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15 years ago

“Because of the more serialized nature of SGU, we encourage fans to try and stay relatively spoiler-free.”
No thanks I love spoilers and will take all I can get. *Goes to Spoiler TV*

15 years ago

Spoilers do kill arc driven shows, unless you can enjoy it despite knowing what’s coming. It never bothered me, but some people would have a hard time suspending their disbelief.

15 years ago

“Though we’re stepping down the extent of our spoiler coverage for Stargate Universe”

Most of us only come here for said spoilers. If people complain about spoilers then they are just stupid for going to a site like this that is all about the show. I have no sympathy for them what so ever, if they come here and then complain that a episode has been spoiled. About time they took responsibly for themselves and grow up.
If you are no longer going to give us info on the forthcoming show then no point in continuing to visit this site.

Orion Coran
Orion Coran
15 years ago

Episode sounds great. I won’t venture over to the original site, though.

I just want to thank you Darren for taking on this approach with spoilers. :P

15 years ago

Sounds interesting.

And I like this way of handling spoilers. I’m one of those awkward people who like to know a little about upcoming episodes, but not too much. This suits me fine, and still lets people who want full spoilers where to get them.

15 years ago

I agree with Dreadtech. I used to come here all of the time for SG1 and SGA spoilers and then discuss them in the forums. This is one of the reasons why I only visit this site maybe once per week versus once per day.

Orion Coran
Orion Coran
15 years ago

Well, Gateworld is still providing you an avenue to take if you wish to have the spoilers. It just won’t be provided here. It works out both ways. ;)