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Scott Watson
14 years ago

Not that im complaining or anything I’m just curious why do we in the UK get the full season on July 5 whereas those in the US have to wait until 2011?

14 years ago

Because people in NorthAmerica are more likely to spend there money on both half seasons and then the whole getting them more money. All and all just a money grab

14 years ago

I wish I actually believe that we’ll get the whole season together. It’d be awesome, but I expect it to be just like with BSG.

14 years ago

yessss, good news, there will be a full season set. the bad new, won’t be till 2011 :( that sucks. i have to wait a whole yr before getting it. i like the show but i’m not buying the 1.0 and 1.5 sets.

14 years ago

i will only buy the full season set. IF the later half of season one is beyond godlike. dipped in awesomesauce.

14 years ago

At least you guys are getting it in Blu Ray. Us in the UK don’t seem to be getting it

14 years ago

Sweet, that’s the day before my birthday!

14 years ago

They’ll be back at Christmas with their tin cup held out. Let’s see, to retain total revenue with a smaller audience would mean having to have correspondingly much higher unit prices.

14 years ago

You get what you pay for.

14 years ago

I’m waiting to buy the full season on Blu-Ray. Which I’ll preorder as soon as it’s available.

jaffa orange
jaffa orange
14 years ago

The truth is that people are not paying for the DVD’s because they are too dear and only half of the series. This type of price gouging is not being tolerated by the masses and only serves to hurt the sales figures – not that I am complaining about that though.

14 years ago

Absolutely genius. People went out and spent money on HALF a season when the whole thing will be released next year. Oh the newa about the whole season release is let out AFTER the half season is released. Look I know it is all about money, but to make money you have to keep you audience (because the word fan has suddenly become am evil word) happy and double dipping of couse does that (insert snark here). All franchises have different levels of release: the standard season, the collectors edition and so on. However with this it seemed that the… Read more »

14 years ago

I just want to know why is it so expensive. It is the equivelent of just under $90 for the full season in the UK against roughly $60 for the sets in the US. Not only that it is DVD only – we don’t even get the option of Blu-Ray.

14 years ago

The complete UK DVD set of season 1 is probably going to be a ‘bare bones release’.

That means, it maybe JUST the episodes on the DVD set with no bonus features. If the UK market wants bonus features, we would probably have to buy season 1 on Blu-Ray next year to co incide with the US release of season 1.

14 years ago

This is the most shameless ripoff i have ever seen in my life.

14 years ago

They wonder why there’s so much piracy.

jaffa orange
jaffa orange
14 years ago

surely the dedicated fans of such a wonderful show would never pirate it? are they not all out at the shops snapping up a copy of half a series for megabucks? something must be seriously wrong if the loyalists are revolting?

14 years ago

Don’t get excited. The price goes down, people buy.

jaffa orange
jaffa orange
14 years ago

yes the price goes down but people are still not buying. the DVD’s are less that half price on Amazon and they still cant shift them. next thing you know they will be giving them away for free to make space in their warehouse.

14 years ago

I’ll consider buying it if I see it at Dollar Tree on day…
and why is the Wray on the front cover? I don’t consider her a major character…

jaffa orange
jaffa orange
14 years ago

Wray is not really a major character, she is only in 9 episodes in series 1 according to IMDB. Maybe its her that gets killed off at the end of the series (hopefully)

14 years ago

Yeah whatever, the full set comes out and they will shift. Wray is an awesome character.

14 years ago

Wray is sandwiched between two white males in order to look “inclusive”. This is filmed in Vancouver Canada, not North Dakota. They know their demographics better than we do. Well, that’s the story anyway.

Imitation Tofu
Imitation Tofu
14 years ago

lol Mentat maybe the next dvd set will have Greer in that inclusive spot.

14 years ago

This dvd/bluray is a waste of plastic and time.

If you even liked stargate universe you get half a season….then you can buy the FULL season later…. with the exact same episodes on it…GREAT idea!

the people who came up with this idea are insane and killing the planet by wasting plastic.