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14 years ago

“People will notice in the back 10 [episodes], the growth of the show,” Ferreira said. “And it was always their plan to sort of establish things initially. Ten episodes have just grown, and there seems to be that growth just happening from this moment on. I think the old fans who might have said, ‘It’s not the same show,’ might be surprised in fact with what’s coming.” I will not fall for your spin again. Sorry guys but i cant trust you, even though the trailer rocked (i seriously need to know who edits the trailers, he must be a… Read more »

14 years ago

“One of the things that we have really noticed is that we are keeping those fans”
Talk about living in a fantasy world.

14 years ago

It took 10 Episodes to say that Lt. Scott had Tiger Woods Syndrome, Chloe Wanted to cry at the drop of a hat, Rush was a Phsychopath, Young was a masochistic coward and Greer was a Maniac? No Really, After 10 Episodes, this is what the writers wanted to drag out through 10 Episodes? Funny, Atlantis Episodes “Vegas” and “Enemy at the Gate” had material for atleast 2 episodes each, but was shoe-horned into a Sardine can of 1 episode? After all this “Character Development” (Their words, not mine), and singing “Getting to know you, getting to know all about… Read more »

14 years ago

By fans, he’s referring to the real fans that are excited to see how the series unfolds. You know, the ones that weren’t bashing the show before it hit the air and continue to bash it because SG-1 isn’t front and center. I’m looking forward to the last ten episodes of season 1 and the next 20 in season 2.

Imitation Tofu
Imitation Tofu
14 years ago

It’s not like the actors would ever say that the first 10 episodes were for nothing. With all this talk about payoff they’re admitting that these first episodes don’t stand strongly on their own.

14 years ago

“By fans, he’s referring to the real fans that are excited to see how the series unfolds.”

Yes, because obviously only the slobbering fans of this show are “real” fans. The rest of us who were fans of the Stargate franchise since “Children of the Gods” don’t matter because we’re not interested in SGU.

14 years ago

“…even putting Stargate’s built-in audience at risk.”
Looks to me like he’s talking about hardcore Stargate fans. A lot of those were very disappointed with the Universe episodes so far. You can’t deny that, we’ve all seen the stormflood of messages from people that feel that way.
But you go ahead and feel better than all those people because you after all are a ‘real fan’.
To me it’s simply an insult that even though they are thoroughly aware of the s**tstorm they envoked they are now stating that they didn’t lose any fans.

14 years ago

If by “keeping those fans” you mean downward sliding ratings, then yes, yes you are.

Seriously, how can anyone say anything about keeping viewers if the ratings have a downward trend?

14 years ago

“Yes, because obviously only the slobbering fans of this show are “real” fans. The rest of us who were fans of the Stargate franchise since “Children of the Gods” don’t matter because we’re not interested in SGU.”

What about those of us who have been fans of the franchise for the past eight years (mid-season 6 SG1) and were happy to have given SGU a chance and have been pleasantly surprised thus far? Do I not matter in the same way you felt you did not?

14 years ago

I have been very vocal about my dislike of SGU due to what I think has been very poorly written and developed characters. But I am cautiously hopeful that the second half of the show will change my mind. I think back to the first two seasons of Star Trek: The Next Generation. Horrible, horrible show. Then come third season they changed some stuff around, tweaked a couple of characters and the show became a huge hit. If SGU’s writers really are listening to the fans and are willing to adjust the show it may turn out to be a… Read more »

jaffa orange
jaffa orange
14 years ago

so you are saying that folks who do not loke the show are not real stargate fans then? even though we have dedicated 15 years of our lives to the franchise.

