“Stargate SG-1: The Illustrated Companion (Seasons 7 and 8)” is the fourth volume in the popular series by author Thomasina Gibson. The 176-page book features new interviews with the show’s cast and crew, synopses, commentary, and behind-the-scenes info for all 42 episodes in Seasons Seven and Eight, photos, and more.
This addition to the series also includes a color section, and personal messages from actor Richard Dean Anderson, directors Martin Wood and Peter DeLuise, and cameo guest star General John Jumper (Air Force Chief of Staff).
The book carries a suggested price tag of $16.95 (£10.99), but you’ll save if you order from Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk. Your purchase through this site also helps support GateWorld.
Titan kicks off what hopes to be a long-running series of resource books with “Stargate Atlantis: The Official Companion.” Written by Sharon Gosling (editor-in-chief of Titan’s Stargate SG-1: The Official Magazine), the 176-page book will retail at $14.95 (£12.99) and will include the same great episode info and photos, behind-the-scenes details, and cast and crew interviews that have made the SG-1 series a hit with fans. The book covers the entire first season of Atlantis.
Look for “Stargate Atlantis: The Official Companion” in stores this September, or preorder now at Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk and support GateWorld!