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14 years ago

Holy FRAK! To even ask that people shell out $50-$70 for HALF OF A SEASON of a TV show is an affront to our current economic crisis. Of course, I’m going to buy it (for the commentaries and Ivon’s BTS ONLY)… when it goes on sale for $20 or less.

14 years ago


14 years ago

LOLROTF Where do I get in line Mr. Barnum?

14 years ago

I like the show but not that much. I will gladly wait until the price drops or they have the whole season in one pack.

14 years ago

Bit expensive for coasters. Please let me know when SG-1 is ready.

14 years ago

As I made clear when this was first talked about, I WILL NOT be buying it. I will not pay for half a season. I probably would buy a full season but never a half. Way to screw it up.

14 years ago

This would have to be under $10 for me to buy. I bought Atlantis Season 5(the whole season, not half) for $21 on Amazon. This is just what Universal did with BSG season 2 and I never bought it. This is like 7 years ago TV season prices. Get real MGM

14 years ago

50 bucks for 1/2 a season…….you can get a whole season of SG-1 or Atlantis for less than that! I’m NOT buying these if it’s gonna be $100 a season

14 years ago

BSG did this and it was annoying.

I’ll wait for a full season…


14 years ago

I hate the half season releases. Especially for that price. Yikes. $35 (probably) on Amazon? For half a season? I don’t think so.

14 years ago

Heck, I just bought the Atlantis box set for $90 (Amazon CyberMonday deal). Why would I pay $50 for a HALF season of a show I don’t like nearly as well? And if they’d release SGA on Blu-Ray, I’ll buy it, too. Then I’d own each season on DVD (which I’ll farm out to my sisters to get them hooked), the box set on DVD, the Fan’s Choice Blu-Ray, and all five seasons on Blu-Ray. And yes, I own all 10 seasons of SG-1, the SG-1 movies, and a couple versions of the original movie. There’s no way I could… Read more »

14 years ago

That pricing is disappointing. I have paid $30-35 (US) for every season of SG-1 and Atlantis and they want me to pay that for just half a season? And companies wonder why the DVD market is ‘drying up’. Lower the price to $20 (which would mean a full season is $40– which is still 5-10 more than what I have been paying), and then I’ll buy it. Very disappointed at this release, it feels like MGM (or FOX, or whoever made this decision) is more interested in getting more revenue than customers. Every time I see a company more interested… Read more »

Uncle Al
Uncle Al
14 years ago

“SGU 1.0″ will be available on February 9, 2010…

Move the first 0 and you get 90210 – ha!

Colonel Sharp
Colonel Sharp
14 years ago

Half the season, for all of the cost!

Thanks MGM ;)

14 years ago

Well, that’s something I won’t be buying.

14 years ago

A lot of you don’t seem to realize that the MSRP isn’t what you usually pay from sites like
The MSRP is what their ‘listed’ price is, and they’ll generally be 30 or 40% cheaper. So they’ll be $35 to $50 for the Bluray, most probably.

14 years ago

Omg what use could I possibly have for half a season? And then they’re asking a whopping load of cash for it as well. This is just ridiculous. What’s even more ridiculous is that the second half of season 1 has apparently already been shot, so why make everybody wait for four months. It’s bad enough when they don’t air an episode of a show because of the superbowl or thanksgiving or whatever.

@uncle al
very observant ;)

14 years ago

Sigh. Not very smart if they want to sell these DVDs and blu-rays. Especially blu-rays. Come on MGM, if you must put this out now, do it cheaply and get people into the show, then release part 2 and complete season at once. People won’t be buying otherwise.

14 years ago

Wait, not only do they feel they’ve gotta mimic Battlestar in every way possible on-screen, but now they’re even copying Battlestar’s DVD release strategy and even NAMING SCHEME? This reminds me of that part of Steven Spielberg’s A.I. film where the little robot kid stared at the Blue Fairy statue for thousands of years, every moment of which spent wishing with all his might he could become a real boy, not realizing or caring that the world went on in his absence, and the family he was hoping to be with as a real boy had already lived out the… Read more »

14 years ago

Are they completely nuts now? Eureka 3.0’s suggested price is $29.99 and Amazon discounts even that! And Eureka is much more successful show that SGU! And SGU wants $49.99 for 1.0? Hahaha, it’s April 1st and I haven’t noticed or what? No way, no how!