14 years ago

I have been a fan since the beginning. Starting with the movie and has seen every ep. as it aired. I can tell you that people that don’t watch SciFi won’t for any reason at all watch a show taht is in space in a space ship and hear nothing but a bunch of bickering going on. Now if Young would step up to the plate and run the ship like a REAL person in the military would and drop all of this politically back stabbing crap and someone else having sex with your wife crap then they still will… Read more »

shaking my head
shaking my head
14 years ago

“Hey this is just a good drama set in space.” Take out the word ‘good’ and I couldn’t agree more. It’s like Gray’s Anatomy isn’t a medical show, just a drama (oi, the drama) set in a hospital. When an episode plot can be described without mentioning who is sleeping with whom and who is watching said sleeping around, I might actually attempt again to watch the show. Might. Maybe I’ll try the Shanks episode… a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down.

14 years ago

jjs, theres nothing to improve, the second half was already filmed BEFORE SGUs pilot even aired and the backlash started.

If they listened to fans it will only show in season 2 not 11-20 of S1

14 years ago

hay i like all the stargates that are out except the cartoon one and i think you all should give it a chance. just take it episode by episode if u don’t like that episode then find something else to watch but give it a chance and i like thoughs new aliens they look awsome

14 years ago

“I think that people who have stuck with the show and who have spent the time to get to know the characters are going to experience a very big payoff on Friday night,” Smith said Since when did having a “Touchy, feely moment” with a poorly written CHARACTER, ever pay off? I sure didn’t get Elyese’s digits, or put Ming Na on my christmas card list. Of course these actors cannot very well say, “Blimey Mate,This aint Brilliant at all”. That’s like writing themselves out of a job. So of course the actors will just keep shovelling Male Bovine Excrement.… Read more »

14 years ago

oops I forgot to add. I wonder what they meant by a “Big Payoff”. Were they thinking of sending a payment to everyone who watches it live, like that chain email that’s going around, where Bill Gates is (supposedly) paying money for just forwarding the email to all your friends?

jaffa orange
jaffa orange
14 years ago

TPTB are no better than the priors, the only want our blind faith and belief in something that does not warrant or deserve it. Next thing you know they will want us all in prostration chanting hallowed is sgu

14 years ago


14 years ago

“Yes, because obviously only the slobbering fans of this show are “real” fans. The rest of us who were fans of the Stargate franchise since “Children of the Gods” don’t matter because we’re not interested in SGU.” I’ve been a fan since the original movie, and I love SGU. That show is doing right what almost every sci-fi show (including SG-1, mind you) is doing wrong, by having an ongoing story arc that continues in every episode. And the person you quoted was right. While you don’t have to religiously love every show/episode to be a true fan, at the… Read more »

14 years ago

Double post, I know. Shoot me.:P

You might argue (if you’ve seen the show) that Babylon 5 had several episodes in its first season that foreshadows things to come, but then your wasting your breath. SGU is the same way:

The 8-symbol address, the aliens following the Destiny, the Ancient chair, and that’s just the first half.

jaffa orange
jaffa orange
14 years ago

If thats just the first half does that mean that there is only half to go before it ends?
LOL we can only hope

14 years ago

I just wanted to throw in my support for SGU in a shockingly negative thread. We’re not all haters out here! I’ve been a Stargate fan since SG-1 season 7, and I’m loving SGU!

14 years ago

Universe is legend, ive watched every episode of SG-1 and atlantis over and over and yes they were brilliant, Universe is a different kettle of fish is an intelligent persons sci fi show no glitz and glamour, the world isnt like that.

Long live DESTINY.
Keep up the good work

14 years ago

I’m with “jjs”. What s/he said is exactly where I am right now. Benefit-of-the-doubt, wait-and-see.

14 years ago

@ Evilslayer

“I should also point out that Babylon 5 had an even worse first season, and we all know how that show turned out.”

The first season of Babylon 5 is MUCH BETTER than what we have seen so far of SGU! I doubt that SGU will ever reach the level of Babylon 5 first season.

14 years ago

I 100% agree with jaffa orange… There are people out there, myself included, that LOVE SGŮ. I can’t wait for neither SGŮ 1.5, nor the 2nd season. 40 episodes of total awesomeness!

