
From The Stargate Omnipedia


A peaceful and advanced culture who's ancestors managed to eventually separate from the threat of the Goa'uld. The people of Orban are descendents of the Aztec Teotihuacan civilization. It is believed the Goa'uld came down upon the Teotihuacan and transplanted them to Orban to live as slaves.

The people of Orban have developed nano-technology, as well as the first example of naquadah generator technology found in the galaxy, which the S.G.C. used as a template for constructing their own. Their nano-technology has allowed them to designate Urrones, children specifically conceived to harbor nanites to collect and store knowledge, later to be dispensed into each member of the society following the Averium.

The people of Orban did not consider educating their young after the Averium, but Jack O'Neill taught the young Urrone, Merrin, that such a future could be possible. Because Merrin learned this information, it was copied into her nannites and given to her people, who implemented these Earth ideas almost immediately following her Averium.


FIRST APPEARED - Learning Curve


Learning Curve - SG-1 begins trade agreements with the people of Orban, learning some unsettling news about how the people treat their post-Averium young.