14 years ago

I also love the “but of course, retailers will discount those.” Even the author of this article understands that the price is bonkers. Nuts. Crazy!

Scott Watson
14 years ago

To be honest even I wouldn’t pay that.

I would never get half a season anyway what’s the point? Your better off getting the full season when its released.

14 years ago

What made BSG even worse was that they did the half season releases only every other season. 1 and 3 released as full seasons while 2 and 4 were split in half. Is that what one could expect with SGU as well?

It’s about as bad as changing the dvd packaging after season 7 of SG1. I would imagine that all everybody really want is some consistancy on there part.

14 years ago

It’s almost as if they have civil servants working at MGM :P

14 years ago

I am surprised, nay, astounded, that no one’s calling us haters or not true fans of the franchise, for not rushing out in droves to buy this.. err.. SciFi show, on Blu-ray, (so that we could be dissapointed over and over again, in high Definition) LOL!!!

14 years ago

I question this move. I don’t remember this being done with Stargate SG-1 or Stargate Atlantis. This may put off both the hardcore fans and the casual fans as well. I will not buy a half season for that amount. Half a season should be half the price. Just my opinion.

14 years ago

This is not for fans. This is for money. It gives them revenue twice when they used to only get it once.

They want people to buy the first half of the season on DVD right before the second half starts back up on Syfy. Then buy the second half right before season 2 starts. If they would show the season straight through this would not be an issue.

14 years ago

@jermdavid: Good observation. It’s all about cash flow. I went on record from Day 2 that I’d never translate into DVD sales. One person in a million viewers or a few emails doesn’t make much of a difference but the loss of $89.00 (MSRP, dealer may sell for less LOL) is a much better way of telling them what you think of their new series. Let me stir the pot adding that the whole SGU trip seems to lack any consideration for fans. I’m not a lemming and I bailed fairly early. Rolling out the actors to conferences pre-production seems… Read more »

Scott Watson
14 years ago

They most likely want to just make money. Its troubling times for the DVD market (Much more so than it was for SG-1 & Atlants) so an increase in price is understandable. Though maybe not worth it, even to us fans.

14 years ago

@Scott Watson: I agree that the DVD market is not what it used to be. But that doesn’t in any way justify milking fans for twice as much money for the same/similar product. Look at Eureka – $29.99 SRP for half a season. $49.99 SRP for half a season of SGU. That does not compute. I understand that MGM is deep in red numbers but this won’t get them new customers. $49.99 is what a whole season of SG-1 and SGA costs – compare it with the $99.98 SRP they will want for one season of SGU. The DVD would… Read more »

14 years ago

Economics 101: Demand and Suppy. No one Jacks the price up skyhigh for ANY product, untill there’s an actual demand. So the “Increase in price” is NOT understandable, “even for us fans”. Trying to sell DVD’s at a standard market price will obviously get you more money than trying to sell the same same product that obviously doesn’t have the same following as before, for double the price. After all, stamping out plastic disks doesn’t cost them a whole lot of extra dough, because the series was not re-made for DVD, as is evident from release timeline. It’s like someone… Read more »

14 years ago

Well I guess I won’t be purchasing SGU ever. This is the exact same thing BSG did and I liked BSG a whole lot more then I ever thought of liking SGU. I never purchases BSG all because of this half season junk. I purchased every single season of SG-1 and SGA, along with the movies, but won’t be purchasing this. Way to screw it up MGM and Sci-Fi (or whatever they want to call themselves now).

14 years ago

Stargate SG1 by far the best, this SGU not good.
To slow and not much action.
Will not be buying this, would rather wait for the next instalment of SG1 movie!!!
Half seasons bad idea, to much to pay for only 10 episodes.

14 years ago

The first half of Universe BD here in Brazil is selling for the equivalent of US$ 200 (R$ 344), imported yes but wow!!!!!