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13 years ago

Well, Atleast i hope they have time to head to the nearest supermarket in the city, and possibly get some new clothes, hahahah.

Michael Sacal
Michael Sacal
13 years ago

The show is getting soooooo good now. It’s a shame that apathy for anything different to what came before killed it.

Stargate Forever
Stargate Forever
13 years ago

Such a shame that this show only has 3 episode’s left. I could have seen this going on 5 years or more. Still we have 3 episode left, lets make them count. One day Stargate will be back and and Col Jack O’Neill once said “it will be a good day”

The destiny
The destiny
13 years ago

Happy narrator: “only 3 episodes left!”
that’s a slap in the face right there… even more because it seems these 3 will be some of the best SG episodes from the past 15 years..

13 years ago

I have to say, tonight was one of the best episodes in this series. If the rest of the shows had been more like this, it may have lasted another few seasons.

13 years ago

Literally by far one of the best episodes in the franchise!!! I’m gonna rewatch this episode again because it was so good. Is there still a slight chance that MGM will reconsider their decision? If MGM just watched this episode their probably slapping themselves in the face now. I can’t stand to think that were gonna be left in a big cliffhanger, especially when the series is at it’s best.

The Tenth Doctor
The Tenth Doctor
13 years ago

There is no chance, SGU is dead.

13 years ago

what an emotional episode yet inspirational ..

13 years ago

Such an amzing series!

13 years ago

Another great EP, reminded me of “A Hundred Days” from SG:1

BBC America should pick up SG:U, they have more sci-fi than SyFy lol.. BBC 2 in the UK used to be full of sci-fi, always used to watch it from 6PM

13 years ago

If the beginning of the season would have been like the last 3 episodes the show wouldn’t have been cancelled. I have said it since the beginning, them clogged up on that ship was killing the show. Fans wanna see exploration onto other worlds…

13 years ago

One thing I won’t miss is David Blue is his screechy voice saying “You had control of this ship the whole time!” at the top of every episode!

13 years ago

Funny Thomas, I was thinking that last night.

13 years ago

Great episode, two to go… Then time to cancel my cable again.

There were some seriously funny scenes in this one… The muzak in the elevator, Eli and Corporal barnes (didn’t see that one coming), Brody with the moustache complaining about the kids on his lawn.

What a shame…

13 years ago

Knowing that they were getting cancelled, they should have changed the airing sequence and had this be the last episode. It is the ending of the show that the show will now never have.

It’s unfortunately a reminder that SGU could have been good.

13 years ago

Why couldn’t they have started out like this, these have been classic Stargate episodes. My personal best of the series, this one. Can’t believe its gonna be all over in a couple of weeks.

haha ThomasG, agree with you on that one.

13 years ago


what’s the significance of the elevator music? Is it a reference to something?

Jim Hutto
13 years ago

I gotta say this. This episode was very touching. If SGU ended with this episode I would have felt content. But…… Being SyFy frakked that up…. We will have to deal with a cliff hanger….. oi vey

13 years ago

: No. It’s a reminder that SGU *IS* good. That’s even if you aren’t capable of recognizing it. This episode was true artistry, unlike the ash gray flavorless void that was Atlantis.

13 years ago

@Tenth Doctor Yeah I know, but what their saying on facebook seems like there might be a 1 in a million possibility. Someone said that a show called Primeval was canned and they brought it back after a year. Syfy will also lose millions of viewers from cancelling all their scifi shows and hundreds of people are spamming their sites/pages telling them that. Millions of dollars will be lost, so hopefully syfy is smart enough to see that @Gaeth really dude? Your going to bash Atlantis? All 3 shows are very good just leave it at that. If you must… Read more »

Michael Sacal
Michael Sacal
13 years ago

Great episode.

Too bad their planet’s name wasn’t Kobol and their civilization wasn’t destroyed by Cylons. That would have been funny, heh.

13 years ago

One of my favorites. The only thing I would have changed would have been for the muzak in the elevator to be the SG-1 theme…would have reminded me a little of Chimera.

Michael Sacal
Michael Sacal
13 years ago

I’m puzzled over their reaction to the muzak. Was it because they didn’t expect to hear it or because they recognized it?

13 years ago

@Gaeth – No, it’s a reminder that SGU could have been good. First, SGU is cancelled so it’s potential to be anything now has been cut off. Also, the show started out badly. Really badly. It was like watching water evaporate. This episode was an example of what SGU could have been but largely failed to be (when considering it’s whole run up to this point). Granted, it has gotten much, much better. But it was cut off before it could become good. @puddlejumper_1 – Unfortunately, whereas Primeval was mostly b-grade or lower actors and writers, SGU had some bigger… Read more »