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14 years ago

How come “Incursion part 1: has a +19%?

Also, didn’t Stargate Atlantis average like 1.7 Million viewers in their last season?

Looks like the producers might need to change things. They lost a lot of viewers, ouch.

14 years ago

So, I am a little confused… How can Incursion Part 1 have an increase +19.% while being the season lowest?

Or am I reading those numbers wrong.

Subversion (May 21) 1.454 – 6%
Incursion, Part 1 (June 4) 1.178 (season low) + 19%
Incursion, Part 2 (June 11) 1.469 + 25%

14 years ago

I really love that 25% bump at the end and especially love that despite so many heaping scorn on the episode “Life”, that it had a 5% jump.

I do have to admit that ratings stuff usually makes my brain hurt but still, grins aplenty :D

Eternal Density
Eternal Density
14 years ago

I too am confused by the positive change down to he season low. Huh??

14 years ago

I’m actually happy about this. It took me forever, but by Incursion, Part 1 I finally came to love the show. I dont know how I will feel about S2, but at least now I can say I will be there. :)

14 years ago

Maybe the “change” column measures quality change, i.e. Incursion p.1 was 19% better than Subversion.

Chevron Atlantis
Chevron Atlantis
14 years ago

Guys it’s a typo. As I’ve posted here. I think we better let Darren know that it’s a typo :)

14 years ago

if this show costs a lot more than the other stargate shows. then how are these ratings acceptable?

14 years ago

Does any of this count the itunes downloads? I’m never home Friday night so I download the episodes. I’m actually happy Universe will be moving to a new night, I may actually see the episodes when they air more often.

14 years ago

I would say that the SGU season 1 average is 1.684 million viewers. Air, Part 1 and Part 2 was ONE broadcast. You usually don’t count a broadcast double. “The series averaged 1.99 million viewers per week on Friday nights, and 2.57 million viewers with DVR data factored in (story).” This sentence is confusing and at worst misleading. Those are only the numbers of the FIRST HALF of the season and not the series average at the current time. It shouldn’t be necessary to click the provided link to get the real meaning of the numbers! And again I wouldn’t… Read more »

14 years ago

@ clbourge

Itunes downloads aren’t included in the live + SD or live + 7 numbers.

14 years ago

The second half of Season one performed worse than SGA’s fifth season. No Stargate Season finale has ever received such low numbers. I don’t see how to spin these numbers in a positive light without making yourself really really dizzy. I would imagine if the numbers continue like this in the first half of the second season, the show will be cancelled. Perhaps the move to Tuesdays will be the thing that helps them regain the lost viewership, and for the fans of SGU, I hope so. I can hardly stop myself, however, for asking why oh why did they… Read more »

14 years ago

For anyone confused: It should be -19%

I think counting Air as two episodes is valid as it got twice the air time which also means twice the commercials.

One question: The ‘Live+SD’ ratings are often compared to SGA’s ratings. Are the numbers for SGA ‘Live+SD’ too?
If they’re just ‘Live’ it’s apples and oranges…

14 years ago

Incursion season low, looks like a lot of people missed out on a great episode :/

would rather have seen life or earth as season low

14 years ago

you said ” and especially love that despite so many heaping scorn on the episode “Life”, that it had a 5% jump.”

followed by how you don’t understand stats well… obviously. the 5% jump is because people liked the last episode. To see the effect of Life you have to look at how many people tuned in the next episode (this shows their reaction to the episdoe) and after life there was a 29% drop in viewers. From which it never recoverd.

14 years ago

What about taking into account those of us that download the 720p episodes to watch at our leisure? How do they factor that in? Yeah, exactly. I’ll bet programmes like Firefly would have stayed running if they could count real viewer numbers, not just those that have the access to and the time to spare for live broadcasting or fancy schmancy DVR.

The series picked up at the end. Hopefully the viewer count will go up at the start of next season.

Imitation Tofu
Imitation Tofu
14 years ago

These are embarrassing ratings for the first season of a new Stargate show. Simply embarrassing. The move to Tuesday is not an effort to recharge the show, it’s SyFy dumping it in a graveyard.

14 years ago

I hate this I really do. IMHO SGU is a great show and these numbers are very concerning. I really want SGU to succeed but I seriously doubt it will last past season 2.

14 years ago

does this take into account the ratings in other countries outside the USA?

