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Craig MacD.
Craig MacD.
14 years ago

Looking forward to this. Its been a long time coming. Can’t wait to see Rush’s “origin story” played out.

14 years ago

I bet a lot of Flashbacks and not much SciFi

14 years ago

Judging from the trailer they aired after Faith last week… I have serious doubts we’ll see any actual flashbacks to Rush’s past. He seemed to be reliving a moment in his past, with his present-self’s knowledge. Of course, teasers can’t be relied upon. From Michael Shanks interview though… we know this won’t be a typical flashback experience. Even Shanks “didn’t know where they were going with it.”

14 years ago

Dr. Rush defies orders? Don’t you have to take orders before you defy them? Lets face it, he does what he wants and what he sees fit.
Other then that, I can’t wait. sounds to me like it is going to be a good ep. There better not be any whinning and bickering. That already is played out.

14 years ago

Really Dr Rush aka Mr. Boring… Dr Rush is not a center for storylines, he whines too much and won’t accept help when he needs it. But, I love the show and will watch it, hopefully Chloe shows up to save the day and Eli to make us laugh. Daniel Jackson needs to use the comm stones to help fix the ship with Rush.

Michael Sacal
Michael Sacal
14 years ago

I think that Time shed some light on Rush’ motivation, as did Darkness. Before he passed out on Darkness he started to shout that if only he had had more time he could have found a solution. I don’t think he was talking about the ship but about his wife, who passed away. In Time, during his conversation with Eli, he suggested that the reason he was on Destiny was to learn more about Ascension. I think that Rush wants to learn how to Ascend to be with his wife or to revive her, and that’s the real reason why… Read more »

14 years ago

*crosses fingers* Chloe’s left behind, Chloe’s left behind, Chloe’s left behind.

14 years ago

I agree, I think that Rush is definitely interested in learning how to Ascend… but I don’t get why he’d go to Destiny to learn that. The ship left long before the Ancients began to ascend. I doubt Ascension has much to do with Destiny’s mission.

Michael Sacal
Michael Sacal
14 years ago

@Stryse I think that the easiest answer is that this is the project that invited him to take part of. He would have a better chance of finding the answer to Ascension if he went to Atlantis, but no one invited him to go there, so he has no chance to check it out (consider how long it took Daniel to get there). Rush probably considered crossing the event horizon to wherever the address took him as his one and only to chance to get close to the answer of how to Ascend. Being on Destiny puts him closer to… Read more »

14 years ago

Can’t wait to see this. Hunky Daniel! I am looking forward to learning more about Dr. Rush, I like the character and the actor.

14 years ago

What do you have against Chloe? She’s totally hot and that’s worth the price of admission right there. But also, her character is interesting. So what’s your beef? Jealous?

14 years ago

@Pioneering. Eye candy only lasts so long before you cant stand it. The Chloe character has thus far proven to be only be a romantic interest with no back story at best, and an annoying whiner at worst. If your willing to deal with that each episode for as long as the show lasts just because she looks cute…. If Chloe can demonstrate an actual use, again other than looking cute and being annoying then I might change my tune until then…. *crosses fingers* Chloe’s left behind, Chloe’s left behind, Chloe’s left behind. In any case I have to say… Read more »

14 years ago

I remember back when I used to hear those same complaints about Dr Keller. Ah memories. They have shown a bit of her back story, even if it isn’t one we might find compelling. Her not having an “actual use” is kind of the point, she’s probably the biggest fish out of water there on Destiny.

14 years ago

: Chloe’s role up untill this time was portrayed as Scott’s love interest. But in this episode Chloe really shines. Her extensive background and Harvard education in Ancient Studies (though it was ancient human civilization studies) can be applied to provide empirical data in understanding what happened on this planet. I thought she looked very professional in her military fatigues. Was she given one at the Icarus Base, when she visited with her Dad? Chloe must really be Intelligent as I think She also took Law at Harvard, and that’s why she was chosen to defend Young in Justice?

