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5 years ago

It is very nice and cool! Thanks a lot for this..

But it is also incorrect. Example The chair in Atlantis does not have its own ZPM (although power relays or connectors are available, which they used for a naquada generator) and the Docking Wharf between the South-West and South Pier is not illustrated on all schematics.

5 years ago
Reply to  AllTimeLover

“In a few instances I added some detail I thought would enhance the poster”
It helps if you read things fully, this is one of the first things the creator said in the article…

Weknow Itall
Weknow Itall
5 years ago
Reply to  AllTimeLover

Atlantis originally ran on 3 zpms

5 years ago

Sweet! Thanks for doing this and posting this.

5 years ago

if only he took some more time to research about the actual shape and layout of the city before makin it… The City has a huge hole in the middle and the overall shape from the side is completely wrong.

5 years ago
Reply to  Azrael

You are right… and also wrong. Atlantis sadly had two very different models across the seasons. You are describing the older (afaik), most notably used for the Asuran cityship and the relocation of Atlantis after it was attacked by the asuran beam.
But this offered bluepring details the model used most notably for the fight of Atlantis with the super Hive and then entry into the Earth atmosphere in the final episode.

5 years ago
Reply to  TOIVA

I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about. watch Episode 1 where Atlantis takes fllight, and you’ll see the city always had a hole in the middle, and numerous times you could see the actual side view of the city. It has nothing to do with the Asurans.

Here, another proof only for you:comment image
You can clearly see the middle part which is empty. So maybe stop defending a sloppy work and do proper research. Or feel free to post at least a single proof of your claims.

3 years ago
Reply to  GateBuilder

If he can get it right I would be more than happy to see it. Azrael is right though. The whole reason I looked for blueprints of the Stargate City of Atlantis is because I want to build a life sized replica and I want it to be as accurate as possible not some random stuff thrown together by someone who didn’t aim for accurate representation. That is not to say it doesn’t look good or to insult the amazing job he did from pearly a fan art perspective but even true fans should be concerned about accuracy. you would… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Sukotto
3 years ago
Reply to  Sukotto

You’re right that this is fan art, done in the style of blueprints. No need to insult the artist’s choices just because he didn’t create the specific thing you are looking for.

Anything with accurate detail would probably have to be released in some capacity by MGM. I don’t know that enough was shown on screen for accurate measurements, building locations and heights, etc. to be recreated by an observant viewer … at least not without a whole lot of estimation and extrapolation.

5 years ago

Wow, that’s is so cool! You should really feel proud of that accomplishment! :) and yeah, the critics might be right, it’s not 100% accurate, but maybe you could also add the illustrator/photoshop file so people can contribute instead complain? Just an idea… ;) keep up the great work!

5 years ago

Any chance of getting this with layers? I’d love to be able to disable all the Generators and notes on the map just to use the architecture.

5 years ago

There really aren’t any definitive blueprints for a lot of things, including the city for a number of reasons. 1) They changed throughout the series and the 3D model was often tweaked. 2) The 3D models and the sets never match up. Things were frequently cheated spatially for individual script or shooting requirements.

5 years ago
Reply to  Agathorn

3) It’s a fracking TV show.

4) At least there’s no overlooked Starbucks coffee cup in the print.

5 years ago

Thanks! That’s awesome

5 years ago

Wow – this is great! Thank you!

You mention that this is merely the latest in the series of blueprints?
Is there a link to the series or to your other works?

Seldon T.
Seldon T.
5 years ago

This is incredible! Thanks so much for sharing. :)

Robert W Hoffman
Robert W Hoffman
5 years ago

To all the nit-pickers…smh. To the creators of these blueprint images,,, THANK YOU !

5 years ago

Your most welcome.

Fred Dawes
5 years ago

that is great fun

Leo James
Leo James
3 years ago

i have no idea what this is but i love it!!!!!

Eden Calhoun
Eden Calhoun
3 years ago

I wonder what it would cost (estimate) to build the actual city for a “seastead”

1 year ago

nice, i am looking for references so i can build Atlantis in Space Engineers the game, this will be a mighty undertaking.

10 months ago

So many adverts that these links don’t work.

10 months ago
Reply to  Dale

Sorry Dale, I’m unable to reproduce the problem. If it would help I can reproduce one of the size links for you here in the comments.

Steve Frocket
Steve Frocket
10 months ago

Great job on the Atlantis Stargate! Any chance we’ll get an SG-1 Stargate blue print? DHD, Iris, and I’m sure this has been asked, “Whats the best tech Manuel out there that’s as close to the TNG:Star Trek Manuel there is?