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14 years ago

I want SGU to get as many seasons as possible, but with the discovery of Destiny’s mission, the bridge and the ever “popular” character drama, I don’t see SGU getting another season after it’s second, which is a shame.

14 years ago

Billz I’m right there with you. I love this show and season two looks amazing but I too fear that it won’t go beyond season 2.

14 years ago

Very, very nice. And remember, the show will go on as long as ratings are high. :P

14 years ago

if S2 is going to be so great why do they need SGA actors to help the ratings?

14 years ago

The show is a copy cat of Battlestar Galactiga. I love SG1 and SGA, and now with no Col Shepperd on SGU-why watch-I’m sick of seeing no redeeming qualities in any of these terrible characters except maybe Eli-it’s depressing.

14 years ago

Definitely raises many questions. Looks like most of it is from the first half at least when the Lucian alliance is still on board. But I think it looks great. A lot of new things are coming up. Looks like Rush takes another step toward the edge. GO RUSH!

14 years ago

Some very interesting developments. Can’t wait till september

14 years ago

The itensity factor for Season 2 is going up 10 fold. I love it. Rush just gets more interesting. Bring on September! My only concern is that maybe this trailer gave away too much information….

14 years ago

Jdenns…really have you stepped outside. You need to have completly redeeming character qualities. I’m saying i dont know many people with that kind of stuff in real life.

14 years ago

That trailer gave me chills!! I can’t wait for season 2!! And I am going to be optimistic. I think there will be a season 3. Interviews with Robert Carlyle and Ming Na said they were hinting at the fact that there is going to be a season 3. I am not going to put my faith in that. I will believe it only when it is officially announced that SGU is picked up for season 3. But I am going to be optimistic and hope for a season 3. I am loving SGU so far and season 2 looks… Read more »

14 years ago

Whatever S2 is going to be, no matter who they bring back from SGA, it’s not going to save SGU from being canceled, the damage is already done.

14 years ago

@ jdenns

It is not a copy. Only BSG Lovers can say such things^^ If SGU would have been come first you wouldn´t say this. The Art of these 2 shows are different.

14 years ago

Anyway i can´t wait till September. This Season will be si damn epic. I do hoping that we will get many more seasons.

14 years ago

maube 2:07 is someone from SGA.

14 years ago

Why do I get the feeling Eli’s new romance is going to end in tears? If like a comment said yesterday that this is the Lucian Alliance member he gets pally then there’s every chance it could all be a ruse. But that is circumstantial. I could be right off.

14 years ago

Great with Eli romance :)
‘Welcome to Destiny’ – Trailer looks good. Eli is cute – and he is a little mini McKay (or the writer puts McKay quotes in his mouth) Loved this: “Experience tells me this is a very good time to panic”

The general quote was a bit… ah well typical American movie trailer quote “When you’ve been to the edge of existence, the only place left to go is further!” LOL

14 years ago

Brilliant cant wait now!!!!!!!

Rush is great and just keeps getting darker and better!!!

Scott Watson
14 years ago

Love Greer with that flamethrower lol

14 years ago

Amazing!!!! Cannot wait!!!! Bring it on!!!!

14 years ago

The scene with Telford could be the episode “Twin Destinies”. Anyway, this trailer gets me excited. I don’t understand the people doubting the show will last for much longer.

Star Trek Enterprise survived for FOUR seasons despite terrible ratings the whole way. That should be an absolute minimum for SGU. Besides, the only reason SGU had lower than expacted ratings the first season was because of the first half of the season.

14 years ago

Was that Scott who punched Young? :O

Orion Coran
Orion Coran
14 years ago

@Spaceman-XIII: “if S2 is going to be so great why do they need SGA actors to help the ratings?” I knew someone would pull that card. Considering that the SGA characters are going to be in the second half of the season, more specifically episode 15 (“Seizure”), the show will have been picked up or dropped already. So, in reality, that argument isn’t sound, and is just a poor attempt to make the show look bad. But anyway, I was a bit let down by this trailer. MGM trailers had me more pumped. Considering Syfy’s trailers haven’t pleased me in… Read more »

14 years ago

Awesome! Can’t wait! We might finally see what Rush’s ulterior motive is for getting to the 9 chevron address.

