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This is my new Stargate M.A.L.P. model, designed in 3D and printed on a 3D printer. I wanted to share this 3D model with Stargate fans, a free download. The model is designed to scale to the Diamond Select Action figures from a few years back.

You can print this model in pieces, kit form. It will take about 40 hours to print. If you don’t have a printer, let me know. I will try arrange to put them online so you can order them printed out.

I hope you enjoy downloading the model, it is about 6 months to develop, from design to printing to assembly and final painting. Are there more to Stargate inspired models to come? There certainly are.

You can grab it from the MyMiniFactory web site, just search for Stargate M.A.L.P.

Additional images were uploaded:

M.A.L.P. Model Kit (GateBuilder)