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13 years ago

they killed the shows and now they want as to watch them? f… u syfy

13 years ago

Starting today huh? Turned on SyFy today; Sanctuary marathon. Yup, good stuff there.

13 years ago

I see a Star Trek marathon not a Stargate marathon :<

13 years ago

How can you put celebrate and “end of the Stargate television franchise” in the same sentance?? This isn’t a celebration, this is sad! Especially since we won’t be getting any closure!

Also, next Monday’s episode is NOT a SERIES finale. It is a SEASON finale that just so happens to be the finale episode. A SERIES finale does not end in a cliffhanger.

13 years ago

I really don’t get it, because I’d already noticed the inordinate amount of advertising that SYFY has done suddenly this past week for SGU. Why would they do that NOW, when they cancelled that excellent series. Why now would they inundate practically every hour with an ad for SGU when it only has two episodes left. And why, for that matter, move Sanctuary after ONE week on Friday, when it returned, and put it on after SGU on Monday. Why not have done that as a new timeslot when it first returned from the break rather than after one week.… Read more »

13 years ago

SyFy’s lost it. I think they’re simply all insane.

13 years ago

Why no Atlantis marathon?

13 years ago

you know
SyFy is doing this to see how many people watch the SGU
so if the rating are high probably renew for a third season
so tell to friend to watch the SGU episodes maybe syfy rethink the cancellation and give green light for a new season

13 years ago


13 years ago

, Series can indeed end in cliffhangers. Angel, the Buffy the Vampire Slayer spinoff, ended with a cliffhanger because the creators left a little hope that someone might come in to pick up the whole thing and continue where they were leaving off. It didn’t work and nothing ever came from it, but I’m just pointing out that is has happened before.


[…] real treat, this week, announced yesterday and stumbled upon by me while surfing DirecTV channels on my day off, is the week-long tribute to […]

13 years ago

– Brad Wright has even left the show – there will be no third season of SGU. There is, quite simply, no one to make it. No cast, no crew, no budget…nothing. Syfy is doing this to milk as much as they can out of it before putting it to bed.

13 years ago

So i guess i’m going to cancel my cable next week,i was watching SGU , Fring , HIMYM , The event and walking dead, i’m going to watch theme over the net cause i don’t have money to waste on syfy anymore (and more network as long as they keep canceling the good shows)

The Tenth Doctor
The Tenth Doctor
13 years ago

Hahaha! Love it. Terribly appropriate.

13 years ago

Too little too late, they should of done this every night that SGU aired, even if they knew it was struggling..

Shouldn’t of been axed after 2 season, it’s making my blood boil now, stupid network

13 years ago

…So it’s not a marathon, just some random episodes. There’s a difference.

13 years ago

– “some random episodes” doesn’t have the same ring to it.

13 years ago

@Far Fringe is on FOX and that’s not cable. Have no idea what HIMYM is and The Event is probably going to be canceled (no surprise there).

13 years ago

SyFy couldn’t even stick to the entire run of TSCC..please stop watching that channel,let the black hole they’ve run themselves into swallow them!The Fox,previously known for “unusual” decisions is now at least sticking to Fringe,hopefully CBS also known for strange experiments renewes V and there’ll be plenty of new SF on other channels..TNT has Falling Skies coming up,Terra Nova is coming…etc. On the other hand Walking Dead is probably best genre show at the moment,True Blood is amazing on HBO.I know there’s no space exploration sci-fi anymore,but when it comes,you can sooner expect it somewhere else,not on this piece of… Read more »

13 years ago

: So false advertisement is better?

13 years ago

– I don’t think there’s an actual legal definition of a tv ‘marathon’. At least not in the US. I don’t know that I’ve ever even thought of it as a grouping of shows in airing order. I know they’ve done Stargate marathons before that weren’t in airing order. I think you may be alone on this one.

13 years ago

: Well, then I proudly stand alone. If they aren’t in order and there’s only a few episodes, then I don’t consider it a marathon. You just go ahead and stay with the masses. Safety in numbers, as they say.

13 years ago

@Jauh0 – I have the means to watch as many episodes as I want in whatever order I want in several different ways…so I’m not so much ‘staying with the masses’ as just indifferent to the issue. My main point is that it’s not really false advertising. But you’ve never actually said what you consider a marathon to be in this regard. It’s pretty clear that you want them in order (though you haven’t said that they have to necessarily be a solid block in airing order) but you’ve made no mention of how many episodes it takes to qualify… Read more »

13 years ago

I was upset that SciFi didn’t continue Showing TSCC, they tend not to follow trhew with much nowadays.

I have been enjoying the SG1 marathon, they have been showing some of my favourite episodes and Yes I can grab my dvds and watch them in any order I want but it is nice to watch a random number in a random order.

13 years ago

: I’d say atleast a season in order. It does that with SGU, yes, but why not the rest? And why start with Pathogen? What happened to Intervention? Anyway, it’s not like I care since I can’t watch this excuse of a channel, so I’m just going to do something more entertaining now.

13 years ago

– I don’t think I ever remember seeing an entire season, in order, back-to-back. That would have been 18-22 hours of programming (depending on the season) and I don’t think Syfy has ever, under any name, done that. I don’t think that they have that much airtime available. They switch to paid advertising for several hours overnight into the morning.

13 years ago

You obviously do NOT know what a marathon is. Let me define it for you. According to Webster, a marathon is something (as an event, activity, or session) characterized by great length or concentrated effort. By this very definition, NONE of the Stargate episodes have to be in order.