14 years ago

The TV-series is awesome, that’s beyond doubt and I’m hankering to check out the second season. There’re concerns the show might get cancelled after Season 2 wraps up, well, I’m growing a bit concerned too.oo many people, true Stargate fans as they call themselves, have turned their backs on the show by refusing to watch it which is extremely detrimental to the ratings. My message is a plea for all those who both adore the show and who still entertain certain doubts to give the 2nd season a try and keep watching it. Hopefully there’ll be seasons 3 and 4… Read more »

14 years ago

not a good trailer at all. the trailer for the second half of season one was epic this was meh.

14 years ago

@ Orion Coran

Bringing on the SGA actors isn’t a ploy to gain audience. It has been stated that the episode will be in the second half of the season, after the 3rd season has been decided upon.

@ everyone

Don’t think that the actors saying there will be a 3rd season means anything. In the ladder that is movie/television business actors are like the part time employees at taco bell. And don’t trust a trailer, when have you seen a trailer that accurately reflected a movie/show?

14 years ago

I don’t know if Enterprise had terrible ratings. the worst was Season 4 at 2.81 million viewers and that is when they were not even counting DVR numbers. that is higher than Stargate Universe.

14 years ago

The only reason this show gets low ratings is because its on syfy and they don’t even add in the people that watch the show online.The real question is why would they even try to cancel this show syfy has nothing to replace it with.

14 years ago

How can you say that? This trailer was amazing!

Apples and Oranges. Enterorise was going to be canceled after season 3. Season 4 only happened because of a fan write in campaign.

14 years ago

OMG!!! aMAZING trailer… i can’t wait!!!

14 years ago

Have to agree.. the thing that sold it (it’s like Battlestar Galactica in Space) could kill it. Seems there’s a long tradition of seasons one, then two.. let’s reset and try something different.. SG1 really didn’t follow that pattern until like season 8 or 10.. Ori was hmm.. blending Camelot was hmm.. global climate change made an interesting movie Day After Tomorrow. I tend to think the more interesting tack would be the opposite of SG1 secrecy on Earth, off Earth.. ect.. loved the hypocrisy of “we represent earth.. and the Asgard calling them on it..” Maybe hide in plain… Read more »

Orion Coran
Orion Coran
14 years ago

zainea13: “Bringing on the SGA actors isn’t a ploy to gain audience. It has been stated that the episode will be in the second half of the season, after the 3rd season has been decided upon.”

Uh, I thought I pointed that out? Maybe you misread my post, but I pointed that very fact out and stated that Spaceman’s argument was not sound.

14 years ago

I’m sorry, but as a big fan of SG1 and SGA, SGU is NOT Stargate. It is a mish-mash of BSG, Lost in Space and Star Trek Voyager. Bringing in the Lucian Alliance, SG1 and SGA characters is TOO little, TOO late!! I tried watching SGU. After the first half of season 1, I couldn’t take it anymore. It actually HURT to watch it! And, putting HALF a season on DVD was a joke. I won’t be watching SGU Season2, and actually hope it gets canceled. I’d rather watch the old SG1 and SGA episodes, than see the Stargate franchise… Read more »

14 years ago

@Spaceman-XIII The SGA crossover will happen *after* the show gets renewed or not. Thus it won’t have an effect on ratings. That was discussed in previous news. @jdenns The show isn’t anything like BSG. That’s just another anti-fan talking point. Unlike BSG they all have some redeeming quality: Greer has loyalty, Scott has courage, and even Rush has his moments of compassion. So that’s a falsehood right there. Also, I don’t recall seeing the ghost of Anne Coulter follow some weepy British guy around in a show that has tons of cultural and technological anachronisms and so many character behavior… Read more »

14 years ago

Amen to that “gluttonforstargate”. I should not have watched the Trailer because now I’m salivating on my keyboard as I did for a year waiting for the SGU to start!!!

14 years ago

Can someone explain to me why SGU is “a copy of BSG” Although I watched every episode it really was not good.