14 years ago

I have been a Stargate fan since season 7 of SG-1(I was 8). But I didn’t become a huge fan until Stargate Atlantis. After I got into SGA, I went back and watched all episodes of SG-1. Now I am a huge fan of all 3 shows. Now I will admit that SGU isn’t as good as it could be (just the first 10 episodes), but that doesn’t mean I will give up on the show. Since SGU is still Stargate, I will watch it no matter what! What I am trying to say is stop posting bad comments about… Read more »

jaffa orange
jaffa orange
14 years ago

that works both ways and i am free to say what i believe unless the mods want to delete this post as well in case it scares people away from watching the show

14 years ago

Oh for crying out loud. Once again, Jaffa Orange comes in, spews some pithy nonsense about how horrible the show is, then refuses to engage other commenters in a discussion. Every single one of your comments can be reduced to 3 words: “I hate SGU”. You don’t bother to explain. You say that the crew is desperate to drive up ratings and save what you’ve arbitrarily decided is a sinking show. The right to voice your opinion doesn’t free you from the obligation for it to be reasoned if you want to be taken as more than easily ignored hater… Read more »

14 years ago


14 years ago

I wonder if it is still possible to make these characters likable?
The show really lost me when they showed Col. Everett doing you know what in someone eles body. I mean that was just creepy.
I’ll keep watching though but as of right now I don’t see this going beyond 2 seasons.

14 years ago

And yes the stargate franchise did need better character development and I was pumped up for this show but the characters are just so dreary and rather sleezy and dreadful. They are not evil and I can forgive them for all the wrong they have done but would I really want to be around them? For example I forgive Tiger Woods but do I really want to watch him play golf anymore…not really. Am I being too harsh? Am I not fully forgiving if I can’t even watch the man play golf? Ha, sorry I got carried away.

14 years ago

“I should also point out that Babylon 5 had an even worse first season, and we all know how that show turned out.”

Well, thats like, just your opinion dude.

14 years ago

I’m looking forward to seeing the rest of the season. I like the darker aspect of the show, but it seems to only be piercing the surface of a much broader, deeper, and more intriguing storyline. These people are billions of light years away from Earth, going further into the great expanse of the universe, on a ship they cannot control, with people dying around them, with inherent dangers in much of what they do and find, and they are divided in their ideals, values, and allegiances. With less than 100 people, no constant food/water supplies (and threats to those… Read more »

14 years ago

I’ve been watching since the original movie came out- casually at first, but then truly became addicted around season 5. I bought most of the seasons of atlantis. I have been really dissapointed with SGU so far- I dont want to watch a syfy soap. I want more of SG1 and Atlantis. if the team-based missions dont come back, I’m going to have a hard time being excited to watch it anymore. I hope the hype for the second half is true.

14 years ago

I like SGU!!! just the way it is!!! I really don’t see the point in complaining about it. If you are a true fan…you would like it too. When your wife, husband, gf, bf, or child changes a little or does something you disagree with, do you continuously wine and stop caring for them, or do you accept the changes and love them for who they are? This is Stargate now! Get over it!! And besides, there is still not much better on TV right now. Nothing compares to any kinda Stargate. All these people saying that they are gonna… Read more »

14 years ago

Yeah I mean, all you people slating SGU’s, sometimes rocky, not conventional first half all have fantastically brilliant tv shows, that have been renewed for a second season, with fantastic, flawless writing, excellent plots, superb characters. Stop thinking of SGU as a continuation of sg1 or atlantis, its a brand new child that needs time to grow.

14 years ago

Said it before and I’ll say it again. You can throw all the aliens and space battles into this show that you want. Without making these characters likeable or interesting than I could not care less about whats happening to or around them.

14 years ago


I am one of *those* fans, so are many others.

