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Michael Sacal
Michael Sacal
14 years ago

I guess that Rodney and Sam were busy elsewhere… not together, of course.


14 years ago

Ahhh, so this is the famous “Gatefail” episode of which I have read!
Wonder what people will say after it airs and how controversial it will actually turn out to be.

14 years ago

I can’t wait till tonight, =D i’m so exited!!

14 years ago

controversy you say, but to whom, and for what? Of Whom the What made weary, then the Blimey should giggle undaunted.

14 years ago

From what I’ve read (only, haven’t seen it yet), the casting call was more controversial than the actual episode. Now that we’ve seen them use the communication stones so much, I just figured it was implied that when you agree to use them, the other person is granted complete access to use the host body. At least that aspect doesn’t seem like a big deal to me.

14 years ago

still skipped 40% of the episode and still saw all the relevant Storyline..

14 years ago

It was a good Episode, from the beginning to the End, really good. The open ending with Frnklin, it was awesome. The whole Situation with Amanda Perry was Interesting because Rush was a different person. Thats my POV over Rush, in this Situation.

Then the Aliens on the Planet, and they´re only saw the Aliens, because Young wants his standard Gate Traveling Protocol.

14 years ago

I was utterly disappointed, why on earth could we not have had episodes like this right at the start! I LOVED everything about it, the Amanda Perry character was brilliant (and also very hot lol) the subtle way in which she was written was portrayed was to me, the highlight of the episode, it was handled with so much care and thought, and the actress did an outstanding job of just being so amazed about just moving her hand, I really hope we see more of her in the future. The rest of the episode was solid, little disappointed in… Read more »

14 years ago

Old question, but I just saw Heroes, Pt II yesterday. On the Women in Stargate podcast the ladies were talking about how Sam made a mistake that lead to Janet being killed. I don’t really understand what they are referring to. Can anyone shed a light on the situation?

Scott Watson
14 years ago

Not sure what to make of this episode would probably say that it’s the weakest of the 2nd half thus far. It wasn’t really established how the ship was sabotaged, the only mention was when Lt James was having weird dreams and suddenly came to the conclusion that she did it & that realisation didn’t get a lot of screen time. Personally would have liked to of seen the sabotage being done even if it was at least in Lt James getting flashes of it. I think that the return of Eli, Scott & Chloe was just a little too… Read more »

14 years ago

From other hints given, I think that ascension and ship AI integration might both be closer than we think. There were hints that the crew on Destiny will come to realize that the ship has a unique mission. I think that quite possibly the ship was one of the early attempts at either ascension or at least of the ancients shedding their corporeal bodies. There just seemed to be something about the way Rush’s dream interface with the chair reminded me of the way the Harcesis or Oma Desala used to speak to Daniel is his dreams. It was very… Read more »

14 years ago

My husband was in the other room, and he wanted to know if my allergies were acting up again, when he heard me sniffling. But I was quietly crying, because this episode was so awesome. Dr, Perry in a wheel chair feeding herself a tangy fruit for the first time, Wray’s wife (husband) getting late after grocery shopping, and wray panicing. I think the only time my husband panics is if I forget the case of beer I was supposed to pickup from the beer store. The 3 wondering nomads just gating into Destiny was a bit too convenient huh?… Read more »

14 years ago

Oops, hit submit too early. @Scott Watson – I can’t speak for you, but me personally, I try not to worry about things like Eli, Scott & Chloe getting back too conveniently. Sure, they threw it away with a couple lines about the ship showing up again on the remote, but the entire episode was also about how the ship dropped back out of FTL while still in range and that it was sabotage and not just a coincidence. BUT I have to think that even SG-1 would not have been as fun if I were to hold it to… Read more »

14 years ago

I have to say that I was somewhat disappointed with this episode. I was hoping to see a little more love triangle drama between Scott, Chloe and Eli. I had not read the synopsis and was under the assumption that Sabotage would have been a story about Eli sabotaging the love between Scott and Chloe and that Scott may have caught on being a military strategist while Chloe would find herself torn between them. I thought the scene with Wray on earth with her lover were just what my hunger for emotional impact needed. It was so beautiful I was… Read more »

Michael Sacal
Michael Sacal
14 years ago

“one big mistake and that was not showing Dr Perry making love to Rush. I think that would have been another beautiful moment seeing a woman crippled most of her life getting a chance to make love to a brilliant genius like herself with whom she shared some emotion in the past.”

Last year people claimed that it would have been rape.

I for one agree with you, it would have been a good thing for them to get together.

14 years ago

: SGU HATER GET OF THIS SITE! Its getting really annoying! You and katebeckett. Your probably the same person

14 years ago

@Scott Watson I asked a friend of mine who is an old stargate fan and he said it’s not an ascension chair. He also said they didn’t even know about ascension when that ship was built because it was hundreds of thousands of years before they started studying ascension. He doesn’t understand how anyone could consider what happened to franklin ascension. Not that I care much about the science stuff but, if I had to guess, and I’ve been right about everything so far, I personally think he burned up in the chair from frustration and his brain was copied… Read more »

14 years ago

What’s an sgu hater? And why would I get “of” this site? Are you upset because I corrected some of your mistakes in the last episode?

