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15 years ago

Differently different… but in a cool way.

15 years ago

I do love steam punk, not enough to make me like the show but a least it put one fear to rest.

15 years ago

not sure the whole “ball” idea was a good one, just seems a bit too dumb for the gate builders

15 years ago

The whole thing spins lol. I dont have high hopes for this BSG wannabe and its most random setup of actors

15 years ago

Lou Diamond Phillips and Ming-Na as random . . .
you gotta be kiddin’ me.
Some of the others, I will admit, I have never heard of, but in fairness, with the exception of RDA (who at the time was a washed up actor) I had never heard of any actors in SG-1, and none from Atlantis unless they appeared in SG-1 first.

15 years ago

works for me, for the people who have doubts, just take a look at an old rotary phone, our tech had to come from somewhere!

15 years ago

Hey I agree with joshed. And I was never a fan of atlantis at first, but it grew on me and now I love it.

15 years ago

I have to agree with the above mentioned comment about the ball. Not sure that was a good idea. Sorry… I think its really cheesy :(

The first time I saw the Atlantis gate (not even in action) I loved it. Liked it much better than the spinning wheel gate of SG1 (please don’t throw tomatoes at me! ;) ) but this.. yeah. no. I *guess* if its “old” tech/first generation gates, it could be somewhat feasible, but I’m just not really sold on it. *shrugs*

15 years ago

I think they are trying very hard to get a steampunk vibe going in this show, as it seems to be a trendy thing this year (Warehouse 13) on SciFi. The gate and other design elements seem to be part of that.

15 years ago

ack, Syfy, sheesh…

15 years ago

The white ball looks like a bare lightbulb – at least from the pic – just connect a string and *click* darkness ;P

But that’s just me not being a fan of steampunk.

15 years ago

Regarding the “the spinning gate doesn’t make sense” comments. Actually it makes perfect sense, follow this link:

This will show you a picture of how the gate works. I think the whole gate spins and the light bulb on top of the gate is the “thing” that chooses what symbol/symbols to light up. And MUCH later in SG1 and Atlantis, the atlanteans have more advanced gates that don’t need the light bulb thing, it’s incorporated in the gate, and therefore with the “new” technology it isn’t necessary for the whole gate to spin.

15 years ago

I like it, the bulb its different but its consistent that this gate is the predececssor of the MW gates. The steam that releases after activation of the gate is nice, like a release valve for the work done by the nachine that spins the gate.

15 years ago

Of, this a stupid idea, it´s Stargate Universe, the show for the MTV generation, and the show with hasbeens like Lou Diamond Philips and Ming-Na (come on). I hope this show is a major flop and will get cancelled wihtin the first year. Bring back Stargate Atlantis!!!

15 years ago

Oh ye who loved the wonder of The Gate, morn it’s lose for naught shall ever be the same again.

Goodbye my love, my Atlantis, goodbye…*cries*

14 years ago

Are the Ancients still the gate builders here? Because the ancient designs are sure not like what we have seen before. Looks like a cross between goa’uld, Wraith and Ascard Tech. And a little style from the Alteran sceens from Ark of Truth. Looks pretty cool. Though I need to know if this is still Ancient/Alteran tech we’re talking about.

14 years ago

It bugs me though that the top chevron is not at the 12 o’clock position. Did they not have watches 10,000 years ago?

14 years ago

I’m sure they had watches millions of years ago, but who says they separated their days into two 12 hours segments? Or that they measured time in any way similar to ours?

After seeing the explanation as to the nature of the globe, I understand and accept it. But I still don’t like it. I am reserving final judgment on the show until I have seen the first season.

14 years ago

Yeah, the lightbulb and the gas vents will sure look cool, only… Do you really think a race that can build a wormhole generator needs lightbulbs to flicker and steam vents to make their machinery work? Ok, so the lightbulb could be a design thing – a chevron lock indicator, if you like. But the venting? I really don’t see what that could be good for. If it were steam coming, say, from a cold-fusion reactor powering the gate in the energy spike during activation, why not lead it away through a pipeline? Also, steampunk doesn’t have to mean steam-driven.… Read more »

14 years ago

Yeah, one more thing – the symbols NOT meaning constellations is in direct conflict with canon established in the first (1994) Stargate movie. True, if they were stars, the coordinate system would give more sense (a constellation does not look like a constellation from a different place in space, the stars may in fact be VERY far apart). And the naming thing was a very slick move when used for, say, ProClaRush TaONas. But I was always kinda sour about the frequent inconsistencies in SG canon and do not really like such a fundamental piece being tampered with.

14 years ago

As for how the coordinates work, I beg to differ in that this has been explained – again in the very first movie. Six points in space, when their order matters, can be used to create three lines, and three lines have exactly one intercept, as long as none are parallel. That’s six. Seven, point of origin. Useful when you move a gate, so that it can reconnect to the network. Eight, network prefix (one network per galaxy). Nine, who knows what. If it leads only to the Destiny, then it’s the ship’s unique call sign, allowing it to be… Read more »

14 years ago

I had really hoped the 9th chevron would allow them to connect the Stargate to other TV shows. I was looking forward to O’Niell helping Cory Matthews through some coming-of-age problem on Boy Meets World.

As for the new gate design itself… let’s see how the show sells it. Might be really cool *shrugs*

Orion Coran
Orion Coran
14 years ago


You seem to be lacking logic and common sense. A show flop won’t mean the return of Atlantis (and considering it is the same people who are creating SGU as did with Atlantis, your post only seems less coherent and more of a unstable rant. Why would you hate a show that is made by the same people who created Atlantis, a show that brought you joy…)

Anyways, I suggest to anyone who is still not sure about some things with the new Universe gate, I suggest simply watch the show. I am sure many things will be answered.