14 years ago

We had some guests for dinner last night, and while the guys were outside smoking, the girls (4 of us) were hanging out in the living room when SGU started. Though I was feeling guilty, I asked them if they’s like to see a new Drama that I had started to follow. knowing that I loved my soaps, they agreed to watch, while having coffee. One of my friends simply did not get it, and was immediately bored. the other 2 were waiting for some romance to happen. I had to stop watching because all of them got finally bored… Read more »

14 years ago

This episode had a lot of issues. Way too rushed, way too forced and way too contrived. Ultimately, just not very good. They’re trying too hard on the drama and not hard enough on the science. This reflected a lot of what I disliked about BSG. Particularly the grainy, over-saturated dream sequence. Personally, when I’m dreaming or imagining something, it doesn’t look like a 20 year old copy of a VHS tape. This doesn’t show creativity, it shows a complete lack of it. The only thing ‘gritty’ about it was the picture and ‘grainy’ would be a more appropriate description.… Read more »

Scott Watson
14 years ago

I liked the episode, class Rush as being one of my favourite characters in the show and so it was good to see some of his background and the reasons behind why he is the way he is. Also some exploration was good to see as its one of the important Stargate elements that’s been missing from the show thus far. But I hope that Eli, Scott, Greer & Chloe don’t get back to the Destiny as quick and easily as Rush did though. The one main criticism I do have with this episode was the music. At first it… Read more »

14 years ago

Actually I think Chloe as a nerd worked – better than her as a femme fatale.

14 years ago

: What did we learn about Rush? Since through almost the entire sequence he didn’t act as he did in the original event, we learned next to nothing about him. And then they dropped the ‘reason the way he was’ like a ton of bricks near the end. Completely anti-climactic.

Scott Watson
14 years ago

We learned that his wife’s death is what lead to what he is now and the things he has done (shutting people out, hurting people etc). Because of the experience he may change the way he is. We also learned that he was a college processor before being recruited into the Stargate program, how/why he was recruited & by whom (Do I need to go on?)

14 years ago

Well 2 good episodes in a row that’s all I can say lol. I loved last week’s episode because as well as a break from all the guns and aliens that I worried this show was becoming, we finally got some insight into who really likes who although this week I was a bit disappointed we didn’t see any more of the Scott/TJ romance I am sure is secretly blooming! (And Chloe will get jealous and that’s what will bring her properly back to Scott I reckon lol) but anyway, about this episode. Firstly we saw again what I’ve been… Read more »

14 years ago

Wow, there are people who watch Stargate and don’t know who Daniel Jackson is? Wow. Hey, he’s just the guy who cracked the mystery of the Stargates, after all. People really do not watch this show for the sci-fi element, do they?

14 years ago

, No not everyone who watches this show has also watched the other 15 seasons of the other shows. I also think that this show is pretty sci-fi; the entire episode was spent in Rush’s mind because he was under the influence of the neural interface chair because he was trying to unlock the codes of an ancient ship that has traveled to another universe.

14 years ago

No i dont watch for the sci element! Like i said before i’m more of an eastenders and x factor girl lol. Never watched sci before really but my husband told me he thought i’d like this one. Well of course i’ve been around when he watched his star programs but they all blur into one for me, all aliens spaceships and shooting lol. But destiny really surprised me, i think its great how they have made a sci program that doesn’t bore you with tech stuff and has some interesting drama and relationships going on. Anyway sorry if i… Read more »

14 years ago

It’s not about watching 15 years of program. It’s about knowing at least something of the show’s mythology. Everything that we see in this show is based on Daniel Jackson’s work, on his discoveries. The whole franchise is based on the Stargate movie featuring O’Neill and Jackson! I have never seen ST:TOS, I started with ST:TNG, but I do know who Spock is. In soap opera speak – it’s like watching Days of Our Lives and not knowing who Alice Horton is! Wow. I guess TPTB did reach their set goal, they really moved away from their previously targeted audience.… Read more »

