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15 years ago


Atlantis Rocks
Atlantis Rocks
15 years ago

“OH PLEASE, as a result, you’ll soon be treated to sneak peeks of the Destiny set, the shuttle in Stage 2, and footage of actor Brian J. Smith changing his shoes between set-ups.”PATHETIC!!!

Thank god I’m too old for this crap!!!BRING BACK ATLANTIS, for the grown ups please.

(B)SG U 901020!!!!!!!!!!!!!

15 years ago

I’m very excited at the idea of seeing Brian J. Smith changing his shoes between set-ups!I’ve already copy the 2 pictures available on Joseph Mallozzi’s blog of April 28, blogs that I’ve started reading since May 09.
Calm down! ( smiling face) A. Rocks…and have a cup of Nescafé on me!

Atlantis Rocks
Atlantis Rocks
15 years ago

PLEASE GIVE ME STRENGTH, IM 44 NOT 3!!!! SEEING SOMEONE CHANGE THEIR BLOODY SHOES DOES NOT IN THE SLIGHTEST APPEAL. O M G !!!!!!!!! Oh an when I was 3 it wouldn’t have either. An another thing WHO THE HELL IS B J SMITH, well known I think not!!! At least where I come from, never seen him in anything!!!!! Not saying he’ bad actor just never seen him. An never will as he is in (B)SG U all I know for sure that Atlantis was axed for this and IT WILL NEVER GET MY VIEWING. I personally hope it… Read more »

15 years ago

Oh Boy! let me be more clear since you seem to be too angry to hear things right. (personnally, if you can write these comments on a blog, …anger management classes might be something to consider!!!???) I’m going to break this down further to allow you to understand what I meant in my e-mail. Before that, I’d like to say that I am very sorry that Atlantis was cancelled and that it pissed you off. Personnally, I was more a fan of SG-1 because R.D. Anderson was in it. Now lets get back to the subject in question. I think… Read more »

15 years ago

I took the “pictures of Brian tying his shoes” as a joke, and I think that’s how it was intended. Stargate fans tend to be rabid consumers of the minutiae of life on set, and I took Joe’s comment as tongue-in-cheek to that effect. He posts pics of Second Grips standing around, and many readers eat it up. :)

Atlantis Rocks
Atlantis Rocks
15 years ago

Stew14, thank you for your comments. first of all not attacking the actors see my comment ” I personally hope it sinks like the Titanic, this is not an reflection the actors or the crew” Though I have to say NONE of the actors appeal or their charators bio’s. Personal never cared for Robert Carlyle and LDP, an they are the only 2 actors I have ever seen or heard off but that is just my PO. 2nd, I have NO idea about the comment of giving someone a coffee when they get up???? I live in the UK an… Read more »

15 years ago

wow!!! I’m speachless…

15 years ago

I’m pretty much in agreement here with Atlantis Rocks, I saw the blog and JUST thought OMG now what!!!!!!. This whole debate is just stupid really sorry that’s IMHO, everyone sees something differently especially wht is and what’s not funny or tongue in cheek. I think its just a stupid comment and not very funny, but then I’m Save SGA campaigner so maybe I‘m bias. Atlantis Rocks your points 1, 4 & 5 TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU an as for throwing your dummy out the pram, ” way to go” done it a fair few times my self lately over… Read more »

15 years ago

LOL, LOL, LOL now I know I’m living in the twilight zone. Oh dear me, dont know much about this Joe M bloke, never read his blog, going by the above snippit not gonna bother LOL. Using twitter for god sake and shoe changing LOL LOL. Sorry but Twitter is just about as moronic as face book and all that other social networking crap. PICK UP THE PHONE AND TAlK TO YOUR MATES!!!! Well if? the shoe changing remark is a joke (rolls around on floor laughing “NOT”) its just stupid, an very very childish. The worlds gone mad, stark… Read more »

15 years ago

Grown adults having a temper tantrum over a television series.
I’m not saying by that, that it was not a good one. what I’m saying, is that it’s not normal to see rational adults getting that upset about the cancellation of a TV series as if they had lost their most precious possession (like their life)???!!!
People dragging endlessly a “shoe picture comment” because they have nothing smarter to say…
(…so much for trying not to get involved any further in a sterile conversation…)

15 years ago

Stew 14, first of all I am not saying that maybe some people have had a tendency to over react, but people are very angry and upset by the axing of the show, but I think its more to do with the WAY its been axed and there have been some very horrible remarks and comments made by certain people which have alienated a great many of us, an I do include myself in that. I do not think people are trying it as you put acquainting it ” to like losing their life” in importance. I honestly think that’s… Read more »

15 years ago

Hello Dumbledore, Why I am being so insistent? simply because I don’t think its right to condemn a show that hasn’t even started . I believe that if you’re truly a Stargate fan, no matter what it’s called, whether it is SG-1, Atlantis, Universe, you should still be a fan!!! If that’s not the case, you were not a true fan in the first place!! Star Trek has many different series, why can’t the Stargate franchise do the same??? I thought what people liked about the Stargate franchise what the whole concept surrounding the gates… What’s wrong with exploring different… Read more »

15 years ago

Stew 14, I am trying to understand your point of view, I really I am. I do agree that there are some very negative and overly emotional responses above. But some of your points I just do not agree with. Firstly, I have enjoyed the Stargate film, not overly loved but liked it, it was ok, this did not make me an automatic fan of the SG1. Infact I didn’t even watch the first series, I only started to watch on the second time around, an to be fair it took a while to get into it. Yes I did… Read more »

Atlantis Rocks
Atlantis Rocks
15 years ago

Stew14 “lol” I’m a women not a man, and I do live in the UK born & bred. If you want to interpret me as you have done “so be it”, suffice to say your version “lol” of what I what I said means is totally inaccurate, but your entitled 2 your opinion & as am I to mine. An maybe if you look outside this comments board you would actually see that there are a lot of other people who see it in a very similar style we can’t all be wrong, I think you might find the pages… Read more »

15 years ago

Even in a democracy, there are ways to express your opinion when you don’t aggree or are not in favor of something. There is a right way and a wrong way to do and say things. If we were allowed to do anything we wanted, there would not be a need for a court system.
As for you Atlantis Rocks, your last entry confirmed further my opinion of you and don’t think by saying that you are a women, that I’m going to have a better opinion of you.