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14 years ago

in the trailer to 2.5 we see the blue aliens exiting the stargate. that hasn’t happened. was it cut? if it was it would be mentioned in the episodes after it happened.

14 years ago

, that scene was from Pain. Don’t want to give too much away from anyone who hasn’t seen it, but it did happen.. sorta.. and when you look into the ep, you’ll see what I mean by the “sorta” LOL

14 years ago

that scene was shown in “Pain” it was one of Rush’s tic fueled hallucinations

14 years ago

So where is he supposed to have come from? Are we supposed to believe we just didn’t notice him in the last 2 episodes?

14 years ago

There were plenty of guys that came through the gate who’s faces they didn’t focus on. Not a big stretch at all.

Michael Sacal
Michael Sacal
14 years ago

He came from the same exact place that every single recurring character on Atlantis who we didn’t see cross the gate in the first episode came from, which is okay.

Craig MacD.
Craig MacD.
14 years ago

Wow. Did not expect a trailer for season 2 so soon after the season 1 finale. Looks great though. Can’t wait for October!

14 years ago

Hmm.. and how is Destiny different from Hatak class cruiser with a Gate on board? It’s older than Atlantis.. so its less advanced.. in fact I bet Atlantis has the design specifications in its database. Shouldn’t Daniel Jackson have been able to pull up the users guide by now?

14 years ago

It could make an interesting plot point though.. which side of the Ancients sent the Destiny outbound? The evil Ori branch perhaps pre-evil or the benevolent Milky Way branch. It could get very interesting if the ascended ancients suddenly took a special interest in the Destiny situation.. Star Trek – Arena style and said.. enough.. this circus has to play itself out as it is.

14 years ago

@ jwillis. The Ancients are the Ancients. Ori were part of the Alteran. So the Ancients launched the Destiny

14 years ago

MGM says September 28 in their countdown.

14 years ago

Ancients forgot they set a grand plan in motion maybe? Think about it, if the Destiny gates are supposed to be 1.0, Milky Way are 2.0 and Atlantis gates are 3.0 its logical to assume that in the time between Destinies launch from where ever it was launched from in the galaxy to atlantis style city ships the project could have been forgotten, hidden away in massive archives that no one had accessed for thousands of years (you may think I’m joking, but consider the Ancients civilization spanned galaxies and their knowledge that allowed them to evolve by merely thinking… Read more »

14 years ago

Destiny was Launched in Milky Way. You´re right with the forgotten thing.

14 years ago

So then, same sets, shakey cam in the dark, yanking people on wires, yelling at each other …

14 years ago

Awesome teaser. :O

14 years ago

wganubis – I really like the “forgotten project” idea. I once wrote a letter to Frederik Pohl asking for a sequel to his book “The World at the End of Time” fantastic story.. would make an excellent arc to include in SG mythos. I won’t spoil either.. but that the gates might be the key to saving the Universe would be awesome.. and justify everything in the series so far.

14 years ago

Oh.. Mr. Pohl replied he was a bit too busy at the time to consider a sequel.. the SG canvas dovetails to neatly into that Universe.. and kinda the sequel to H.G. Wells Timemachine “The Timeships” about the end of everything. Might give the ascended Ancients something to do.. they’re busy with more “important” things.

14 years ago

Have to say all this leaves me a bit cold.I always assumed when looking forward to SGU that new galaxies would equal new races & interactions.A great opportunity for new ground. but looking at the recruitment of actors/characters for season 2 it looks as if at least the first quarter of the season is going to revolve around the Lucian Alliance. Theay have to be the blandest & most pointless group in the history of the franchise & I certainly wasn’t expecting them to have a major role in what was supposed to be (to my understanding) a new take… Read more »

14 years ago

I think the reason they went for the LA is because they were vastly underused in SG1 and the times they were came off as the three stooges. I mean think about it, this is supposed to be the group filled the hole the ghould left and all they managed to do is get people addicted to corn? Wow, a villian that makes you eat your veggies! Now look at the LA in universe, not only did they have the guts to attack an earth base but wanted and succeeded in getting to destiny, suddenly their a bit more menacing.… Read more »

14 years ago

Totally agree with wganubis

14 years ago

I tend to agree that the LA will play an important role. I think that they may also hold more information about Destiny. They did have some technology that they brought with him that enabled them to open the doors.


[…] GateWorld: First look at SGU Season Two! […]

14 years ago

Yes…I’m sure they just forgot why they put a ninth chevron on the stargate. Overall, the whole thing doesn’t really work out because it’s very likely that the Ori would have sought out Destiny long ago. They’re apparently just going to ignore that. The show is a real stretch in that regard. Now I do believe that I heard somewhere that SGU was actually pitched before SG1 ended. Possibly even before the Ori storyline was fully conceived. While easy to explain that the Ancients simply weren’t interested, the Ori, as conquerors, would have been very interested. I’m disappointed in them… Read more »

14 years ago

The trailer doesn’t say much.

What higher purpose could there be for Destiny, when it was deployed over 10.000 years ago. Really…

I too find it very strange the Ori haven’t interfered with that galaxy. They were suppose to know all galaxies, right? Very strange they didn’t interfere with pegasus galaxy either.

13 years ago

who’s to say that the ori haven’t interfered with that galaxy. really it would be in their best intrest to let the gate seeding ships do their thing… that being said, i think were all forgetting that when the ori found out there were humans in other galaxys they seemed… well shocked. maybe it just wasn’t on their minds.

13 years ago

While the Lucian Alliance doesn’t grab me as the best villains the series has produced, I am interested in the development (beyond corn) and the potential for them to either work with Destiny’ crew or be factionalised. However regarding Ori/Lucian Allaince talk, I would like to see more revealed slowly about the Lucian Alliance’s intent and who is really governing their interest in the Destiny. There’s a lot of chatter in the show both from the Alliance and Telford as to the ethics and ownership of the Destiny – should it be just for Earth because they kicked the Goa’uld/Or’s… Read more »