14 years ago

@jeanette178. Good point. I guess everyone gets something different out of it. :) Doctor Daniel Jackson is an archeologist who discovered how to use the Stargate back on earth as well as the location of Atlantis. He was also a member of SG1. Another thing you should know about is that there is a more advanced version of the interface that Dr. Rush was sitting in. The more advanced version almost killed Jack O’Neill (head of SG1, he was in the first and second episode) twice. It is a very dangerous device because it slowly overloads the brain with the… Read more »

14 years ago

It was sooo good to see Daniel Jackson in this episode! Im so glad they didnt make him like he was in SG-1 or like his guest appearances in SGA. Im glad they made him nothing like that Daniel and made him more human and real. Many of the haters wanted him to be the same Daniel they knew from the other shows. Well I, for one, was not into those other shows as much. I was really into BSG and Im big on Eastenders and General Hospital so I really like SGU a lot. I cant wait to see… Read more »

14 years ago

Finally managed to watch the show uninterrupted. I cried a lot. I think Rush was a cold hearted SOB. but he managed to salvage himself at the end with that moving scene. This is such a wonderful drama. I can’t believe how dark it is. I also couldn’t understand why that Dr. Jackson character was not helping harder. But I guess Dr. Jackson doesn’t know about this scientific stuff as much as Dr. Rush. After all, Dr Rush is an academic, a professor teaching math, with a real Doctorate. I heard somewhere that Rush was the foremost expert in gate… Read more »

14 years ago

: No, we were expected to assume that Rush was the way that he was because of his wife. Based on the sequence alone, if we did not already know that he was the way he was because of his wife, would think that he was always that way because he acted like how he is now through most of it. They had to throw in the 30 second speech where the wife breaks the fourth wall of the sequence and explains it all. That’s a pretty second-rate method of telling a story.

14 years ago

: Throwing in a neural interface does not science fiction make. True science fiction not only uses scientific elements, but tries to offer plausible explanations of the technology. We never really found out why the neural interface caused him to relive the experience, so it was a drama, not science fiction.

: I think this is the issue that so many stargate fans have had with SGU. It’s more of a reboot than an extension of Stargate. Only they realized that they needed to hold onto some elements or they’d lose all of their old audience.

14 years ago

: What exactly is ‘dark’ about this episode?

14 years ago

Good work getting a screen cap of the alien transportation device on the planet: https://www.gateworld.net/gallery/displayimage.php?album=917&pos=467 Top left for you non-believers.

Michael Sacal
Michael Sacal
14 years ago

I think that a few people here missed the point.

Rush wasn’t indifferent to his wife because he didn’t care about her, but because he knew that everything around him was fake.

How he acted while within the lucid dream is not indicative of how he behaved in real life when his wife was dying.

Scott Watson
14 years ago

@michael Sacal There was hints in the episode about how he acted when his wife was dying. Rush: “I was here” Wife: “you can’t lie to yourself” Conveys that he wasn’t there when his wife died most likely because he was consumed with his work. “We never really found out why the neural interface caused him to relive the experience, so it was a drama, not science fiction” They created a buffer to slow down the transfer of information and limited the connection to a narrow range of Rush’s subconscious which should protect the vast majority of his brain. Worst… Read more »

14 years ago

what alien transportation device? Is it in the picture?

I am pretty sure a neural interface is an aspect of science fiction. It is all an aspect of perception I guess. :)

14 years ago

@Mentat: there’s a car going by around 15 minutes into the show (when the 4 explorers visit the planet) @mythos: I consider Rush’s ghoulish attitude towards his ailing wife to be dark. To be honest, I really don’t know what they (Producers) mean by dark. I assume that it’s not the literal meaning as in low light, but the ominous overtones of the drama. To me Rush was going through a temporary insanity bout. He was seeing his inner demons. I think that counts as being dark? (and the dream sequance was a bit fuzzy) :) @ProclarushTaonasAt: I am really… Read more »

14 years ago

, I always thought that a neural interface is a device that connects directly with your brain. I came to know it as that when Jack O’Neill was in the more advanced version of the chair in Destiny lol.