There’s no need for hostility. I don’t understand the anger.

Scott Watson
14 years ago

Would suggest using the ‘write to us’ feature to report any comments that are most likely fake. Darren has told me that its not our place to try to publicly out anyone.

Jan Vetulani
Jan Vetulani
14 years ago

He’s right though, you’re a troll, and a very clever one at that. And trolls, mind you even very clever ones, belong under bridges, and in imaginations! Certainly not on the internet. Bad troll,bad! Shame on you!

Jan Vetulani
Jan Vetulani
14 years ago

@”meganlee”, naturally. QUite loved the episode, it was gripping to the last – just as the previous one.

14 years ago

@Jan Vetulani I agree it was a good episode but some elements disappointed me. On the other hand, why are you calling me a troll? I haven’t done anything to you so the only troll here is you for calling me names. Nikst made some errors in the last episode that I corrected, such as Chloe being an archeologist, and he seems to have gotten offended by that. I didn’t mean to offend anyone I was just pointing to obvious facts. If you disagree with my opinions you’re free to skip over them. I love the show for the elements… Read more »

14 years ago

Pros: A still. Every ship lost in space needs a still and Destiny now has one. Destiny getting “new” toy robots. Rush “getting his soul back”- I have to admit even if hes just doing it for the sake of the crew Rush becoming more “human” is far better than what he had going for him. Cons: To be honest this new approach to music (namely music with lyrics) just doesn’t seem to fit with the show. Not saying that its bad in general for the franchise but that it just doesn’t seem to fit. Dues Ex Machnia salvation of… Read more »

14 years ago

Addition: Thinking about it, I wonder if Eli and company might have been brainwashed by the aliens and sent back as sleeper agents. 1. Eli says the ship just appeared on the dialer two days later but we know that destiny was actually further away. 2. Eli was complaining about sending a Kino to the planet. Granted they were just there but one would think Eli would know the importance of always double checking. 3. The aliens were RIGHT THERE and I don’t mean just milling about but had gun emplacements aimed at the gate waiting for it to activate.… Read more »

14 years ago

@meganlee I know you’re not too interested in the science aspect of the show, but if you do want to consult technical aspects of the show, you should ask your ‘friend’ where he is getting his information. We happen to know that the Alterans (that’s what the Ancients used to call themselves) came to the Milky Way galaxy from the Ori galaxy around 50 million years BC. It was between 50 million years BC and 10 million years BC that the Ancients started learning how to ascend. If your ‘friend’ needs reference, he should check out Stargate: The Ark of… Read more »

14 years ago

Regarding what you said about the aliens being interesting and wanting to go back to the galaxy to see more of them – I’m not sure that will be necessary. I get the impression that these aliens have become somewhat nomadic following after Destiny over a longer course of time. I hope (and dare I say expect) that we will see them in the next galaxy.

Michael Sacal
Michael Sacal
14 years ago

I do like the theory about Franklin becoming an AI.

14 years ago

, I certainly hope so and that it doesnt become like Voyager in that each new alien race was either a friend or enemy. Not saying that these aliens should be the equal of the ghould or replicators in that they are the primary villian but that they should be an ever present threat.

14 years ago

I’m not really sure what I want out of this series as far as having an ongoing big bad, but I would be a little disappointed if this species gave up on Destiny just as they seem to have a window (the humans messing with all the systems). I would like to think that if Destiny can make the gap, these guys could too – and now they (still the aliens) know for sure (based on their last position) that Destiny is leaving the galaxy, and in what direction (though not the exact FTL drop point). I agree with the… Read more »

14 years ago

Should Franklin become an AI, I hope they don’t give him a robot body like in Andromeda. Even without it, it would reminds me too much of Andromeda, especially because three SG1 actors played an AI in that series.

14 years ago

@meganlee: Corrected me? Wow, I said archeologist instead of that she had studied allot of the work of an archeologist (Daniel Jackson). Wow, yeah that must be it, I must be upset about a little thing like that. Actually I stopped talking to you when I saw that you and katebeckett (who we know is in fact an SGU hater who has the same ip address as an known SGU hater. Coincidence?) started talking the same language. Meaning you started equaling SGU with Cougar, Desperate Housewives and those kinds of shows. The thing that made me positive of that you… Read more »

14 years ago

BTW what is the reason to plant Stargates with limited Range in aother Galaxy?

