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13 years ago

Seems a bit of a shame that there appears to be no real villain in the final episodes. Just some robotic drones!

I hope it doesn’t have multiple cliffhangers were the fate of various crew are left hanging. I predict exploding parts of ship and computer consoles as one of them — then in season 3 those Aliens that kidnapped Chloe were supposed to swoop in and save the day.

13 years ago

That’s probably about right. They were probably the race that created them in the first place. I know one of the main characters is going die, but who? My guess is Greer since the actor got a new job/tv-show before anybody else.

13 years ago

The Last episode is a huge cliffhanger, as already stated by a few of the cast members.
Who cares about villans, SGU got cancelled because almost everyone wanted a SG1/SGA clone, in my opinion.
All fans should of gave SGU a chance, but decided early on to hate rather than give the show a chance.
No movie sigh, I wonder what happens to the crew of destiny!

13 years ago

Sounds like great episodes. I’m currently enjoying the series on Sky One here in Ireland. Still very disappointed that SGU will not get to run its full course, the show is fantastic! I’ll definitely be adding it to my DVD collection.

13 years ago

. Yep that’s all we can do is support the franchise. SGA is coming out a blu-ray soon :)

Hopefully the SGU comic book series will be out before the end of the year. I say the franchise live in that and the novel format for a while.

Oh and support the actors, writers, and directors of the franchise in their future projects.

13 years ago

Now I won’t say that Universe is perfect (far from it in-fact) but I don’t think it needed to be cancelled or the whole series shelved indefinitely. I mean come on, who even watches tv anymore, let alone the “SyFy” channel? Live viewing means nothing in today’s society. Myself, I don’t even have cable or sat and I won’t get it. Anything that I want to watch is online. If “SyFy” wanted this series to succeed they would have allowed people to stream it from their website beginning at the same time that it’s on tv on a decent web-player.… Read more »

13 years ago

There one of you go again. Blaming the SG1/SGA fans for SGU’s demise. We did give it a chance and many of us didn’t like it. Its not what we wanted and it wasn’t what made us tune in for 15 years. But I’ll say it one last time. WHY WOULD ANYONE WATCH A SHOW THEY DIDN’T LIKE!
Look I do feel sorry for the SGU fans ok. Its never a good feeling to have your show canceled. But now you know what the SGA fans felt when that was canceled prematurely.

13 years ago

@charmedstargate: I’m a SGU fan myself, but I’ve kinda given up on some of these posters like Stargate80, charmedstargate… They’re almost akin to “truthers” (mostly liberals) or “birthers” (mostly conservatives) when it comes to a certain mindset– that is, no matter how much evidence you can put up to refute their rants, they will stamp their feet, cross their arms, and spew the very same statements of misinformation ad infinitum. So neither political side has a monopoly on close-minded kookiness. That’s why I say a similar level of kookiness exists among our SG fan base that’s akin to the above… Read more »

Jim Hutto
13 years ago

You know what people. Give it a break! The show has been canceled, Period! Bickering about it will neither hurt or help the series. Grow up. As for the continuation of the series that will happen with books and comics. And I look forward to that. As for the franchise. I see a future in novels and comics. As for TV I do not see this series getting that chance as long as the powers that be focus on reality and 2nd rate shows like Ghost hunters, wrestling and cheap ass B movies.

13 years ago

The show is ending off on a good note. It would have been nice if this pace was maintained throughout the series! I think there were ways to do this and keep a lower budget. Less dark drama and sex innuendo and more true scripting for a Stargate story arc would have brought on a season 3. But if the economy and sci-fi market does get stronger, perhaps we will see more screen time for Stargate.

So, many thanks to GateWorld for keeping the news, updates and support during all these years. Great job!

13 years ago

Im a fan af all 3 stargate shows(oh der)I watched stargate from the first episode back in 97 like most of use guys and girls.
Im just saying as a fan of all the stargate series.That more of the fans of the “stargate franchise”, could of got behind SGU.Buy the way, im entitled to my own opinion.The shows gone, dead and buried, life goes on.
We still have box sets and re runs, and I am excited that SGA is coming out on blu ray, and I was just as upset as you were when syfy cancelled SGA.

13 years ago

Love the show. The drones? Not so much. Then again, I was never a fan of the Replicators either. I love the most recent direction SGU has taken with the aftermath from Twin Destinies, but every minute they spend showing parts of Destiny explode while Rush comes up with a last-second solution is one more minute of the limited time we had that the story doesn’t progress. :(

13 years ago

: 2.4 mil. viewers gave the show a chance and tuned in for the premiere. That’s 400k more than the viewership of SGA’s finale. How many more would you like? 1 mil. left before the first mid-season hiatus. As Craig from SyFy said on Twitter, the show lost most of its viewership during the first half of its first season and never recovered and that was on Friday, before it moved. And that’s all on the heads of the writers – BW said that people should stop watching if they didn’t like SGU. Well, those who didn’t like it, complied.

