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13 years ago

Gateworld help Save SGU! Join the event for SGU: Blockade

The Tenth Doctor
The Tenth Doctor
13 years ago

Uh. No.

13 years ago

– I’m afraid you’re a little late. The show is actually beyond saving at this point. The cast and crew have moved on to other projects, they’ve shut down the production offices and are dismantling the final parts of the sets for auction.

While it’s not completely impossible that another Stargate show will be born in the near future, SGU, without a total overhaul, is gone.

13 years ago

If they want to save stargate in any way, they need to make an “all-in-1” series. I guess that would be possible with almost every castmember. The only ones i know that now have anything big going on is Amanda Tapping(Sanctuary) and Jason Momoa (Game of thrones and Conan).

13 years ago

– Many of the key cast members of SGU have already moved on to other gigs.

13 years ago

Everybody have something to do. But nothing big. And whith a show like that, it`s not much work for each actor anyway. I realy think it could work.

13 years ago

– That idea works when your cast is largely people whom have to hunt for work. When you’re dealing with people that are sought out, if a project goes south, they’re more likely to distance themselves from it. Getting David Blue back, probably not a problem. Getting Robert Carlyle back, bit more of a problem.

13 years ago

My point was that none of them need to quit anything they are doing right now. The idea works with almost every soul who have ever been in any stargate episode. The biggest problem is that they need to get payed. ;)

13 years ago

– They would still have to want to do it.

13 years ago

It’s very sad that we only have 2 stories left. This could be the end of the Stargate Universe completely. What an entertaining ride!

13 years ago

From what I’ve heard through twitter and some other sources,everyone of the main cast is already involved with something else,except David Blue and the girl that plays Chloe.Not sayin’ they ain’t got anything in store,it’s just that by now they haven’t informed the public of anything significante they’d be involved with.Most all of others are engaged in new projects;pilots,already greenlit shows,tv movies..etc.Which mens that the next season this fall is completely out of the question and looking further into the future,that will become even less likely I’d say. That definitely doesn’t mean that the franchise is dead,the writers..Diana Botsford e.g.… Read more »

13 years ago

Loved this episode. Sad to see this show go. It has so much story to explain now and I know it wont be all explained in the final episode. This show will go down as one of my own personal worse cancellations since Firefly. Unfortunately S1 was lackluster and slow and really imo killed the show before it got momentum in S2. If S1 contained some of the major plot points of S2 and if S1 skipped the whole Water, Light Darkness, Earth, Time and Life episodes it would have been much better off. I mean I know the directors… Read more »

13 years ago

After almost every episode of sgu’s 2nd half of season 2 I thought: “that was the best episode” Today my thoughts were the same. BUT! Proceed with caution! Mr. Mallozzi suggested that concider Blocade as the finale… =/ I already know that Gauntlet will be the best best best episode, and the saddest one of the franchize… =( Syfy is full of sonsofb**es! In my opinion they axed the best science fiction show EVER. Sad that they are telling us Gauntlet is a finale. I’m quite confident that it’s not the end. All stories will be finished. Movies will be… Read more »

13 years ago

What an amazing, true Stargate episode (that actually featured a stargate too lol). This last season has been without a doubt the best of all 3 series imo.. The first season was rocky to start, the second half picked up but I didn’t feel a connection to most of the characters.. Rush, Eli and T.J we’re amazing though 2nd Season is just out of this world, the characters has come full circle, Park, Volker and Greer have become some of my favorites. 1 episode to go and i’m not actually going to watch it straight away, i’ll watch all of… Read more »

13 years ago

I think Epilogue was better than Blockade overall, but Blockade was still a good episode. The last half of season 2 has really turned out to be an example of what SGU could have (and should have) been. For those interested, Joseph Mallozzi (writer & executive producer at various points of all 3 SG shows) has said that he will put some information about where the story was going after the final episode airs on his blog. He’s also in the process of posting his ‘stargate memoirs’ so to speak, giving an episode-by-episode breakdown of his thoughts on the show… Read more »

13 years ago

Great episode!Possibly even better than Epilouge to me.Although I think SGU in Epilouge has dealt fairly well(after a fashion) with sci-fi cliche of “our descendants” created due to the time travel paradox(which normally I absolutely hate,despize).
Btw Game of Thrones looks promising,although it has nothing to do with SF,it’s even only questionably a fantasy show to a degree,but it’s a good one.Just thought I’d mention.