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14 years ago

Thanks to the Football WM, I did see this Episode last Wednesday. It was really brilliant. I can´t wait for Season 2


[…] Trailerek, képek a GateWorld-ön. […]

14 years ago


14 years ago

annnnnnnd thank you TV Guide and SyFy for spoiling the biggest mystery from last week’s episode! – what was going on with the ship. Do these people even THINK!?

14 years ago

Believe me it doesn´t matter.


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14 years ago

You know, I just realized something. This is the first time in a stargate show that there hasnt been a lousy clip episode before the season finale. Hopefully it finally got through the writers heads that clip shows = bad.

14 years ago

@Ascended – The article stated that there were spoilers, if you don’t want to know, don’t read articles that say they have spoilers!

14 years ago

Well, instead we get three cliffhangers in a row. I’m not sure that is so much more exciting :o/. Forgot if it was Darren or David who mentioned it in the podcast this week (sorry guys), but whoever it was: I’m with you. Getting tired of cliffhangers.

14 years ago

O Neill whould have blown them into Space even if it wouhld hav been Carter not Telford….

So much for a SG Training… ( Young is just a Joke)

14 years ago

You obviously don’t know O’Neill very well…

14 years ago

I’ve noticed that they’ve been branching away from BSG style shots and slow-mo’s lately which is good. However, I think with this show and all the drama regarding its design/theme should just re-watch sg-1 S1-S8 and take ideas for plot points from them. Of course change it up, but if it aint broke then dont fix it.

14 years ago

I let my guard down and actually expected a complete story instead of a cliffhanger (I know…silly me). I am sick and tired of these season (and mid-season) ending cliffhangers. I think from now on I’ll just wait to watch one of these “finales” until a week before the next season starts.

14 years ago

Wray consistantly demonstrates ample reasons why she should be marooned on a planet or thrown out an airlock. Yes, lets give the heavyly armed force with a leader who has an ichy trigger finger that shoots people when the lights flicker the keys to the ship, because everyone is a rational person. What a joke. Not surprised the doc got shot and I wont be surprised if it turns out the baby doesnt make it. The thing with the LA second in command though is interesting. He seems to genuinely believe that both sides will have to work togeather (though… Read more »

14 years ago

Actually, recall the episode where Carters body was possessed by that electrical life form? Jack did shoot her twice with a Zat when he thought he had no choice (it worked out in the end but my point is at the time, it could be said that he shot to kill). Jack wont leave a man behind if he can help it, but when it comes to the greater good he is willing to make the hard choices.

14 years ago

Holy crap, you got to be freeking kidding me right? What a way to end. Oh the joys of Stargate, all you big girls that said it would be Stargate 90210, and you know who you are Shame on you!!!……………..Roll on season 2

14 years ago

@wganubis I think if i recall in ether part 1 or 2 season finale something was mentioned about a second time, next time? i asummed ment coming to destiny? might be more of them coming? future possbility’s. was only done in a more of a passing comment to comamder kiva(LA). The fact it was a slight comment could mean 1) i misread what was going on lol 2) there is infact a second attempt to reach destiny if she failed, a 3rd planet they just have such good luck. 3) they new of destinys unstability and bought power with them… Read more »

14 years ago

I thought INCURSION II was incredible. I had no idea how it was going to turn out – and I guess, that’s still the case. It was one of those rare episodes that seemed to take just 10 minutes and it was over. Very well done! In my opinion at least – and perhaps, the best of the series so far – though I liked Time and the whole sequence of episodes when Eli and Scott all were stranded – those were also well done.
Great series. It keeps just getting better.

