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15 years ago

I’m totally agreed to the #1..! I was actually thinking of it as the best one when I saw, but before I clicked the link on the homepage! lol.

I actually loved the way Carter predicted Jacks thoughts on calling it the Enterprise! Frackin’ Priceless! lolz! :D

Anyhoo… Great Top 5..! :)

15 years ago

Oh… I just read the end of the above again and saw that other “Trek Moments” were called for etc… lol.

One that cannot be forgotten is the Trek parody during the episode “200”! Pure Class Right There! lolz! :D

15 years ago

Oh Geez! I should stop commenting when drinking! I just realized the “200” episode trek parody was mentioned above but didn’t make the 5! :(

Only one thing I can say right now…. “Doh!” XD

15 years ago

Not one SGA mention, huh?

15 years ago

I would put the TAngent quote (“What am I, Scotty?” at #1. Move up the 1969 quote (“Who are you?”, “CAptain Kirk”) to #2. I would repplace the phasers refernce with another one. #3 Prodigy, Season 4. When arguing for her solution to the attacking energy “bugs” Haley says “We could hold them off with those pahser things”, a reference to the Pahser-like zats.FOr #4 I would pick Mithcell :”Good job BOnes” from Babllyon,. season 9. Both Mitchell and CAptian Kirk fake their deaths to escape a ritual duel to the death (Amok Time, origional Series). Finally for #5 I… Read more »

15 years ago

On the lack of SGA referneces, Dr. Becket, who does not like being taken apart by GAte Travel is compared to Dr. Mcoy who does not like being taken apart by transporting (Poisoning the well, season 1?)
Also, in what episode is Shepherd refered to as “Captian Kirk”.

Craig MacD.
Craig MacD.
15 years ago

Best character intros: Sheppard in SGA’s “Rising” and Ronon in “Runner”.

15 years ago

flip flop 1 & 2 and it’s gold :P

15 years ago

Your thinking of 2 episodes, the first is when they meet the ancient in sancuary i beleive and the other is the first time he meets micays sister

15 years ago

Oh they are just classic! Couldn’t agree more with you when you said…”And here after his little remark in Season Five’s “Ascension,” we thought Jack wasn’t a sci-fi fan!”…but it all started back when they went back in time to 1969 and he referenced 2 sci fi shows…Star Wars and Star Trek. I think my fave Star Trek reference would have to be the one made by Jacob in Tangent…”What am I, Scotty?” Great Friday 5 this week!! :) Thank you!!!!!!!

15 years ago

Hmm.. could’ve included something from Atlantis ;) Sheppard in Inferno: “And we’re not calling it the Enterprise either!” (in reference to the Hippaforalkus later known as the Orion)

Just a thought. ;)

15 years ago

Best ST moment in SGA – when Rodney introduced his sister to Sheppard and then he all bristled and called Sheppard Cpt. Kirk when Sheppard smiled at her. Ha!

Best intro? I agree with Sheppard in “Rising” – the helicopter flight, the chair… simply priceless! And Ronon in Runner.

15 years ago

You have to wonder, in reference to Jack saying his name is Luke Skywalker. What do you think went through the officer’s head a few years later when Star Wars came out?

15 years ago

I was thinking the whole thing when Sheppard meets McKay’s sister for the first time and McKay says something like “yeah she’s sister and she’s married…Kirk”

15 years ago

I loved the reference to the Las Vegas ST attraction in SG Atlantis when they gave the line about the Wraith on the run: “What is he going to do – get a job as a Klingon at the Star Trek Experience?” To which Woolsey replies that sadly it has been closed and Zelenka gives the punchline: “Damn, I wanted to see that.” The great part about that gag is that Robert Picardo was the main star in the Vegas attraction playing the Doctor from ST Voyager in the Borg 4D ride. I heard it was a suggestion of Picardo… Read more »

15 years ago

I also agree the best character intro was the combination of Shep flying the helicopter and sitting in the chair with the stars revolving around his head in Rising. Brilliant!
Also loved Ronon capturing Shep and Teyla when he was introduced.

15 years ago

As a “Star Trekking of SG-1”, its a pretty good list. Might have slipped Babylon in there myself, but I guess that was more of a covert reference than the usual overt ones. Suppose you could consider the Asgard “phasers” (and shields, even) as a niche reference… although they’re perhaps as much a self-reference back to O’Neill’s “Phasers?” question from Redemption as anything else. Gotta agree with the comments above about the distinct absense of Atlantis ones. You’ve got McKay’s frequent comparisons between Sheppard and Kirk – as mentioned, Sanctuary, and McKay and Mrs Miller spring to mind there; there’s… Read more »

15 years ago

Character introduction-wise… I know it isn’t the first appearence, but I was quite impressed with the way they handled Mitchell being incorporated into the series, establishing his backstory over the course of Avalon and Collateral Damage. McKay’s SG-1 episodes were fantastic as well, so that’d better make it onto your list somewhere!!

My #1 fave character introduction has to be for Colonel Dave Dixon from SG-13 in Heroes though; I think its a testament to that introduction that, after only appearing on-screen for – what, ten minutes? – he managed to become a fan favourite as a replacement for O’Neill.

15 years ago

i wonder if they’ll do favorite Simpsons references. #1 would probably be SG-1’s CITIZEN JOE b/c it has the guy that does the voice of Homer in it. BENEATH THE SURFACE (also SG-1) would probably make it b/c of what O’Neil said (“I remember something. There’s a man. He’s bald and he wears a short sleeved shirt and somehow he’s very important to me. I think his name is … Homer.”)

or have they done that already? i forgot.