14 years ago
14 years ago

In regards to comments about Chloe: I got the feeling she was BS’ing to get to go off world with Eli. She seems to have realized she alienated the two people that had some measure of meaningful relationship when she sided with Rush and the civilians and is now trying to repair those relationships. Anyway she outright BS’ed her way onto the planet and as for her knowledge in regards to advanced civilizations taking on a primitive stone facades that could have just been due to a passing knowledge gained from reading the occasional mission report. In regards to Rush:… Read more »

14 years ago

It could be that Rush alienated everyone (including his wife) when he found out that she had terminal cancer. It could also be that the Icarus project came at the right time to distract him of his wife’s inness. People cope with death and dying in different ways. Just a thought.

14 years ago

I really liked this show, in fact they’ve all been better since the break. Maybe the show is just growing on me.

The show reminded me a bit like one of my favorite Teal’c episodes in season 6 when he was a fire fighter. Not entirely the same thing, but made me smile a bit that they reminded me that not everything I enjoyed about SG-1 was the sci-fi and tongue-in-cheek moments, but some of the character dramas were quite good.

I think I’m finally getting on board…so to speak.

14 years ago

@wgaunibis: I think that is exactly my point. The writers and producers said knowledge of previous series not required. Their exact words were “This is not your Father’s Stargate”, which infact is true, because he’s not into Sci-fi, but only watches Wrestling and Ghost hunters on SyFy. I watched all the episodes from SGU, and non seems to touch on Egyption Folklore/Mythology of SG1. Not one single mention of Atlantis. They only bring that old geezer o’neill and this jackson character to draw in viewers right? not because thet’re adding to the “essential elements” as you put it. The only… Read more »

14 years ago

, OLD GEESZER O’NEILL AND ‘THAT JACKSON CHARACTER!?!’ You cannot be serious. Without them there would be no SGU… I am speachless.

Scott Watson
14 years ago

are you for real?

I apologise if this isn’t the case but you sound a lot like someone who is just taking the piss with fake comments. You sound exactly like the persona that the “haters” have been saying SGU fans are like: Saying it’s dark, gritty, more of a soap opera than science fiction & someone who cries during the episodes requiring a tissue. I also noted some slight sarcastic comments mixed in. I know that members of a certain hater site have posted fake comments on here before and I wonder if they still are doing it.

14 years ago

Yeah thats exactly what I thought when I was reading Katebeketts latest post. It is to much on point with what the haters have said. She doesnt miss one single negative argument (in this case put in fake positive note). If the haters are trying to convince us that people actually think like that they have now failed miserably. They went to far, they should have used a couple of those arguments and been happy with it. Instead they got carried away. fail…

14 years ago

Okay, I am very hurt by these personal attacks. What do you mean am I for real? and What other site are talking about? I only come to Gateworld because I love SGU. It is very different to the other shows I watch like Cougar Town or Modern Family. Why on earth would you say I am a hater? I’ve a good mind to complain to the moderators for this personal attacks, which are now forbidden by the new rules. If O’Neill and Jackson are so important to the SGU Story line, how come they are not written in as… Read more »

14 years ago

Also suspect posts are coming from jeanette178. Sounds very much like a poser.

14 years ago

Sumner: What the heck are you talking about? I don’t know a Kate Bekett. Please check IP’s. Well, I do work for a multi location organization. There’s no telling if other’s are watching this show. Unfortunately I Can’t control other people’s ideas, like what you guys do over there.

14 years ago

Wow. Wow. Wow. People who don’t like the show can possibly let the people who like the show like the show. I am saddened by this. I am all for having respectful criticisms but this is taking it too far.