14 years ago

I was shocked by how graphic this episode was, the scene in the infirmary when the soldier (ours, not LA) was shot was something that you wouldn’t imagine a SG show to show, very violent and real, this is one of the reason’s i LOVE this new show! Without a doubt, one of the best episodes, almost as good as time, but that has it beat just barely. I dont think ive ever seen a finale from SG that has been this awesom, the cliffhanger ending was so amazing too, although its a given that young is going to survive,… Read more »

14 years ago

great finale. so many possibilities for season 2. I think we will definitely get some serious tension between the 2 parties on board. Similar to the Maquis and Federation in Voyager, but in a much more realistic setting. Ultimately they are going to have to work together if they want to survive. could make for some good drama/ action. Clearly Kiva won’t make it. So is Telford dead? I think he is one of the better characters now that he is unbrainwashed. hopefully he will make it and we will see more of him. I really like the show and… Read more »

14 years ago

did you see the Season 2 Preview?? I can´t wait^^

14 years ago

I just loved the end to this season just hope they keep up the same for many more seasons to come

14 years ago

kellx: “Ultimately they are going to have to work together if they want to survive.”

I wonder how much of season 2 it will take for most of the characters to get that through their heads (I’m not willing to bet that everyone will grasp this ;o)). They still have factions among the “original earth crew” after all and now with the LA added to the mix? Maybe they finally serve as as sufficient “outside threat” to get real cooperation working. Let’s hope so for them. Otherwise, we will get funny 3way uprisings in s2 ;o).

14 years ago

, I caught that comment as well (the one about supplies) and I think it may have been either Sarcasm (though given Kivas personality probably not) or may have been referring to the next time they make an incursion further into the ship to bring supplies so that if they were cut off from the main group they could at least have something with them.

Considering how rare icerus planets are supposed to be I highly doubt the LA was in possession of two.

Michael Sacal
Michael Sacal
14 years ago

One thing I found disapointing about the two part finale is that I expected Chloe and Eli to find something of interest in the part of the ship they are on, something that might hint at the larger importance of Destiny, but thus far all they have done is walk and talk.

Hopefully that will change in season two and the first episode will show them find something that will set the tone for the next story arc.

14 years ago

In season 2 we will learn more about Destiny and Ancients

Michael Sacal
Michael Sacal
14 years ago

What do we really know about the Ancients? I don’t mean the race after they ascended, but who they were before that. Am I right in saying that we have only seen true Ancients in Before I Sleep and Ark of Truth, or am I forgetting other episodes in which Ancients have appeared in or their culture has been explored? It be interesting to learn more about what their culture was like when they were scientists and explorers and before they even though about Ascension. I gotta wonder if they would truly send their ship off into space unmanned. Maybe… Read more »

14 years ago

We will find out more about the reason why the ancients launched the Destiny. You can read it in Mallozis Blog. I think he has wrote it 2 – 3 months ago.

I hope you understand me this time^^

Michael Sacal
Michael Sacal
14 years ago

I understood you fine the first time.

I added more to the conversation to keep it going, do you understand that?

14 years ago

@michael Sacal I don’t think we’ll find any of the Ancients in suspended animation due to how long Destiny has been traveling through the stars. The Ancient they woke on Atlantis didn’t survive long and he was only asleep for something like 10,000 years (and in the most modern form suspended animation the Ancients would have had). But I like the idea that maybe they could find ships logs (would they technically be vlogs?) and/or holographic recordings (that weren’t really ascended Ancients). Now, completely off topic, one of the things I have been hoping for in season 2 as they… Read more »

14 years ago

@ Michale Scale

i do understand^^


We screened back to back director’s cuts today: episode 207 (The Greater Good) and episode 208 (Malice). Great stuff. This first half will see a narrative progression very similar to what we saw in the back half of season one, with various story elements building to occasionally explosive conclusions. Plenty of secrets, surprises, and shocking revelations.

Michael Sacal
Michael Sacal
14 years ago

I like the idea of a land transport and the suggestion that they might find logs. Maybe holograms like the ones on Atlantis?

On the other hand, I recently cut the opening of Ark of Truth on TV and noticed that the prologue with the Ancients was set millions of years ago, so we should probably judge the level of tech found on Destiny by what was glimpsed during those few minutes.

14 years ago

Sacal You make a very good point, sir. But now you’ve forced my hand to re-watch Ark of Truth tonight. ;)