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15 years ago

So the season finale of Sanctuary does better than the series finale of Atlantis. Ouch.

Go Amanda.

15 years ago

Look at this way:
A five year old show does .1 less than a brand new show. Means that Atlantis is quite popular after all.

You suck, Sci-fi/MGM!

15 years ago

To magictrick, it does stand to reason that a new successful show would do better than a show thats been running for five years. And I am glad that SGA’s final season has done so well. Hopefully the movie does even better.

15 years ago

Wow Magictrick, did you even read the press release? SGA had 20,000 more viewers than Sanctuary.

Imitation Tofu
Imitation Tofu
15 years ago

Not all that great for a series finale.

15 years ago

series finale should have been 2 part

15 years ago

yay for both shows! ;)

15 years ago

whatever, who cares?

15 years ago

obviously, not scifi

15 years ago

ratings mean nothing to me. I do not think it is an accurate representation on how many people watch the show.

15 years ago

Goodbye Sweet Actors. I hope you all find projects that we will see you all in again soon. I will miss that good looking Joe Franklin and his cocky attitude. He really made the show, he and Tori. I think when she left it killed the show. As in the final episode of Star Trek TNG, “ALL GOOD THINGS”.
I shed a little tear for you and for me. Good-Bye

15 years ago

This might have something to do with the gact that the ending sucked and weall now it. It was made to be two parts and they threw some of these scenes togehter in five minutes and it really shows. I look forward to seeeing the movie however and optimistic for the franchise as a whole!

15 years ago

WHOOOT! WTG AMANDA! I know me & my family and friends watched the Atlantis finale because Sam was back. Too bad i blinked & missed her scenes. :) Just proved to me once again, that it was a good decision that she chose Sanctuary over Atlantis-
And Sanctuary kicked butt! THAT was an awesome season finale! Quite the cliffhanger….can’t wait for next season and many more :) Cheers

15 years ago

First off you can’t really trust ratings. People tivo the show, or download it after it airs and watch the episodes on their time. Friday nights tend to be everyones cut loose night and not all stick around home to watch TV. Second Amanda Tapping would have been the leader of Atlantis for the entire 5th season but because of Sanctuary she didn’t have time to do both. In anyones opinion the lead in a show compared to a shared co-lead is a big improvement for anyone, so it goes to stand that her parts in atlantis are limited. The… Read more »

15 years ago

Atlantis had more viewers than Sanctuary.
Glad both did well.

15 years ago

If I could ask just one question. Just who exactly was the woman who came into the infirmary at the end to invite the ocupant (name withheld for spoiler purposes) to see something supposed to be? A buddy of mine and I have been trying to figure it out

15 years ago

: It was Amelia Banks, the kick-butt gate technician.

15 years ago

yeah, Amelia does kick ass, more suited for you-know-who in the infirmary than the other whiner. The finale was very good, but as some one else mentioned, it should have been a two parter. I was constantly feeling as the episode was being rushed, and everything and their uncle, plus the kitchen sink was being shoe-horned into a 45 min episode.

Hope the great actors find other Projects suitable for their great talents. May all your seasons be long ones, and all roles recurring. For the person who called Joe Flannigan Joe Franklin, I just roll my eyes.

15 years ago

ah ok thanks, guess I should have been paying more attention

15 years ago

Just finished watching EatG over iTunes, and while it did appear to cram a whole lot of stuff into the episode, I thought it was absolutely brilliant. It would have been nice to see this as a two-parter, maybe have the first part be the lead-up and end with the Hive arriving at Earth, then the 2nd half is the battle, with whatever else expanded.

15 years ago

Most everyone posting here loves Atlantis, but be realistic, a 1.5 rating is not, not, not good at all. Incesant reruns of HOUSE get a 2.6. Yes we love the show, but we are in the minority of the viewing public. And though our foreign friends don’t like to hear it, the US broadcast is what drives prodution of this show. If it was produced by an English televison network and only run here (IE Dr. Who) maybe SCIFI would be satisfied with a 1.5 high ratings mark. As it stands, it doesn’t pull enough dollars in to pay the… Read more »

15 years ago

cmuty your kiddin right? House is completely different kind of show. a 1.5 is good considering what kind of show it is and where it is being broadcast on. House is a nationalized public show. Atlantis is a cable network show and science fiction. there is a difference. koodos to atlantis. i will miss it. im excited with the new series. the show didnt get cancelled because of the ratings although it had some part. its between the writers and MGM (mainly writers). if the ratings were still off the chart like it was doing on season 1. the writers… Read more »

15 years ago

Just watched the last Atlantis and WOW what a great last episode, so sad to see it go as i was with SG1….good luck to all the brill actors…and i must say i tear come to my eyes when they re-named the pheonix to the GENERAL HAMMOND..respect!

15 years ago

I was talking about reruns of HOUSE on the USA cable network that run 5 times during a weekend. It doesn’t matter that this is a scifi show, the rules of economics effect it the same way.

You can go on thinking a 1.5 rating is good and a 1.8 is “off the charts”, but the reality is that you are wrong. If this show had 4 million viewers it would still be on the air regardless of Universe or any SG movies being done.

15 years ago

I agree with some of u it was a bit rushed and shold have been a two parter but it was not i am looking forward to the movie(s) but i will miss the show but they could revive the show as it is on a cliffhanger (how will a heavily damaged atlantis get back to the pegasus galaxy ) but they probably wont but 5 years and 100 episodes is a testiment to the stargate franchise i am looking forward to the new show but i hope they dont ruin it while trying to mack it more appeling to… Read more »

15 years ago

Bottom Line it would have been a great episode but it felt way rushed.

15 years ago

It was a great episode but it was rushed and should have been a 2 parter, it just had something missing. I have to admit though I really enjoyed Vagas as much as this one.

It was for a season ending show with that anticipated “to be continued feel” BUT not a season finale.

Upset and disapointed SGA fan

13 years ago

THE FIGHT FOR MORE STARGATE TRAVEL HAS JUST BEGUN! Trust me folks, it’s not a question of IF the Stargate will open again, it’s a question of WHEN! If we let our voices be heard, it will be sooner rather than later! :D