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14 years ago

Finally the time has come. I am so Happy^^ only a few hours


[…] Az évadzáró dupla első részében a háború két fronton zajlik. A Lucian szövetség megtámadja a Destiny-t. Carter a Hammonddal megtámadja a Lucian szövetséget. Akció, zúzás, izgalom és a kedvenc régi szereplőink! A hivatalos trailert és az előzetes képeket megnézhetitek a GateWorld-ön. […]

14 years ago

I am thinking about freezing myself so that i don’t have to wait until 9

14 years ago

I can’t wait! The season finale looks fantastic!

14 years ago

hey, you can also watch the episodes for 7 days after broadcast in Canada on

14 years ago

Season finale already??!!!

Hokey Smokes!

Great job taking over the second half and moving the story along. Mostly hits and I’m looking forward to season 2!

Good job!

14 years ago

I think this is the most “realistic” SG ever. I mean whole SGU. I just love it, though I think there should be a bit more action. Not much though.

14 years ago

Stargate Universe has a live chat tonight on Syfy Connect, see link and time below

Date: Friday June 4, 2010
Time: 8:45PM EDT

14 years ago

FYI everyone–

Syfy Admin 9:
Hi there. We’ve gotten a few questions about this chat being archived. The answer is yes! Come back to to check it out

14 years ago

It was a Damn good Episode. The whole two weeks was it worth to wait for this. I can´t wait for next week^^

14 years ago

Does anyone know when this episode is available on itunes or amazon? thanks! ken

14 years ago

short after the tv release. With other Words it is available

14 years ago

A+! what a great, realistic, very well done episode! I can’t wait to see the second half

Elder Dragon
Elder Dragon
14 years ago

Lightmaker: still 1 episode left tho :P. 20 is the mark for season finale :(

14 years ago

Absolutely great episode! Glad things turned and Telford is on our side now.

14 years ago

The needs o the many…

O´Neil whould have blown the arie out….

Michael Sacal
Michael Sacal
14 years ago

Memo to Young, with CC to Rush.

Next time you find yourselves on an old Ancient spaceship with a Stargate, make sure to put in an Iris, it’ll save you for much grief in the future.

14 years ago


Capital idea.
Hey, guys! Seen any irises around? …No? Anything we can use instead…? Still no? etc

Sarcasm aside I think they would use something if they had it. (At least yet. It’s only Season One after all.)

14 years ago

@michael Sacal I’ve been wondering about some sort of iris since the beginning of SGU. This is the first show to not really have one. However, for this episode, Rush would have died if there was an iris and there would have been no two-part season finale action. @arnoldrimmer The only issue I had with the episode was that Young should have tried to vent the atmosphere early on. They still could have written it so that it failed somehow, or that the LA had another device (or breathing gear) to prevent it. I do wonder however where they keep… Read more »

Michael Sacal
Michael Sacal
14 years ago

One thing that has been bugging me about Stargate SGU is that in Air Greer told the civilizans to stay away from the containers found on the ship. Anyone remember the movie Castaway, with Tom Hanks? Remember the package he refused to open and kept with him all the way to the end so he could deliver it to the girl in the jeep? According to the director, the package contained a satellite phone with which he would have called someone to go rescue him from the island. What if the containers on Destiny have an iris-shield generator like the… Read more »

14 years ago

The Atlantis Gate had a far more advanced tech. Even the Milky way Gates had no Shield. And they have a map of planets.

14 years ago

@michael Sacal I took it as he was telling them to stay out of stuff then, not now. I think they are slowly working their way through the containers and the rest of the ship. Maybe if Rush trusted the other scientists to explore on their own, it would go faster. But that has to be how they came across the robot. Unfortunately, I doubt they will come across a weapons cache, though like you said, they may find a power source or additional defensive tools. @altera Yes, the Atlantis gate was more advanced, but I assumed it had it’s… Read more »

14 years ago

In the second Season we will learn more about the Ancients and the Destiny itself. But i think, it is the Prototype, who else should be able to go trough the Gate. Why they should need a Gate shield.