Orion Coran
Orion Coran
14 years ago

@Imitation Tofu: Uh, I think you mixed your words up. Syfy is moving SGU from the graveyard and placing it in a slot that provides the show a higher chance to succeed. Friday nights are pretty much the graveyard nights. Tuesday nights have a much higher percentage of people and households watching. Now, the move can backfire, but to say the least, it is actually worth the change. If SGU continues to stay in a dead viewing night, it will unfortunately fail, without a doubt. So, it seems like the move is a good risk. It opens up a stronger… Read more »

14 years ago

only the us rating counts

14 years ago

First of all How can you find an average of 1.717 million of viewers in live with the ratngs you gave when it’s only 1.600 and this figure is lower than SGA’s one that was around 1.700. How can you say sgu got steady rates when they lost 877 000 between the first ep and the last ep when SGA 5th season gained 268 000 viewers between the same eps. How can you say sgu got “the numbers show an overall steady season” when this amazing show got the lowest rates of all the entire franchise with 1.178. How can… Read more »

14 years ago

How can you say bla bla bla. SGU has better ratings than the two last SGA Seasons. And that without DVR

14 years ago

Season 1 did improve towards the end, there’s no doubt about it – except where it actually counts, and that’s in the numbers. The average viewer just didn’t like what they saw in the soap opera drama from the start of the season and so they didn’t stick around, very simple. They should have done more research (focus groups, Q/A with your average Stargate fans/viewers, etc) before make such a large conception change to the fundamentally sound Stargate formula. That also seems very simple, let alone prudent and smart business when you’re risking an entire franchise with this level of… Read more »

14 years ago

I agree that the series has gotten better in the second half, in large part due to the decreased amount of angst-based drama. Was it decreased as a response to fan reactions? Maybe. Though to be honest I think it’s decrease could be completely natural to the story as well. As those aboard the Destiny came to accept their lives on the ship, their complaints and fears would lessen. At least the level of angst in SGU wasn’t anywhere near as bad as in BSG. Watching that show I sometimes wanted to reach through the screen and strangle people for… Read more »

14 years ago

@altera How can you say bla bla bla. SGU has better ratings than the two last SGA Seasons. And that without DVR ========== How can you say this sgu rates are obviously below the SGA ones. Look at them. 1.600 for sgu when SGA got 1.700. It’s not a lot blablabla it’s the true numbers. Liking a show doesn’t mean ignoring the truth. SGA 5 years run did better. In addition +25% for the last ep mean nothing cos it’s relatively. It was 25% in opposite to the previous ep getting the worst rating of the SG franchise. I repeat… Read more »

14 years ago

The stories of each episode needs to improve dramatically. There is no hook like Stargate SG1 and Atlantis had. What is the motive of what is going on. They are not working to go home or anything. They exist without a purpose. There is not one plot at all in any of these stories.

Scott Watson
14 years ago

They made it a point in saying that season 1 was more or less completely shot and done before the pilot even aired, they mention that most of the time when asked if they made changes due to fan criticisms.

14 years ago

So let me get this straight, which would rather have, a stargate show or nothing at all. Because right now I would rather have a stargate show on the air. Keeping the franchise alive. Rather then have nothing at all and have the franchise be forgotten. I like this show alot. I agree that it needs to have more focus but I love watching this show. I want this show to succeed so we can stay in this universe a little longer before they powers that be decide to mothball it like they did the star trek tv franchise.

14 years ago

Casual viewers are just not getting into the show, and a show needs to capture more than just fans to make it. SGU just does not have the fun and entertainment like other Stargate shows had or shows like Warehouse13 and Eureka.

14 years ago

@ domdom

If you count the Rating for a whole Season then SGA Season 4 has 1,15 and Season 5 has 1,24. The whole SGU Season has a rating of 1,31 so SGU has better ratings than the last two SGA Seasons

14 years ago

This was posted in a German Community and that´s not a German Rating, it is the US Rating. I think this are not the viewer Ratings

14 years ago

, those are the Syfy Household numbers. Not total viewers. You can see from them that, at least, SGA’s last half of Season 5 did better than SGU’s last half.
Overall Season 5 of SGA was slightly lower than overall SGU, but the trend is downwards for SGU and steady to somewhat upwards for SGA.
If you don’t include those first few episodes of SGU it does quite a bit worse than SGA.
Looks like a bad business decision, at least to me.

