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14 years ago

This sounds awesome. I can’t wait until October.

14 years ago

This sounds outstanding, I hope we get a look or some info on the seeder ships!!

14 years ago

finally, on with the show, and ending the soap opera!

14 years ago

AWESOME! i honestly don’t think i can wait that long

14 years ago

What I would like to know is where all the gates come from. Destiny is supposed to be seeding worlds with gates right? So I figure there’s got to be a place on the ship where there are a bunch of gates. Also I wonder if we’ll see any space gates this season.

14 years ago

Oh look sure is B(SG) around these parts… Oh who am I kidding! I’m mighty fine with that!

14 years ago

That’s what they should have put out much earlier as part of a bigger story line!

14 years ago

Sounds spectacular! October cannot come soon enough!

Elder Dragon
Elder Dragon
14 years ago

: if you have followed what they said it in the end of Air part 2, they said that there was sent several seeder ships ahead of Destiny.

14 years ago

Space Gates were designed for Puddle Jumpers since Destiny was launched from a different Era I don’t think we will see any.

14 years ago

WOW, the “destination of cosmic importance” it sounds Really good…. maybe alternate Universe with a bad guys next? But we shell see!

14 years ago

Ooo! The Ancients sent out the Destiny to meet the Furlings! We are going to see the Furlings!

14 years ago

Kellx, Destiny isn’t the ship that seeded planets with gates, it is just following the course that the ships seeding the planets had taken. :D

14 years ago

I’d laugh if the it’s destination was back to Earth or possible to find Atlantis, hell why not even to meet a still living bunch of Ancients

14 years ago

I’d say supergate, first city-ship, or working wormhole drive. All something the Lucian Alliance would also love to get their hands on and probably those blue aliens.

14 years ago

Looking forward to Season 2 in October.

14 years ago

y would it be to find atlantis destiny was built and launched thousands of years before atlatis was built or even left earth in the 1st place

14 years ago

, who knows (just threw it out there), but correct me if I am wrong but don’t the Gates do some sort of Auto update, it’s also possible that this update could also add gates to the system, and Atlantis would have been one of the last Gates to be added/updated to the Gate network, it’s Scifi anythings possible

14 years ago

Heh, my expectations just went up a bit, and I was already pretty excited! I’ve been saying this from the pilot, but SGU is Voyager done RIGHT. This is another example of that.

Voyager’s main plot never changed, or evolved. Sure, they brought in the Borg, but a few two-parters here and there doesn’t do a lot for the whole.

14 years ago

Finally.. they could use a whole spin-off just to focus on this storyline.. I’d still buy SGU on iTunes.. I swear.. I might not get around to watching it “every” week.. but promise by Christmas every year! Full speed ahead.. can we speed through a few episodes?

14 years ago

I think that crew of the Destiny will find way to ascension…

14 years ago

wow, tooooo little toooooooo late. and all it took was losing 60 percent of their starting ratings. cool.

14 years ago

Yeah thanks for the spoiler in the actual News headline. Some of us didn’t want to know until it aired.

Col. Newman
Col. Newman
14 years ago

Finally, it has been so long since we have had an interesting ancient mythology arc.

14 years ago

Wouldn’t it be awesome if it was something to do with The Furlings.

14 years ago

I really like this. I would find it difficult to believe that someone reading this doesn’t immediately want to know what this “cosmic destination” is, or what it is all about. My only problem with this without having more information is that the ship has been cruising along for over a million years by best guess so far, so what destination could they be going to that is close enough to reach in the span of the show/the crew’s life? Is it all too coincidental that they show up on the ship right before it reaches its destination? Or, does… Read more »

14 years ago

Wow, this new information brings me restored hope, but only time will tell. Maybe it’s going to a planet populated by Ancients or something. Or maybe to help with a war dealing with the ferlings or something. Who knows, but should be interesting.

14 years ago

Wow! Let me guess, the Destiny is really powered by tiny creatures called midichlorians so that it can find and destroy the Xindi weapon and save Earth.

Jim Hutto
14 years ago

Got to be honest here. My mind has been churning since I read this article last night. And I have come up with some interesting destinations.

Going to the edge of the universe
Going back to the original Galaxy of the Alterans
Finding God (no flaming please)
Seeing what is beyond the beginning of the Universe
Going to an other Universe
And just for complete humor reasons…. Finding out that Jack O’Neill is God….

14 years ago

Great I’m excited. Now the show has a direction, a purpose. Something it was missing in the first season. My only real nitpick of the show was that it was directionless. Now hopefully we can get more people on board to watch this show now that we can tell them there is a purpose.