14 years ago

Why do people want more of the same? Atlantis devolved into a poor SG1 clone and now the team are trying something different. I dont want a SG team going from planet to planet in the same routine and flirtation, escaping ‘certain’ doom and finding time to make jokes throughout. I want character development (whether they are likeable or not),and built up plot elements mixed in with the humour and action that defines Stargate. While you could argue the humour and action were missing it slowly came back in the latter episodes and from the trailer looks like it is… Read more »

14 years ago

I’ve been a fan since Encounter at Farpoint for TNG in 1987 when I was born…Yea, I’m a dork. I’ve enjoyed all Trek Series, all SG series, and SGU is no different. It’s great story telling and it’s keeping it fresh rather than rehashing the same stuff with the same people over and over again. I’m glad to watch where this show goes, keep up the new brew!!

14 years ago

I am tempted to watch it friday. I quit somewhere back I think it was called Earth.

But like many people, since it’s stargate, we want to enjoy the show. But so far it has failed to captivate me like SGA did.

14 years ago

I’m not getting the great story telling in SGU at all. What great story telling. The characters spend most of their time screaming and yelling at one another or sleeping with each other. What’s intelligent or interesting about that. The plots have almost been non existant. Not one of the characters has shown any outstanding qualities or enough to make the show interesting. We have a soap opera on a space ship. Whats so different about that, whats new. There are dozens of soap opera shows out there with much more compelling characters. So now suddenly the creators want to… Read more »

14 years ago

I love the fact that everyone here shares their opinions with us that read here. Over time I have even caught a glimpse at a few real fans out there, but most of what I see is very negative. For it to bee sci-fi does there have to be epic space battles, and poorly written dialog every episode? People here have mentioned that SGU is terrible and I think that is unfair! If I had judged SG-1 the same way i would have never watched it. The pilot “Children of the Gods” was HORRIBLE! So badly done that they re-… Read more »

14 years ago

I do no understand why people have to state how long they have been watching the show before they make comment about SGU. Perhaps someone can explain to me the difference between a real fan and a fake one? As for the article and SGU in general I found the first part of season 1 somewhat slow and the characters painfully clique. I am not sure why Eli is even there. They seem to be trying to appeal to the lowest common denominator by having a fat geek on the the show. I have no problem with drama but I… Read more »

14 years ago

Sitting in my fence waiting so far character development, hasn’t been what i expected, sure it has darker tonnes but you know what sometimes not knowing every detail about a character makes them more interesting, but so far as I said still on the fence will wait and finish watching the season as I wasn’t a big fan of SGA at the start so giving it a shot. I like how everyone speaks their mind if u dont like thats cool if u like it sweet, we are all entitled to praise or bash the show dont let anyone tell… Read more »

14 years ago

@ lmaceleighton 24 isn’t part of an established franchise, so your comparison doesn’t make sense. The pilot and the first three seasons of SG1 were good. Otherwise there wouldn’t have been seasons 4-10. The TPTB wanted to make a completely different series, but were too coward to do it without the Stargate name attached. They thought that “Stargate’s built-in audience” will watch SGU for sure and that they can add a few new viewers. Now they and SGU fans have to live with it, that not all for their “old” fans are happy with SGU and voice their opinions. They… Read more »

14 years ago

“I love the fact that everyone here shares their opinions with us that read here. Over time I have even caught a glimpse at a few real fans out there, but most of what I see is very negative.” Condescending much? Who are you to decide who is a “real fan”? Can you only be a “real fan” of Stargate if you love everything that has the SG name on it? Should we squeal in joy every time Mallozzi says something? Does that constitute a “real fan”? I hope its not what you are implying. “For it to bee sci-fi… Read more »

14 years ago

After taking time to read the comments, it seems that Stargate fandom has once again devolved into the petty bickering about what a fan is. This reminds me of when SGA came out and some fans declaring that you weren’t a “true” / “loyal” fan unless you watched ALL the Stargate series, etc. etc., blah blah blah. I really dislike when fans take it upon themselves to make these edicts and declarations. You can be a fan of Stargate and love SG1, hate SGA, be so-so about SGU, or hate SGU, love SGA, be so-so about SG1. There’s nothing chiseled… Read more »