13 years ago

That’s probably about right. They were probably the race that created them in the first place. I know one of the main characters is going die, but who? My guess is Greer since the actor got a new job/tv-show before anybody else.

Lee_Machine | April 23 @ 9:04 pm

The last rumour I heard was that two of the main casts were going to be killed off in the latter half of the season.

The episodes sounds good and action pack with lots of drones.

Mike Amo
Mike Amo
13 years ago

Sorry they didn’t get to take this story farther, but there is that probability in authorized novels or comics, unless MGM or the Powers have nixed that somehow as well. Also confident that the drones were not made by the bad guys from the start of the season, because two of their three ships were destroyed and the third badly damaged in that mid-season episode. Mixed on a finish facing off against drones, and I’d figure the folks back home figure out a way to reinforce and resupply at the start of non-starting Season 3.

13 years ago

I have a friend in america that said the same thing moving SGU to tuesdays would suck rating wise.I guess he was right.
Any way gotta be happy with 17 seasons, can’t really complain.

13 years ago

woops SGU airs monday night in america, I know how use will use that against me lol.

13 years ago

It doesn’t really matter what night of the week it’s on SciFi is a niche audience and space SciFi even smaller. That said, were an audience that tend to be the first early adopters when it comes to media. Meaning we get our media in alternative formats first. Such as iTunes, and DVR. Many of us just torrent the show because it’s easier, doesn’t air where we live, or cannot get it any other way. Because if this SGU is a casualty….the rocky season 1 didn’t help either but some shows take a season or two to get in the… Read more »

13 years ago

Hutto, et al:

Y’know what?

*You* need to give it a rest. If people here on this site actually want to discuss SG- on an SG *site* to boot- until their eyes roll over, then let them have as much fun (or as much angst) as they want.

Not what YOU want…

The destiny
The destiny
13 years ago

@ katikatnik: Well.. you can look at it like that.. or compare to SGA’s pilot, which aired with about 4.3 million viewers and had 2.9 million during the siege part 2. SGA and SGU both lost roughly 1/3 of their pilot audience by the end of their first season. Not wanna get into that though, just wanted to mention it. I fully admit TPTB made some horrendous mistakes during the first season and in the way they handled the cancelling of SGA. Too bad the show has to go out when it gets good though :( 4 actionpacked episodes in… Read more »

13 years ago

I really wish people would quit yacking on about who’s hating on which spin-off, It’s pointless, boring and seriously depressing. I’m just as gutted as anyone else about SG:U, but more so about the franchise itself.. It’s the same feeling again when Star Trek was cancelled. Horrid feeling really, but I think that feeling had now spread to all other sci-fi shows, I dread watching new stuff, wait until at least 3 season before even starting to watch the first EP I think the whole sci-fi genre is ready to drain away at some point soon, UNLESS! The US channels… Read more »

Jim Hutto
13 years ago

Here is a question that I havent found a answer to. Being SyFy doesnt own the rites to the Stargate franchise why is it that they are calling the shots for every other channel that shows it the world over.

13 years ago

I don’t think that was down to SyFy, they cancelled it, no other US channel would take it on, thus no more shows being made for over seas to loan..

I would of been interesting if a foreign channel took it on, (e.g. Sky) then a US channel could of leased it, air the day after the UK showing.

13 years ago

If I knew there would be a Season 3, I would have no problem with these episodes. (I’m still VERY much looking forward to them). What’s obviously depressing is that we probably won’t learn more about the BIG picture information: who is the race that built the ‘faith’ planet/sent those people back on a brand new shuttle?, what about the Blues?, what about the original construction and history of the Ancients, what about the MISSION as a whole? Sigh. I blame this almost exclusively on marketing. SyFy tried to brand it like the same show (check out the original trailer… Read more »

13 years ago

AscendedTauri: “Most that tuned in were fans of the franchise expecting more of the same, they didn’t get immediate answers (sorry for your low attention span) and left.”

I didn’t think there was a “Lost” situation here, where the show posed dozens of questions and all too slowly started answering them in ways that posed even more questions. The first ten episodes of SGU (the only ones I saw) weren’t about that. If anything, it tried to sweep questions under the rug. (Although, maybe that’s what you were referring to.)