14 years ago

ok, so destiny has a mission, one that’s still active after thousands of years, and one that completing will allow the crew to return to earth? It has to be something to do with the gate seeding ships, that catching up with them will allow them to build a stargate that has the capability to dial earth – it must also be something about maybe a limitless energy supply, as they will need a massive amount of energy as proven by the naquadria core planets – what could be out this far? what about the exact point that is the… Read more »

14 years ago

I cannot wait for Season 2 and have been thinking about the destination of cosmic importance. For something to be that important is has to be amazing and there aint been that much in Stargate that’s been amazing, space-wise, except for battles. I have a number of ideas: *Destiny could tumble upon an Ori Supergate. The Ori built one in the Milky Way so they could send a vanguard of ships’ whose to say they didn’t do the same elsewhere. *(my best idea) Destiny stumbles upon the Gondolthian Nebula (which is mentioned in SG-1’s Season 8 Episode – Threads). The… Read more »

14 years ago

Ori galaxy, for the ship to make “a full circle” … get Ancients home. Ancients died off in plague before it happened and didn’t get to seed galaxies with humans in front of them. The people onboard Destiny, once they get there can take stargate or supergate back to Milky Way.

14 years ago

OMGZ! Why do they have to tease me? Now I am peeing in my pants with my tail wagging waiting for the next season!!!!

14 years ago

god thing they just happen to be on the ship when it gets to where its going.

14 years ago

is it October yet? I am putting my money on something new that we have never seen the SG universe before. Important enough that the ancients sent this extra-galactic ship to find it. Full well knowing that it would take several thousands of generations to get there. Most likely the center of the universe, where it all began. Some sort of unimaginable stellar wonder.

14 years ago

If they found an Ori type supergate, could they dial the milkyway supergate without blowing up the black hole(s) that power them ?(like what happened to the planets when they went to destiny)

14 years ago

Maybe they’re heading towards Sha Ka Ree, or the Guardian of Forever…

14 years ago

Another idea I had is that while performing tests on a Stargate, the metallurigcal analysis shows that it is younger than previous gates (the gates have been getting younger, but this gate is different, it could be thousands if not hundreds of years old, instead of the tens of thousands). Both Rush and Eli make some calculations and believe that in the very near future they could be reaching the end of the gate network and possibly come across a seed ship. The strange pyramid at the rear of Destiny ship could infact be a docking interface and Destiny itself… Read more »

14 years ago

Assuming that the Big Bang theory is correct could they not be going to the origin of the Big Bang? whould it not be amazing to see the single place in the known userverse that spawned All the galaxies? Might find something pretty interesting there….

14 years ago

I just hope it has something to do with Furlings

14 years ago

The secret will likely be about what happened to the ancient crew of the ship( you don’t put beds on a ship unless someone is going to sleep in them). My guess is that we’ll learn that they “down loaded” into the destiny just like that scientist.

As for why destiny is out there, a civilization like the ancients would have noticed the quick creation of stars in other galaxies… They likely sent the destiny out on a meet and greet/recon of what ever race could create planets and stars.

14 years ago

The ship was launched without a crew. The ancients intended to use the ship at a later stage. But they never did.
Whatever it will be it’s to little to late.
This show has been the biggest let down in the whole SG franchise. They are trying to fix it now with space-battles and more action but the major of viewers have left already.

14 years ago

I’m betting that the wrecked ships have something to do with Destiny’s past…might be part of explaining where all the previous (to our folks being there) battle damage came from.

14 years ago

Destiny is travelling along a course, that course does not make a u-turn (it could do in the future), so wherever the debris field came from, it must’ve come from someone else.

I am still wondering how the two crews are gona work together, as none are gona b left to fend for themselves, so mayb a compromise is reached? Perhaps the best idea would be to allow Keva to die from her gun shot injury, allowing Telford (if Lucian Alliance rules state that whoever kills the leader becomes leader themselves), to take command of them.

14 years ago

Destiny has a destination, yet the ancients expected to arrive on destiny long ago, before they ‘forgot’ about it.
This leads me to think it had found something on its journey and is investigating it. Destiny was sent to gather knowledge right? That was the reason it was so valuable, not the dated ancient tech.

carbon dude oxide
carbon dude oxide
14 years ago

maby destiny has reached its original destination and done evrything it could at its destination and decided to search for the same thing some where else

also this destiny could be trying to get to on of the stargate seeders ships and allow the crew to board it and use find a planet that they can dial back to earth from. (if not then they could find supplyes and repairs for the original destiny :D

14 years ago states that Destiny is a ship in the Ancient fleet, constructed and launched over fifty million years ago from Earth. The Ancients launched several automated ships (seed ships) prior to Destiny, each with the purpose of constructing and seeding Stargates throughout the numerous galaxies they crossed, with Destiny itself following in their path to explore those planets. After beginning this process, the Ancients initially planned to wait until the ship reached a sufficient distance from Earth to board it and explore the universe. However, because of other endeavors, such as ascension, they never followed through on the plan. Because… Read more »

14 years ago

This sounds promising. I thought like most series’ first seasons, it was pretty hit and miss as they tried to find their ground and see what works. These new ideas sound great, but I really hope they do some interesting non-humanoid aliens though. Bipeds are so boring.