14 years ago

I doubt I’ll ever be a huge fan of SGU but it is Stargate and it’s all there is right now. But these numbers are bad. If they can stabilize them, it will likely continue. They would have been expecting much better numbers from SGU than SGA in order to justify the cost of the changeover (new sets, bigger cast, etc). They didn’t get that. Now the money has been spent and the numbers aren’t dreadful, so if they can stabilize on the higher end of the first season’s numbers, the show will continue. But it’s going to be a… Read more »

14 years ago

I did mean the HH Ratings. And the Downtrend has stopped

14 years ago

, OK, can’t resist, feeling silly….
Yeah – cause the Season is over!!
Sorry, don’t mean to be evil.

14 years ago

has anyone bothered to notice that the significant rating drops coincide with breaks? when the show take a week off ratings drop, why are there weeks off? the one right before the two parter finale was a killer the season low. and by the way, many people who are not sci fi or traditional SG fans are looking at the show, it is picking up new audience. being a fan since S1 of Sg1, i’m just happy we still have a SG show, while i agree with most people that atlantis should have kept going (or at least give it… Read more »

14 years ago

“Overall Season 5 of SGA was slightly lower than overall SGU…”

At the end of SGA people had had 5 years to grow to like those characters (most of them anyway). I don’t know about other people, but personally I’m more likely to make time to see a show that I have invested several years in than a show that I’m just starting. I fully expect to see the ratings increase over the next year or so.

14 years ago

I had decided to watch until the break to see if the show go interesting for me. It held my attention but it might have been too late for the people who swore they were no longer going to watch. People of their word have already walked away as promised. In other news it is rumored that the two movies have started shooting? I sure hope its true because to save StarGate, in my opinion, we need the movies as promised. To heal SGU the action must continue and NBC gotta pump this show up. Unless you are a mind… Read more »

14 years ago

@ altera I made that overview. I posted it with other ratings overviews on SGUsucks. I guess it somehow found its way to that German community, which is ok. Those are the Syfy HH coverage ratings. Incursion, Part 2 got by the way a HH rating of 1.1, so the overall average of SGU’s season 1 is 1.30. That is of course still better than the average of season 4 and 5 of SGA, but you have to be blind not to see, how bad the second half of SGU’s season 1 performed in comparison to SGA. Only season 4.0… Read more »
14 years ago

I have been a long Stargate SG1 and Atlantis fan. Even went to one convention. Scary the people that go to those things. Not at all what I expected. The set tour was dark. You would think they would at least set some lights up for the set tour. Come on, I paid good money for that. SGU doesn’t interest me. I tried real hard to like it. Tivo’d every episode. But I found myself fast forwarding through scenes I didn’t like and weird domestic issues. Eventually I had to give up. I don’t like dramas where everyone is in… Read more »
14 years ago

Someone please bring back SCI-FI action adventure where the good guys get along with each other and just fight the bad guys, with somewhat believable science. I don’t like SCI-FI drame. Bring back SG1 please. Just make the action scenes bigger and more intense, but not in an emotional kind of way. Copy the action and timing of the new Star Trek movie but rap it into a SG1 next gen kind of show. Please.


14 years ago

I did hear about a Combined Film of the former SG Series. Maybe that´s the way it goes.

For the SGU Ratings, of course I have seen the ratings for the Back Half, but the downtrend stopped at the end. I do have faith in SGU^^

14 years ago

Pitiful ratings. Give up trying to put a positive spin on SGU. Atlantis did much better and is still missed by millions. At the Stargate Con in Vancouver 99.9 of the fans were there for SG-1and Atlantis. I didn’t even bother with any of the SGU panels or actors, nor did I waste mony on autographs or pictures of them. I went to see the Atlantis actors and was thrilled to see them with their appearances.

14 years ago

That’s a bit sad. I like Universe a lot – the design, the music, most of the characters… as much as I liked previous series, too! I just hope if Universe will eventually go down, writers will find a way to wrap the storyline up. I mean, SG-1 wrapped both major arcs with movies, Atlantis had somewhat acceptable ending (if we leave the major deus ex machina that happened in 05×20 slide… oh well!). Just… don’t let it hang in the middle of nowhere. Please. I’m fine with two or three seasons as long as it ends. It always did.

14 years ago

Now that would be fantastic! Get rid of SGU and concentrate on movies that showcase new adventures for SG-1 and Atlanis and provide some kind of closure for the best science shows ever. Surely, SyFy could drop all that money for their pathetic excuse of the Saturday night features.

14 years ago

Stop your bashing. We do know what you think but don´t talk like all people would be on your side.