14 years ago

lol at Rush’s scream at 0:14 in the trailer.

14 years ago

I hope it ISNT like Night and what not for some reason the void messes with their heads. I just dont see how not seeing stars but being stuck on a ship for months would be what triggers them freaking out.

Michael Sacal
Michael Sacal
14 years ago

Maybe the stones won’t work and they won’t be able to go back to Earth to clear their heads.

It could be a form of cabin fever.

14 years ago

i hope that it is somehow related to our unnamed blue alien friends. I would really like to see these guys again. it will most likely be a “medical” episode where they have some strange brain bleeding that results in insanity and TJ will save the day at the last minute. A “filler” episode to get to the finale. I am pretty sure they covered this in Voyager, Enterprise, SG1 and SGA. I cant wait to find out!

Elder Dragon
Elder Dragon
14 years ago

haha finally i was able to withstand the temptation of not watching the preview of this weeks episode :D

14 years ago

I thought this was another excellent episode.This whole back 10 that have followed the long break have been really good, one after the other. And, I love the MUSIC written for SGU. However, and I’m probably the only one, if there is one thing I don’t care for, it’s the selection of the more contem music played at some point with each new episode. What I don’t like about the choices made for that music is first, that they all sound pretty alike and second, and much more important to me at least is that I hate their negativity. Every… Read more »

Scott Watson
14 years ago

It erm certainly was a filler episode.

Michael Sacal
Michael Sacal
14 years ago

So that’s what happens when bed bugs bite…

14 years ago

I like the new way these new episodes have played out, except for some minor details. But this one was really booring! Damn it was boring and what happened to the void? The writers just jumped over that part, just like they just jumped over the return of eli, scott and chloe. An entire episode dedicated to some damn bugbites. Sure we learned some of the fears of the crew but we could have learned about that threw small sideplots over several epsiodes. Not have the mainplot of an entire episode being dedicated to it. And just jumping over weeks… Read more »

14 years ago

Another weak episode. Alien ticks? Come on! This one was silly and predictable. Once again, the miracle cure comes from the “critter juice” they obtained in another episode. These writers are running out of ideas methinks. And the use of pop music in the episodes is annoying as hell.

14 years ago

Tamara Johansen is a Paramedic, NOT a Doctor as the episode description here and on the TV Cable Guide states. In the pilot episode she was leaving the Air Force to go to medical school.

14 years ago

through, not threw^

14 years ago

I wasn’t a big fan of this episode. There were a number of ways they could have gone with the same plot or the same set up, but as is not much new ground was established. Seeing as how this episode took place toward the end of the void, and they went through all the trouble of making it a plot point in the previous episode, I think the final gate room scene was the only scene that had some poignancy by showing both Rush and Young just completely haggard from what I assume was not only the ‘space tick’… Read more »

14 years ago

This had the distinct feeling of being a filler episode. Apparently they are already in the next galaxy and have already started exploring planets there so the distance between the close was close enough that the writers felt that exploring one episode of being completely in the void wasn’t worth while which I feel is a shame. No character development in my opinion occurred which I feel was a mistake. The way the ticks worked in brining out what you feared the most would have been a great way to gain an insight into the characters that were affected by… Read more »

14 years ago

@ RemyMichael If I had to guess, I would say that the Lucian alliance either has a spy on board the ship via the base crew or they are in possession of a number of communication stones. Based on how the show has been pointing out that the aliens can “hack” the stones I suspect that the alliance will do the same and that we will see something like the Lucian alliance get one person on via that method and then forces others to use the stones and swap out with a Lucian alliance counterpart. I really hope they don’t… Read more »

Scott Watson
14 years ago

I completely agree with you, even I found this episode rather boring. Even if they did need a filler episode for before the final two they easily could have came up with something better. For example crossing the void was a wasted opportunity.

I have no doubt that the final 2 will be good but this episode will hit the ratings hard.

14 years ago

I dont get the fascination people have for wanting to see them cross the void, to me, it would be like walking down an empty corridor, what’s entertaining about that, we know that it doesn’t have any effect on you, from the countless times its been done on both SG1 and SGA, so why waste a whole episode showing that. Granted this episode could have been filmed in the void, with the bugs being picked up in the previous galaxy, from what I understood, they had passed into the new one already, and the bugs were from the first planet… Read more »

14 years ago

@xandder while there is no physical affects in the SG universe (ie the whole lore, etc) of the void but imagine being trapped on the ship with only the walls to look not, not even the stars available from the observation deck. Also take into account that the Destiny is a ship falling apart and they had repeatedly made a big deal about this fact (even in the last episode no less). Combine having to ration supplies for how knows how long and etc it would have been interesting to see the crew deal with what would have been one… Read more »