Michael Sacal
Michael Sacal
14 years ago

Maybe they could find a shield generator that could be adapted into an iris.

Or they could program the droid to create an iris like the one on the Earth gate, all they would need is the raw material, and they could always program Destiny to take them to a planet where they could find it.

Then again, the producers/writers could device a new Iris model that is as different as the energy shield was from the iris but provides for the same protection.

Michael Sacal
Michael Sacal
14 years ago

Destiny might need a gate shield because anyone in three or four galaxies with access to a Stargate would be able to dial the ninth chevron and gate to Destiny.

Maybe they have an Iris generator aboard the ship but didn’t get around to install it when the ship left and planned to install it once they got there themselves.

Then again, the system may already be in place but Rush hasn’t gotten around to figuring out how to turn it on.

14 years ago

At the Time, the mission starts, the Ancients were the only one that used the Gates because it was a new tech. So no one else could go to the destiny. Why they need a shield for that gate??? A Gate that only the Ancients could Dial at that time

Michael Sacal
Michael Sacal
14 years ago

The Ori could have dialed in as well. And what about other technologically-advanced races like the Asgard, Furlings, Goaul’d, and Nox? And there’s no telling what races might exist in the galaxies the Destiny would explore.

The iris/shield is a defensive measure to prevent unwanted individuals from coming through the gate. It would have made sense for the Ancients to have installed one on Destiny.

14 years ago

Why should the Ori know about this?? Probably they were not even near this Tech at this time. The Asgard weren´t near that tech Level, and the Nox aren´t interested in such things and maybe they aren´t able to use such tech too at least in this time period. And other advanced races must know the code. So no need to use a shield because no one can go through this Gate at least not at this time period.

Michael Sacal
Michael Sacal
14 years ago

The Ancients had no idea what kind of races exist in the galaxies that Destiny would visit, why would they keep the door open?

Would you drive down an unknown city with the doors and windows wide open?

14 years ago

I would Drive a Car that only can open the Door with a Code. Other Races must know the meaning the symbols have!

14 years ago

At last … some action!! And some music, though not too much. I have been very patient with SGU, but I’d really rather it went back into some kind of action mode than this slow pseudo-artistic pace that the writers have been employing. There is much that is intriguing about this show and I think it’s time to reveal more of it.

Anyhow, does this mean that Telford is now on the ship??

14 years ago

I meant does this mean that Telford is now on the ship as a regular.

14 years ago


14 years ago

Thanks Altera…should make the dynamics more interesting. Though, I would really like to see a little more working together as people get used to the fact that there is more at stake than their petty disagreements.

Michael Sacal
Michael Sacal
14 years ago

A lowly MIT-drop out figured it out.

14 years ago

LoL, you make it to easy for you. He knows the Symbols. Another Race wouldn´t know what the symbols stand for. And without the Work of Scientists of the Stargate Program he even don´t understand the Stuff

Michael Sacal
Michael Sacal
14 years ago

The symbols, ie the chevrons, are constelations.

Any space-faring race would know what the symbols mean, and would probably be able to figure out how to use the gate.

A race doesn’t need to be extremely advanced to figure out how to use the Stargate, that was proven on both the Milky Way and Pegasus galaxies.

Figuring out the combination to access Destiny (i.e. the order of the symbols) may be difficult, but it wouldn’t be impossible.