14 years ago

these Stargates are the first Generation

14 years ago

Please correct me if I’m wrong, but whenthe ancients came to the milky way to leave the Ori, wasn’t it so they could start to work on ascension? Or was that after they came back from the Pegasus galaxy. Also do we know exactly when the destiny was launched? Because all I can remember is that it was launched from earth. So it is plausible that it was an early attempt at acension. If they indeed did come to the milky way to learn to ascend. I like that idea. It keeps in line with what we know about the… Read more »

14 years ago

@ talyn00 here is a Stargate Time line. Ok it is a wiki thing but sounds legit

14 years ago

@arnoldrimmer, it is explained in the first show and throughout the season that Destiny is following other ships that are ahead of it that are planting the stargates and relaying information back to Destiny. The reason for this is that the Ancients had essentially set into motion a series of autopiloted ships to go ahead and put star gates down in other galaxies, followed by the destiny (or mother ship) so that when they finally arrived on the Destiny they would have plenty of worlds ready to explore/colonize. When you think about it, for the Ancients at the technological level… Read more »

14 years ago

@wganubis- I had the same thoughts about travel time between galaxies and also referred back to the SGA ep with that Ancient ship using FTL and STILL being stuck between Milky Way and Pegasus, after 10,000 years. Even though their ship was damaged, they still had a ZPM to power their FTL (which, presumably, they had to Macgyver). So I completely agree the math/explanations on this are way way off O_o I could over look it, but my beef is that 95% of the “sci fi” that actually sneaks on to the show has very weak or no explanations to… Read more »

14 years ago

@Kosh: petroleum based products FTW! perhaps? They either brought that sort of stuff with them or its some sort of synthetic that withstands the test of time really good or perhaps the ship was depressurized in those areas to conserve those systems until life forms were detected and thus that stuff was exposed to space. Anyway back to the FTL thing my only thoughts is that perhaps the Destiny is using a very powerful FTL drive, given that most of the backside of the ship seems deticated to the engines it could just be sheer scale grants them their speed.… Read more »

14 years ago

“in atlantis where the crew finds the ancients traveling back to the milky way using an FTL drive and they had only just made it half way by the time they met up with the Daedalus crew”

But they didn´t Fly Faster Than Light, only 99% of Light Speed

14 years ago

@Darren Sumner Thanks for clearing that portion up in regards to the Ancient ship in Return but if FTL is still slower then hyperspace unless they are traveling at a factor fast enough to make the journey possible but still slow enough then hyperspace then are we not talking about a amount of time in the months, if not years for them to travel between galaxies? I mean according to this sites own omnipedia, the Pegasus Galaxy is about 3.5 million light years away (and is considered part of the local cluster) and it took the daedalus 18 days to… Read more »

14 years ago

Maybe it´s one time FTL for each Drive. Destiny have 16 Drives so 16 x FTL Drive. Probably they´re almost at Hyperdrive Speed, and traveling between Galaxy are only a few weeks

14 years ago

Whoops, you’re right I shouldn’t have referred to that Ancient ship as using “FTL” since Rodney clearly stated it was only going .9999 the speed of light! I just wish some of this stuff was explained in the fun and wacky sci-fi ways we’re use to with Stargate (and other shows). I’ve always loved the imagination behind that part of Sci-Fi and am noticeably missing that element in SGU :( I think the point on Destiny’s big huge back side being entirely engines seems logical enough to support the theory of a really powerful FTL system. I just wish little… Read more »

14 years ago

I wonder why they send Perry to the Destiny. I have not heard of her before. I always thought that Carter, McKay and even Zelenka are the primary experts of all kinds of alien technology. So why did they send her? It doesn’t make any sense.

14 years ago

Hmmm well i just caught up on this episode, been a busy old weekend lol. Anyway not a bad episode i thought, reminded me more of the swapping stone episodes in the first half which were my fave. I was expecting lots more scenes with Chloe, Eli and Scott stranded, last week i said i thought they cleverly got them apart from Greer so they could make more of Eli’s jealousy and i was disappointed that didnt happen. But to compensate we got to see Rush being romantic again! The story with his wife was really sad so its nice… Read more »

14 years ago

it is a Space Opera like the former Series and another Scifi Series. It´s not a Soap

Professor Plum
Professor Plum
14 years ago

There was some good parts to this installment. I particularly liked it when Eli refused the advances of that jezebel and stayed a virgin for when he gets married. Having failed in her attempts to seduce a young boy the woman then tried to engage in carnal pleasures with another crew member. All this while in the body of a different person. It is overt displays of sexuality like this that are rotting the moral fibre of the youth of today and I can only conclude that a bad example has been set here. It is no wonder that we… Read more »

14 years ago

Come on people theres nothing wrong with soaps lol. I gave destiny a chance just to humour my husband when he said i’d like it, i didnt believe him since it was one of his star programs and those usually bore my socks off but he was right after all. Maybe in the same way you should try a few soaps yourself and see if you like them, some are really good telly and if you like destiny you might get on with them, ok there are some really bad ones too i admit lol. But i can suggest some… Read more »

14 years ago

The Ship, in an effort to save everyone and itself, tapped into the minds of both the LT Female and the Science Guy, used each of them for a special purpose (one breaking the engine and the other as a brain to help it understand more about it’s guests)… It’s learning by osmosis! Amazing galaxies, and we only see planets for a short time sorta is sad, but to meet aliens (human form) in these galaxies will be cool…