13 years ago

@Tekrelm No, Tekrelm, if you’ve been patient with this series, you’d come to see that a lot of the questions from the first 10 episodes of the series have at least been partially answered. I’m tired of fans expecting to know the entire story in 2 episodes. Isn’t that what life is? Figuring out problems, only to realize that with every answer there is another question? Hugely successful t.v. series have done this as well, most notably “Lost” to an infinitely more perplexing level. SG-1 and especially Atlantis, while great, were very revealing shows giving away most of the ‘big… Read more »

13 years ago

@AscendedTauri: You’re the one who set up ‘fact’ that those fans- SG or otherwise- who didn’t find a quickly aired solution or answer (ala old Stargate) left SGU too quick, therefore allowing youself to set up another ‘fact’ in your scenario that those same fans were somehow not as “patient” (as smart? as intelligent?) as you and others like you… My, how mighty… uhm, *patient* you are, to put up with the rest of us ADD-riddled slobs who just didn’t enjoy what the writers were giving to us those first weeks of SGU. Myself, I just wanted something better from… Read more »

13 years ago

@medegno51 I’m not claiming any fact other than what has time and time again been proven. The type of bickering I heard from the fan-base is exactly the type of complaining that I’m calling out. If you stayed with the show, fine, I commend you. If it’s not your cup of tea, fine. What I’m pointing out is America’s general lack of patience when it comes to television. And, c’mon, when you actually look at the kinds of shows being held in highest regard, it’s PAINFULLY obvious that fast answers/sex appeal/base flashy, etc etc etc trumps self-thinking, slower-paced, character focussed… Read more »

13 years ago

@AscendedTauri: “I’m not claiming any fact other than what has time and time again been proven.” And… what proof would that be, concerning this “patience” mantra of yours when talking about SGU ability to hold viewers? “The type of bickering I heard from the fan-base is exactly the type of complaining that I’m calling out.” Again, you need to explain what is this “bickering” you’re calling out here… Fans have their own free will, my friend; requiring them to show “patience” with a show that just didn’t tickle their fancies is not worthy of some person on some self-imposed intellectual… Read more »

13 years ago

Hello everyone, I’d like to ask the people a question that’s important to me after reading sooo many posts here. How can ANYONE judge an entire series based on watching just the pilot, a few eps, or even HALF of a season? Most of the series sitting on my DVD/BR shelf posessed over-arching story lines that didn’t become clear till the end or near the end of the first season. For example, Babylon 5 was quite the mystery until the last (maybe second last, it’s been a while since I rewatched the series) episode of the season. Most of the… Read more »

13 years ago

@Slayme: This is all quite simple, really. B5 (as well as DS9- broadcast at around the same time back then) was enjoyable *from the beginning*. Sure, it had its ups and downs during that opener season, but JMS (and his DS9 counterpart, RD Moore) made us viewers WANT to come back and see more of those characters they created. In your honest opinion, did that happen with our own BW and his writing crew on SGU? The results (and subsequent viewers’ opinions) showed that it did *not*. Results really do had consequences— even with shows we happen to care about.… Read more »

13 years ago


In my honest opinion, yes.

And my reason is quite simple. I knew that the characters would change and grow as the story progressed. Which is what I would expect from a show that isn’t mostly action based.

In SG-1 we saw mostly action and exploration type eps with more character based eps sprinkled throughout. In SGU this trend has been reversed for the most part. I have found this to be refreshing.

13 years ago

We were repeatedly being told that if we just stuck with the series, it would pay off, yet this was their big plan for the season 2 finale? The main conflict is Destiny running out of power, which was the same problem as in mid-season 1! Only this time, they’re fighting faceless drones with no motivation or personality. The Replicators at least looked cool and weren’t just blobs on a shakeycam. At this point, I’m rooting for the drones. They’re just a more likable group of spacefarers. I hope subsequent novels and comics continue the story from their point of… Read more »

13 years ago

: “How can ANYONE judge an entire series based on watching just the pilot, a few eps, or even HALF of a season?”

Uh, how can anyone NOT? My time is limited. Why would I spend it watching something that I feel doesn’t deliver week after week after week when there are other shows that tickle my fancy reliably and with each and every ep? I’m not a masochist.