14 years ago

@altera The main thing I’m finding funny about your stance on this topic is that you are arguing against a simple defensive measure. First, the ship was clearly designed with passengers in mind. Second, it was designed by the same people who put fairly strong defensive (energy) shielding around the ship (much more than should be required simply for interstellar travel). Third, yes there is a ‘code’ placed on the gate system, but face it the ancients have left more than enough artifacts on the gate-bearing worlds for other races (too many races to count here – a lot of… Read more »

14 years ago

The episode was alright but honestly there were quite a few things that bugged me: 1. Telford being brain washed. Honestly I was disappointed with this turning out to be the case. I personally liked the idea that Telford was a turn coat of his own free will based on what he perceived to be earths short comings with simply removing the ghould from power and what not. I could understand them wanting to keep the character around, perhaps even making him a regular, but couldn’t they do it as Telford being a prisoner that eventually comes around (maybe after… Read more »

14 years ago

In regards to the stargate seeming to not have an iris…. you guys do remember that currently the crew doesnt have control of alot of highly critical systems like movement and what not, right? Its logical to assume that the ancients would classify any sort of Iris shield as a system that should only be accessed when control of the ship was released otherwise any race that managed to board Destiny would be able to block the eventual arrival of the Ancients. By having the iris control system locked, if Destiny was taken over prior to the Ancients arrival, they… Read more »

14 years ago

That’s two episodes in a row that I actually liked, but nothing great as yet. I agree with the observations made by wganubuis, spot on! The Telford thing was just another writer’s convenience. It would have been better to have him be a true traitor. These writers seem to want to be bold and then they chicken-out. Young hesitating was a huge tactical mistake IMO.

14 years ago

Another thing: The introduction of plots from the previous SG series combined with actually using the Stargate has been the main reason these last couple of episodes have worked.

Michael Sacal
Michael Sacal
14 years ago

It’s more like they spent the first 10 episodes establishing the SGU characters so they could stand on their own two feet, and they have spent the latter 10 episodes streghtening the connection with the overall Stargate Universe (no pun).

14 years ago

@ Michael sacal But the Destiny Code has nothing to do with Constellations. And at the Time Destiny was launched no other race has known the Ancients. And i have nothing against an Iris but what i mean is that the Ancients had no reasons to use a Gate Shield at the Launching time. In SGU a Shield would be lame too. @ wganubis Why should Young vent the Gate room? With his knowledge of the situation, the Lucian Alliance are Locked in that Room. So they were no threat for the Crew and he had a chance to rescue… Read more »

14 years ago

GREAT episode. I liked the more realistic nature of the actual incursion. It felt more like an real battle then in SG1 and SGA. Don’t get me wrong, i love my stargate but i found some episodes to be a little over the top with the action. ie, the inability of a a jaffa or wraith to ever hit what they are shooting at. The whole 10 episode character setup in the first half of the season was slow, but ultimately i think it added to depth of the characters and the show. I also really liked Carter’s appearance. She… Read more »

14 years ago

@ altera Here’s why: 1. He has limited supplies (ammo, weapons, medicine, food, etc) and people, neither which can be replaced. A situation like that dictates that any advantage he can take to defeat a rival force must be taken regardless of presented information. Further more, it doesn’t take a genius to guess that any invading force that has found a way to get from the milky way to Destiny has planned for any contingency including things like opening locked doors. 2. The brain can last a few minutes without oxygen before damage begins to occur. Granted it is only… Read more »

14 years ago

For his knowledge he had the advantage, and that the la had tech to open the doors, is not really a thing that you would think. And it is a risk to go into that room before all la member are completely unconscious. So he had to wait till all unconscious. In that matter it is a high risk because he can´t know whether he can reanimate Telford/Rush.

14 years ago

The Alliance went to great lengths to find a planet, the tech and the people (until they got ahold of Rush) to Destiny AFTER the icuras planet blew. That should have told Young enough that they were coming prepared and he should have gone through with venting the air out of the gate room the moment the gate closed. A group that driven to get to a ship galaxies away is NOT going to be stopped by a few locked doors. As for waiting until everyone was unconscious yes it would be a risk but not that high a risk… Read more »

14 years ago

you make it to easy for you. But i think we can´t find a match here. We have two different minds

14 years ago

I dont think I make it too easy for myself, this is just how I see the situation both for the characters actions and the writers choices. But yeah, as you said we will have to agree to disagree.