14 years ago

I agree on the possibility of the void being wasted. There they have to do even less than normal, missing the “surprise planet of the week” dial out and subsequent exploration opportunities. If they wanted it to be more realistic and with actual character development, they could have shown people dealing with that. Instead of bringing in a (in my opinion) totally unnecessary outside threat and device that let’s you clearly avoid any character or dramatic development. “That? Oh, that was just the bugs making me do/say that.” *shrug* The whole Greer/Rush/Wray thing could have happened (a little less violently,… Read more »

14 years ago

Well it was a good episode, not great! Not a lot of drama this time. When I first saw Scott in bed with James I thought to myself what a two timing prick and I was sure there would be some real drama, finally! Perhaps Chloe would cling to Eli for comfort and maybe we’d finally get to see them in bed together! Then she clubbed him with a lamp and I thought you go girl! I didn’t think he would be dead though then I find out they’re all hallucinating because of a flea on their necks. The episode… Read more »

14 years ago

Ummm so can someone explain to me what of this was real and what was pretend lol. At the start i saw Scott with James and was like OMG!!!!!!!! I know Scott didnt actually die but was he ever with James in the first place in this ep? Other than that first part which was great i’m not sure i really liked this episode, bit too confusing for me lol.

14 years ago

I totally agree. I think they should focus a few episodes on the Chloe/Scott/Eli love triangle. They should develop that story arc much more and dedicate at least two or three episodes to it. James was just a one time thing in a janitor’s closet at the beginning but it could make for some interesting drama.

14 years ago

I, for one, am not really looking forward to the introduction of more aliens. The Lucious Alliance will just be a distraction from what we’d really like to see. I’m anxious to get more on TJ’s baby, the development of her relationship with Young who is still a married man and the Chloe/Scott/Eli love triangle. I would love for the next season to focus more on those stories as well as develop a little more drama rather than detract from that with alien stuff.

14 years ago

Well, probably not “a few episodes”, but this one would have been a great opportunity to at least address the issue. And I mean adress as in talk… not just exchange soulful glances.

14 years ago

@Kelera They could have had a whole episode on their love triangle before having them return. This last episode could have been skipped in favor of a Chloe/Scott/Eli triangle focused episode. It was ok but I think we could have done without it since it was all imagination because of a few fleas.

Professor Plum
Professor Plum
14 years ago

Well I do not know where to start with this one. The first thing we see is two people engaged in sins of the flesh followed by a murder. This just goes to prove my earlier comments about how this show is contributing to the moral decay of our youth. How is it appropriate for the story to show such gratuitous scenes? There is no excuse for this unless the writers were going with the sole intention of shocking the audience. This is truly the Devils work and they would do well to heed the story of Soddam and Gamorrah.… Read more »

14 years ago

How does it feel to post as multiple posters that talk to each other. You have too much time on your hands. Just sad…

14 years ago

Um… if you happen to refer to megan and my (very small) exchange: How does it feel to completely embarass oneself publicly with strange theories?

I am not aware of having been taken over by megan so she could talk to herself. Plus, I have no communication stones in range, I swear ;o).

14 years ago

Respectfully, there are other sites that are dedicated to meganlee and other’s cause. It is the same thing week after week. They know what they are doing.

14 years ago

@ Kelera
Oh and yes I am ;o)

14 years ago

I agree with some of the previous posters where this was definitely a filler episode, and in my opinion not a very good one. I was looking forward to this episode thinking it would piggyback off of last week’s episode. Here the ship is somewhere the crew hadn’t been before (between galaxies), Destiny is running differently to conserve power for the distance needed to cross and a character just accessed the chair and disappeared. I actually speculated that perhaps the visions were related to what happened to Franklin in the chair from the last episode. Once they revealed it was… Read more »

14 years ago

, in defense of Chloe (yeah I know, weird that im defending her!) she watched her father die (suffication isnt a pretty way to go either) and even though it was an alien tick induced hallucination got a chance to talk to “him” again. I could certainly understand the desire to hold onto that even if knowing it was fake. That said, some sort of consinquence should have happened because of her willingness to go along with whatever the tick was doing/feed/etc on her…. maybe fall into acoma for a few episodes.

14 years ago

I have to agree about Chloe. I actually didn’t mind her character at the beginning but she is slowly getting less liked by me. I liked the fact that the knows how to interpret the alien language. Maybe that will give her some purpose.

14 years ago

Boy this really was a filler episode, comments stopped on monday…