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14 years ago

Kind of wish he hadn’t revealed that about the finale, would have been much better as a surprise.

14 years ago

this info is just a bomb waiting to go off.

14 years ago

usually I’m a spoiler @$$, but after reading the responses of you 2, I’m not reading this article. No doubt the finale is cool and after spoiling myself with stargate for years and years, starting today, I’m not reading the spoiler, nope, I’m just gonna go back to the forum’s stargate tech and continue learning about bosons and gauges. Yup, I am not going to read/watch the spoiler—maybe just a peek…….

14 years ago

“There is something that happens in that last episode that is so upsetting, so cruel, and so wrong that just thinking about it gives me goosebumps.”

A major character death. I bet that is what is shocking in the season 1 finale. If it turns out that I am right, I hope that the ‘Daniel Jackson Manuever’ will kick in somehow.

“Daniel Jackson Maneuver”
Meaning: ‘When a major character dies in the Stargate franchise but is always brought back somehow, either by alien intervention or mystical interpretation’.

14 years ago

“There is something that happens in that last episode that is so upsetting, so cruel, and so wrong that just thinking about it gives me goosebumps.”
I know what happens, in the very last minute a big “To be continued” appears on the screen. It’s upsetting, so cruel, and so wrong…

14 years ago

The heating is going to go out and the crew are going to burn a bag of kittens for warmth. However we then find out one of those kittens was only days from retirement, and Telford and Young were having an affair with the tabby.

14 years ago

As for me, I’ve decided to give these people the benefit of the doubt. I won’t mind a slow start if the second half provides a lot of payoff. So, I’m going to wait and see with a hopeful attitude. Anybody with me?

14 years ago

“[Stargate Universe] is so upsetting, so cruel, and so wrong that just thinking about it gives me goosebumps.” Haha, just kidding of course (sort of). I agree it’ll be a “major” character death. But really, who do we care enough about to feel a sense of loss for?? Wasn’t there a scene in one of the new trailers where someone was underwater drowning? I think it was the girl who never stops crying? Or possibly the IOA lesbian? Anyway, maybe that’s the big upsetting thing, since drowning is not a nice way to go – although kind of similar to… Read more »

14 years ago

Right behind you Pioneering!

14 years ago

poor kittens :(

14 years ago

“I agree it’ll be a “major” character death. But really, who do we care enough about to feel a sense of loss for??”

Heres hoping it’ll be more than just one major character so then they could try bringing in some characters that we can actually like for the second season.

14 years ago

It was the Destiny’s shield that was leaking oxygen by the way, it was the shuttles. Besides, most of the shields in the show have been one way anyway…

14 years ago

Even if they Kill off all Cremembers I really have no Problem with that

14 years ago


14 years ago

Have you stopped to consider the possibility that it might be a character death of a character not on the Destiny? It could be something really shocking like the death of Colonel Carter, General O’NeIll or Daniel Jackson (again). I for one, hope not, but SGU is long overdue for something ‘shocking and upsetting’ as Brian J. Smith has said, but I can’t see it being one of the crew on Destiny since the main actors haven’t announced they are leaving or taking less time on SGU. I really hope that it isn’t Sam, Jack or Daniel that dies. Otherwise,… Read more »

14 years ago

It would be incredibly stupid for them to kill off an SG1 character. Even though realistically they are probably never going to make another SG1 movie, if they killed of an SG1 character, the fan outrage would only multiply the already massive hatred and anger towards SGU.

Imitation Tofu
Imitation Tofu
14 years ago

Only the finale?

14 years ago

I think the upsetting ending will be that after using the stones Young returns to his body and finds Telford on top of Lt. Scott in the middle of …shall we say…”the throes of passion”. Ewww. Disturbing.

14 years ago

not going to listen to the interview, I want to be surprised, but I am looking forward even more now to the second half of the season

Jan Vetulani
Jan Vetulani
14 years ago

“There is something that happens in that last episode that is so upsetting, so cruel, and so wrong that just thinking about it gives me goosebumps.”

No sex scene for Scott? ;D

Just kidding though. I love the show so much, that I actually hate Mathew J. Scott! I know a dude just like that and he annoys the hell out of me! And there’s a parallel to the whole Chloe + Scott + Eli triangle thing too! Eugh, I hope Scott dies…

14 years ago

i think it would be great if they all got killed and the destiny blew in half at the end or something like that. seriously. no joke. they have been lucky as hell. but the luck runs out. it would be a great ending.

jaffa orange
jaffa orange
14 years ago

the something upsetting and cruel will be the show getting cancelled on all you lovers of this poor attempt at a stargate show

14 years ago

“It’s actually a blessing that we have such an opinionated and passionate and devoted following of people,”

sounds like somebody’s had some media training…

“It’s been a really fantastic year getting in touch with the fans, and getting some live feedback from people — trying to see, ‘OK, maybe some people like this aspect of the show and they didn’t care for this aspect.’ It’s all information; it’s all good to hear.”

Yep, definitely media training. :)
Keep this up Scotty you’re doing way better than with the comments you made in the previous interview.

14 years ago

Media training indeed. I’m glad someone had a quiet chat to him. Being blandly pleasant is definitely a better approach than going on the defensive attack and it’s certainly resulted in killing off pages of angry comments.

Charm is the chloroform of fandom; he’s done well.

14 years ago

The problem is of course that the media training was too late. No one believes his nice words now.

Ascended Asgard
Ascended Asgard
14 years ago

Interesting has me a bit curious to check some SGU episodes out. I’m not big on drama but natural forces and aliens sounds cool.

However if any SG1 or SGA characters are harmed I will dismiss SGU as non-canon.

14 years ago

Who knows, perhaps the aliens will turn out to be some of your non-ascended friends ;)

14 years ago

This made me go all LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL. Really Just the finale is upsetting, damn try the whole series, damn they should get a clue.

jaffa orange
jaffa orange
14 years ago

they seem to be more upset about becoming more popular by the day.

14 years ago

Does anyone feel like SGU has ben a let down, its been my fav. franchise but its like watching paint dry. ime hopefull the second half will be better because i never thought it would be as bad as it is

jaffa orange
jaffa orange
14 years ago

if you go to imdb and look at the list of characters it tells you how many episodes they are in. this will give you a clue as to who may or may not be killed off

14 years ago

Knowing that something upsetting happens doesn’t really spoil anything. It could be a number of crazy things. I for one am not worried.

14 years ago

“There is something that happens in that last episode that is so upsetting, so cruel, and so wrong”

Following SGU writers spirit so far, my bet is Chloe being raped by some Lucian alliance villain.

jaffa orange
jaffa orange
14 years ago

how could they rape a character that gives it away so freely? She would probably go after them for a bit of variety. Lets face it, she doesn’t have many options on board at the moment

14 years ago

“There is something that happens in that last episode that is so upsetting, so cruel, and so wrong that just thinking about it gives me goosebumps.”

Eli gets laid.

I’m calling it.

14 years ago

^ he he, I doubt this is what they planned :)

Anyway as the plot developed, I am making Chloe gets raped my SECOND bet. My first bet is that something horrible will happen to the baby (TJ).

Just trying to follow the twisted mind of whoever writes this show.