14 years ago

Noone can it really explain because it isn´t true.Some similarities exist but that things that more shows have. The whole screening and Story an such things are totally different. If a BSG fan don´t see this then he is blind. I watched 2 episodes and that was the most boring crap i have ever seen (but the “this is crap” is my opinion)

14 years ago

Before you people keep saying they’re brining in the SGA actors for ratings. its episode 15, the decision to renew the series will be decided before it airs.

14 years ago

I’m excited! Is it September yet?! Was that FRANKLIN in the background around about 1.56?!

14 years ago

why do people use BSG as a insult? BSG has more Emmy’s than Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Enterprise. it’s a compliment. nothing is original anymore.

@ zigger if Stargate Universe is canceled before a company buys MGM I think it decreases the chances of MGM financing direct to video movies. I think this is it for the franchise. from a logical and financial stand point it makes no sense to create a 4th series in the franchise.

14 years ago

Here’s another returning character on Season 2 of SGU, Doctor Franklin(who sat in the ancient chair and later disappeared)! Dunno how he will get back though, maybe he has ascended.

14 years ago

Honestly can’t believe how the anti-SGU fans keep coming out of the closet. Seriously, it’s way past getting old folks. Quit your QQ’ing about SGA and get on with your life.

I appreciate all the shows. I’m happy to have SGU now. It’s not perfect but nothing is. It’s a quality show and it’s getting better. The trailer looks great. I hope they have an excellent season 2 and we’ll have more
seasons to look forward to.

14 years ago

With all due respect to Stargate fans, I was a fan since the movie, and never completely watched the shows till last Feb when I watched all the 10 seasons of SG-1 along with SGA’s 5 seasons and the follow up movies straight. SGU is my thing right now, I think the show/franchise has taken a turn for the best, most fan boys will cry about it not being as cool as the previous shows (its not stargate anymore), but you can only make so many episodes about dialing gates, exploring new planets, fixing a problem there, and dialing home.… Read more »

13 years ago

OH sooo can’t wait for the second season! Well done Rush he’s finaly found the Bridge! I want September to be now. I miss not knowing what happened to the Destiny.

13 years ago

CAN’T WAIT! I love SGU and i really hope that season 2 is successful enough to get a 3rd season. it seems like every show that i enjoy gets canceled! I will be so unbelievably disappointed if there is no more stargate on TV. For all those haters, if you don’t like the show, don’t watch it and don’t come to a SG site and complain to SG fans. SG1 and SGA are gone, SGU is the future. If you like SG, support the series if you don’t, move on. And i agree, if SGU is gone, we probly won’t… Read more »

13 years ago

Aren’t SGU S1 ratings higher than the later Atlantis though? So much for your wishful thinking of SGU getting canceled. “Wow, I can’t enjoy this, then no one should!”.

Anyway, nearly not enough… you know… stargates.

13 years ago

Yes, SGU S1 ratings were better than SGA S5 ratings.

13 years ago

I have been told that they wanted to cancell Enterprise after season 2. So It was amazing it got to four. As for SGU, its not like Atlantis or SG-1. I for one am glad. I have no problems with it being completely different. It’s funny but the arguments that are permeating the SG fandom are exactly like those in ST when DS9 happened. And that went on for 7 seasons. Let’s hope that SGU can manage the same or at least get to 4 or 5 which would be good. I agree with kellx. All those who don’t like… Read more »

13 years ago

Wasnt really impressed with the trailer, but I still think itll have some good stuff in the season. Just hoping for some decent non-humanoid aliens and some interesting sci-fi concepts and ill be happy. I guess I remain cautiously optimistic. IMO this show should of come after SG1 finished. Atlantis felt like it pandered to the fans too much, and often bordered on fanwank, this new one isnt perfect but it’s certainly a step forward after 5 years of stagnance IMO.

13 years ago

I have been a fan of the entire franchise since the original movie . As much as I love SG-1 and Atlantis, I doubt they’re coming back ever as series! We only have SGU now – and for all its weaknesses, its some form of Stargate on TV! Does anyone realistically think if they cancel Universe, the ‘studio’ will rejuvenate Atlantis for further seasons? Wishful thinking is one thing but realistically, No. As voiced by gluttonforstargate, if we loose SGU prematurely, maybe the remaining movies never get made. I guess I would support SGU, if only to eventually have the… Read more »