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13 years ago

Not intending my comment to sound like a cheap jab at SyFy, but a half joke, half serious question. Stargate fans are still watching the SyFy channel? Personally I refuse to watch the channel since they no longer represent my interests, and cancel shows I actually like. I believe the SGU finale, may have been the last thing I watched on the SyFy channel. Since then I’ve watched a decent number of SG1 episodes on Netflix, just because it is easier than grabbing my DVDs. I intend to, eventually work my way back through all of SG1, SGA, SGU… you… Read more »

13 years ago

I actually watch SyFy for Stargate SG1 and Atlantis, but SG1 is also on Showtime every Saturday night and Sunday mornings. This sucks because I’ve been loving watching Atlantis. This sucks.

13 years ago

Thank the monkey gods I have both SG1 and SGA on dvds…can watch either whenever I choose.
As to watching syfy- they show ENT and TNG reruns and I am eagerly awaiting Alphas. :)

13 years ago

Some of us still watch Syfy because we enjoy some of the other shows as well, like Eureka, Haven and Warehouse 13.

13 years ago

Heh, I haven’t even heard anything about Alphas, I just can’t see a reason to get invested in shows on that network, decent chance they’ll cancel it! That was meant to be a cheap jab. As for the ENT and TNG reruns, Netflix will also have those, I believe, next month :) At least that was what I read a while back. I’m considering getting rid of cable… Only thing stopping me is Burn Notice, Royal Pains, Doctor Who… but those are pretty cheap on Amazon.

13 years ago

Universal HD plays Stargate Atlantis reruns on Thursdays at approximately 8PM and 11PM.

13 years ago

I’m sure SG-1 won’t last much longer either. Will the network renew its license for Stargate or will it just dump it? I hope it dumps it because I would like to see Stargate return on a different network that might actually care about it. A couple things: 1) why is Atlantis on so late? who actually stays up to watch re-runs of a show that last aired new episodes in 2009? You’d think that SyFy would want something like that airing during the day at least…the only way most fans would watch it or any reruns at that time… Read more »

13 years ago

This does not affect me as i refuse to watch anything on syfy now . Theres plenty of other networks playing sga reruns.Although im not counted in any rating im not viewing the commericals they are running.That sends a message to syfys sponsers.

13 years ago

Reminds me that I need to get around to watching those Season 5 dvds of Atlantis. haven’t see any of Season 5 yet.

13 years ago

Well, its a day like this that I’m extremely glad that I already have all the seasons and movies on DVD.

13 years ago

this figures lol i ordered my cable when i moved specifically to watch sgu and it got canceled like 2 months later now syfy startin to cut out sg reruns? goodthing i have the dvds the only thing keepin me payin for cable is weeds season 7 next week!!!!! ya im excited for that at least showtime has somethin forme to watch this summer

13 years ago

Syfy has NOT yanked the Stargate Atlantis reruns. They are on Syfy’s schedule – unfortunately, they’re currently listed as Caprica reruns.


13 years ago

There was a time when something like this would actually bother me a little. However, such a time has long passed as SyFy’s recent actions have already caused me to tune out.

I don’t watch Syfy anymore. They’ve lost this viewer.

13 years ago

SYFY obviously is no longer really anything like the original Sci-Fi network. They used SGU in a very destructive way and the absolutely incredible manner in which they moved Sanctuary from Friday night to Mondays just two weeks after it had returned for the 2nd half of its season. It was almost humorous in how destructive that move was. Sanctuary aired on one Friday, and then suddenly was on the very next Monday with another new episode. Not much advertising came in between so tell me, how could anyone be surprised that Sanctuary’s initial ratings on Monday nights at 10… Read more »

Jim Hutto
13 years ago

Just an other insult to injury to us StarGate Lovers. One thing I am watching out for on SyFy is Battlestar Galactica Blood and Chrome.

13 years ago

Syfy stinks. The other shows are lame imho.

13 years ago

Do you think it’s just possible that SyFy has jerked the episodes b/c of all the SyFail comments? If I HAD the SyFy network on my cable I would watch it.. I love the cheezy older “scary” movies.. and I also catch Wh13 and some others on hulu b/c I don’t have SyFy Channel, Yes them canceling SGU stinx royally! but come on.. there is other stuff we watch..

13 years ago

Is it just me? OR does it seem to others too that “Gateworld” which in of itself is a name that came from Stargate… Is just so la-de-da about everything that SyFy does that hurts the many Stargate (anything) fans out there. There are milions of Die-hard SG fans that are all but screaming for more Stargate! This posting here on GW is case in point! I would think that “Gateworld” should sound a little upset about this, or at very least aplogetic about it. This is yet more bad news for gate fans from SyFy, and you pass it… Read more »

13 years ago

SyFy has no love!!! WTF why did they do that?? God I hate the suits at SyFy, in my book they striked out 3 times in a row, inning over, no, GAME OVER!!! SyFy has no love for one of the shows that really made SyFy a big name, well not only SGA but SG1 started it, its like they dont care about stargate anymore, I wish another broadcasting company would pick up Stargate and give it the respect is deserves because this is BS!! Last Straw for SyFy, and BTW all the other shows on SyFy SUCK!!!! I mean… Read more »

13 years ago

The only things I watch in SyFy is SG1, SGA, and Enterprise, thats it. Mid Afternoons in California. I think SG1 comes on at 1pm here, followed by enterprise (great show IMO) Im usually just too lazy to start up my PC to watch it on netflix or pop in my DVD’s. Sorry for the double post just have a lot on my mind. Atlantis is by far one of the BEST shows on SyFy channel. I really think they are getting ready to drop the whole Stargate Franchise, because they are slowly killing it inch by inch, show by… Read more »

13 years ago

‘themaingmaster’ is correct!! GateWorld is the fence that sits between SG fans and the network, and instead of sitting on it and trying to pretend to act to be unbiased relaying information between the two sides it should stand up and support the SG fans, because the the longer the Syfy network goes without a new Stargate series will only result in GateWorld site viewer ‘alienation’.

Without us, where would you be GateWorld? Where will you go after were gone GateWorld? So, help us revive an atlantis movie and atlantis series!!!! What do you think Darren?