13 years ago

SERIOUSLY! Are we starting point scoring? Both sides need to grow up, it’s getting beyond fickle now, the franchise is dead (for now) True fans would remember the best parts of the whole franchise rather than spit on it’s siblings and dance over it’s grave! We know it took a while for SG:U to ripen up, I was’nt enjoying the first half of season one, then it started picking up and it blew me away, season two has been on of the best seasons ever throughout the whole franchise IMHO, some scenes were just amazingly shot, the CGI was stunning,… Read more »

13 years ago

Regarding this EP, I think Rush’s followers designed the drones :)

13 years ago

Let’s be honest, they killed themselves. The first half of season 1 was slow and rubbish. Even the cast and creators said as much, constantly warning us that it was just to really get to know the characters, lay foundation, and that things’d really pick up in the second half of the season. So you went with it, you trusted them, and that trust paid off, after a pretty crappy first 10 episodes, the second half of season 1 was utterly fantastic. But as I said, they killed themselves here, because they didn’t carry that momentum into season 2. Season… Read more »

13 years ago

@ace_love “SERIOUSLY! Are we starting point scoring? Both sides need to grow up, it’s getting beyond fickle now, the franchise is dead (for now). True fans would remember the best parts of the whole franchise rather than spit on it’s siblings and dance over it’s grave!” Both sides HAVE grown up, my friend. This is a painful loss to a lot of people, so it will take some time– maybe not as soon as you think it should, be it will soon enough. As I have commented before: Others such as yourself need to let this process move on its… Read more »

13 years ago

@medegno I’m not telling people to get over, im saying lets not slate everything while people are raw over it.. its childish

13 years ago

My point being, some people on here just come on to have a good bitch about it.. its silly

13 years ago

For a truly anti-climatic ending: Out of food and water the Rush turns off the stargate to prevent anyone else from getting on Destiny and to prevent Destiny from accessing any worlds while the danger of the command ships. Chloe plots a course around all of the Command Ships, Everyone goes into the stasis pods they found so the ship can run on minimums. Leaving the repair drones on Destiny is slowly repaired. Eli sets a program to wake everyone up after a year. Rush Corrupts the program to make it look like Eli miscalculated in making Hours equal to… Read more »

13 years ago

And to revive the series Eli’s love who is a program on the ship wakes him up and he revives everyone else, minus those that don’t make it back into the series…

13 years ago

“I’m not telling people to get over, im saying lets not slate everything while people are raw over it.. its childish… My point being, some people on here just come on to have a good bitch about it.. its silly”

Now, THAT sounded a bit childish, to this elder one’s ears… ;)

13 years ago

SciFi/syfy is the only one to blame for the show being canceled. These abnormally long mid season breaks people lose interest when they have to wait 4/6/12 months to get back into a series. Hell I have a hard time remembering when the show is going to start after a 4-6 month break.

After SGU is done SciFi just isn’t worth watching with all of their reality crap, cooking shows & wrestling. They’ve really lost their meaning of what that channel is supposed to be about.

13 years ago

Watchin it live? currently 25,000 people with this episode right now on one file sharing site alone..i agree with above the episodes live for all the planet to see at once…Then see who many watch. I bet its in the millions….pity.. i have a dvd collection of original stargate..the film SGU would have being great im sure..

13 years ago

@mattman – If there were a way to make sufficient money off of those ‘millions’, the show would not have been cancelled. How many times does it need said? The show costs money to make. All that MGM cares about is that the show is making sufficient money. They don’t care if the money is coming from the cast going out on the streets and stealing it from babies as long as it’s coming from somewhere. 2 billion people could be illegally downloading it from the web and it wouldn’t make the slightest bit of difference to MGM (well, other… Read more »

13 years ago

I know that a very outspoken minority will raise hell at me for saying anything so politically incorrect, but this is the first Stargate series that was a flop. And I believe that a lot of it can me attested to this being the first to include a gay character. They tried to make the show into a politically correct sci-fi soap opera with a token lesbian character, (Camille Wray). I have also read on this website that Stargate Atlantis producer Joseph Mallozzi had wanted to introduce a gay character on Atlantis. I own the complete SG1 series on DVD… Read more »

13 years ago

– I’m not saying this because your comment was politically incorrect but rather because you’re obviously very insecure with your own sexuality that such a thing would bother you so much. Counseling will be able to help you with your obvious internal confusion. Seriously, coming on here with a handle like ‘HooterSmoocher’ and saying what you said just screams ‘closet’.

13 years ago

What MGN needs to do is to get out there with stargate. i cant even count how many startrek games are out there or how many model kits you can buy come on MGN put a game or 5 out there get the gamers into this show and watch the money flow in. The plot for SGU is gold and if they could let it get to the 4th or 5th season like they did with Atlantis it would be a better ending at lest.

13 years ago

ok – here is THE Solution – how about the writers, write a book series to keep the plots coming? Heck, they could just dictate details to someone else to put into print, but THEY are the ones who need to keep the show going, and book media is very viable. My wife reads incessantly, and loves ‘series’ novels by mystery writers, and cant wait to get the latest ones. FanFic is too sporadic and dis-continuous for serious fans, and sometimes WAY too weird. I like Trek novels, but they are borderline fanfic – no real direction. We want a… Read more »