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12 years ago

I didn’t watch the show since Fairy Tales are not my cup of tea. However, after having read your synopsis, I think I’ll catch the season finale just to see if I like it.

In any case, I’m glad to see that Robert Carlyle is enjoying much-deserved success.

12 years ago

Great news indead!

Fairy Tales are also not my cup of tea, which is why I didn’t initially watch this show either. Started later on because of Robert Carlyle and House’s Jennifer Morrison anyway and was VERY pleasently surprised. The show is much more adult than you would expect and Robert Carlyle’s performance is fantastic! One of the best shows currently on. I suggest starting at the beginning though.

12 years ago

I was skeptical about the show early on, but I happened to catch an episode while visiting my sister in San Diego at Christmas and was really impressed. The cast is a great ensemble, and the storylines are interesting. I finally took the time this spring to watch it from the beginning, and I’m definitely hooked.

12 years ago

Best show on tv, hands down.

12 years ago

, it’s a great show, I just don’t think the season finale will be the best way to get into it. I say start with episode 12, Skin Deep.

12 years ago

I to was skeptical but have enjoyed it. I find myself extremely excited for new episodes of Once on Sundays, the same way I am for The Walking Dead, Fringe, Game of Thrones and Doctor Who. There is just something about the show that really captivates you. Which is also why I think that the two Snow White themed movies, Mirror, Mirror and the upcoming Snow White and the Huntsman will have a LOT to live up to when it comes to their portrayal of the characters in the story since Once already did it and does it so well.… Read more »

12 years ago

I stopped watching after a few episodes, but glad for those who do love it that it got renewed.

12 years ago

Great show Carlyle definitely steals it as Rumpelstiltskin!

12 years ago

lol and I thought I was the only one who couldn’t stand Snow’s hairstyle in the “real” world. As Snow she is HOT. Her style as Mary Margaret makes her look dull and uninteresting. But my guess is that this is intentional.
You are right. Carlyle definitely steals the show.

12 years ago

Same feeling here, too– I could not get in to it after a few eps (NBC’s “Grimm” is more of my flavor…)

But, I am glad ABC took the chance to give “Once” the time it needed for others to appreciate it.

12 years ago

I wouldn’t go as far as calling this the greatest thing on television because Fringe and Supernatural (even though Supernatural is incredibly sacrilegious) is a lot better. But it is a modest third. And Carlyle is a brilliant actor, and his rumple is the most interesting character of the series.

12 years ago

@Coremae – I would at most call Once a 5th in my top 5 – Fringe, Doctor Who, Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, Once Upon a Time, but the fact that I feel confident and am interested enough in the show to place it in my list of top 5 running TV shows says a lot, because I have high standards of what I consider a *great* show – there are good shows, like Sanctuary and Warehouse 13, but then there are *great* shows like Fringe and Doctor Who that really make you go “wow” on a constant basis… Read more »

12 years ago

Obvious renewal is obvious! Biggest hit of the 2011/2012 season next to Revenge and Person of Interest all of which have been renewed, one has to ask how long they can keep up the Storybroke angle of the show with everything that’s going on.

12 years ago

YAWN, YAWN – ONCE AGAIN typical AMERICAN format. Small town, out of towner who turns into sheriff/police, and well the entire situations is nothing more/less than Eureka with Fairy Tales instead of SCI FI or any of the previous wannabe cop shows that happens to be all that the american audience can comprehend. rehash regurgitate ad infinitum.
NO ability to launch a person into space, so hollywood changes to reflect that not a single hollywood programme is space based! HOW SAD and PATHETIC.

12 years ago

Please don’t think were happy about this crap anymore then you are! Last night I was watching Ep2x15 of SGU, and watching it is at once SciFi Bliss and a Dogs**t sandwich because the whole time you know that all it’s potential got canned without any semblence of an ending. The SyFy channels just canned Sanctuary, which was preceded by Eureka(not my fave, but still you take what you can get) Caprica, Sgu…..Theyve shutdown the BSG spinoff they had in dev. And Once upon a time is NOT SCIFI…Plus you missed the closest clone of all…Grimm! Another dark fairytale spinoff… Read more »

12 years ago

Basically there (supposed) to be trying to find shows we like. What would it take for us to call a SciFi Channel home? (There is no channel with that name currently) We would like at least 2 BELIEVABLE Sci-Fi shows..(so there isnt a huge off season) that include some type of FTL Space travel. Again the Physics have to be at least theoretically possible, (so hire a consultant) to make it as “real” as possible. Also they need to have a decent CGI budget. Combine that with some decent Sci-Fi Reruns (This shouldn’t be terribly expensive since there are so… Read more »

DJ Jarak
12 years ago

Oh, it better have another season. This show is freak’n brilliant. Carlyle’s portrayal of Rumplestiltskin is truly brilliant!